Typical Fun moments from a week or two ago - Poor chap was a bit too reserved and let me crawl all over him.
Just a short video.
execution on point!
Dem new Maeda Taison matches!!! :rock::love:
There was a GodsGarden #4 qualifier at A-Cho held last night, Maeda was in attendance (rocking his Orange Alt q costume). He made it far (Loser’s final) before being taken out by MDR’s Yun in a Salty Runback after Maeda sent his ass to the Loser’s semis bracket. Plus, he hasn’t played in awhile. Well, there’s tons of video of him shown. I have every match of his timestamped since it’s still in stream form. I mentioned the tourney to OverHeadGreg and hopefully he’ll upload these to his YouTube account soon.
24:15 vs Sim
27:40 vs Yang
1:55:00 vs Sim
1:59:40 vs Sim
13:00 vs Dogura #1Dictator
29:25 vs Markun Yun
32:17 vs Markun Yun
1:02:00 vs MDR Yun #4 overall BP
1:05:50 vs MDR Yun
17:10 vs KOK Fei
21:00 vs KOK Fei
26:40 vs MDR Yun
28:40 vs MDR Yun
Hell, I’ll even post his Twitter account for those who can read the text.
UPDATED: Looks like Greg got some of his matches uploaded. more to come
The maakun and MDR matches.
Can’t say no to good ole Maeda
Also, on the scrubby side of the stick, here’s other typical funny moments of mine:
More Balrog matches on my channel below. Sub if you’d like.
hmmm…in that situation he couldn’t block, so there’s not really a way to know if it was a cross-up or not. but i do know that he moves forward during the FA release animation. that’s probably what that is. I know the only other situation you can replicate something that looks like j.hk crossing up is if you’re playing against fuerte and you do cr.hk, he reversal U2’s and you hold up during the freeze and press j.hk. That crosses up and you don’t lose your back-charge even though you switch sides (so you can do j.hk, U1).
funny that, last week i did an unintentional fluke j.hk cross-up on a standing sagat who was blocking. i attempted a (fail) safe jump after a sweep. i was tripping out. It was an offline match so i couldn’t replay it to see exactly how i did it
hey guys i hadnt been here in a while and i see that smoove187 put a vid of my balrog daviddangerous. Anyone else here play psn?
This goes out to ole Bootzsneez who had to talk some mad game after I whipped his Dudley.
He then begged to play me again saying that I was "playin like a bitch"
FAIL @ couterpicking
Sorry guys, I dont know how to embed the video
Figured it out
anyone need help with the guy matchup. me and ACE go back and forth he plays a great guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAPJMVzgs5o