"Needs more Dudley!" The Boxer Video Thread

Nice. Hey how big are your Youtube videos before you upload them to Youtube? What file compression software do you use and what setting do you use?

Me vs ZeroX03’s Ryu.

I’m not a big fan of uploading amateur replays especially on this board, but here’s mine.


I decided my first upload to be a loss, so I could learn from it with feedback from you guys. Made a few wrong button presses as I am down a finger (broke it and in a splint). Pointers from 3nigmat1c or anyone is appreciated.

Pretty much gave up at the end of round 2. Couldn’t be bothered playing another online Ryu. But when it got to round 3 and I had the life lead and lost, I got depressed. I should just kill myself :frowning:

Blanka and Bison match I played earlier. Hated these matchups in Super, still hate them in AE.




Casual matches from PR Rog (bad quality)


Not bad. When it was the last round and you had the lead; just continue crouching. Remember, Ryu now has to fight his way out of the corner now. If you feel the focus attack is coming, you can just jab him twice,tap or dash smash to make sure he knows his place

vs. Ryu
Round 1: You had about four opportunities to show him that he couldn’t get free chip damage with the fireball, you could have inserted a headbutt or ultra somewhere in there (and don’t get me wrong, this can be baited and punished), try training mode and figure out what’s bad spacing and what’s good spacing for him to do blockstrings into fireballs (look @3:00 where you jumped out of cr.mk xx hado). Otherwise you know how unsafe jumping in is. If he lets you jump in for free, then yes, by all means take the free pressure, but he he starts dping your jump-ins, don’t give away free damage.
Round 2: I really like your punishing of the whiffed tatsu (fyi, cr.hp/st.hp is be best whiff punish, you can also whiff punish with TAP, but those are the safest/easiest). I think in general you were letting him jump-in for free Round 2. Good guess on the OH though.
Round 3: I can see your annoyance lol. but I can see you did kinda give up on the match. But i’ll say that in general, your issue was spacing. Because in other matches you showed that you knew how to AA, but in this match it looked like you didn’t because you felt like it would trade or get beat out completely, but you didn’t move to a space where he couldn’t jump-in semi-safely, in those cases st.lp or st.mp can get the job done for you.

vs. Dictator
Round 1: You did let him whiff slide for free, but right on with putting him in the corner so he didn’t get the spacing he needed for scissor kick shenanigans. I feel that you should have move the match mid-screen, simple because you can break his back-charge without putting yourself at risk, If you keep him in the corner, you should hover out of cr.lk/cr.mk range so you can poke his scissor kicks with cr.hk and beat them clean, so his only way out is ex.dr/ex.pc which you can punish with TAP or on block. Generally Bison is the easiest person to safe jump, they’re the easiest to eyeball so you won’t get tagged by a 12f ultra :[ .

Round 2: Awesome punish for his incessant focus attacks.
Round 3: You did well. Good round.

vs. Blanka
You had the match, you can punish some of his balls on block and hit (especially in the corner). Also when you whiffed super into the corner, you could have been maintaining your down-back-charge and punished any attempt to chase. At that point, i think the only thing he could do to chase would be ultra 2 or rainbow ball.

That Round 2 OH was simply a scrubby online tactic. My mentality was that if this doesn’t work, I’ll be dead, but at least the pain that is Ryu will be over lol. If I get into Round 3, then bonus. Win-win situation lol.

Totally agree that I need to work on spacing, and be in and out like a ninja. Hopefully, some of it will come more naturally as I become more accustomed to using a stick. I think this guy kinda scared me by going random at certain points in the match. He broke me and left me thinking - what on earth is he thinking? I think I’ll go through some Rog vs Ryu vids to get the proper spacing down for next time as well.

I think my reactions are grandma-like, I jaw dropped when I couldn’t punish his whiffed slides. Can’t remember if I pressed the button too early or late or not even. Never thought of taking Bison mid screen, always been scared of his st.hk and scissor kicks. I’ll definitely take that into note for next time.

Thanks for the advice. Helpful stuff I really should remember rather than going into autopilot.

RopeDrink has gotten his dirty gloves on SSF4 AE for PC - Yes, more keyboard shinanigans!

2nd day in and I’ve been messing about in endless - Some matchups I hate equally as much as I did in Vanilla so no new territory for me other than the new characters. Anyhow, had a fun moment earlier today - Got a bit confident after the first round (near perfect) and ended up playing horrid - The guy was clearly out to show me up and burned so much meter to look fancy for the crowd - Big mistake :stuck_out_tongue:


That was one amazing comeback! Good stuff going on there, he could only go on the offense after all.

Heh, thanks - I’m suprised I clawed it out but after baiting that first SRK I kinda guessed he’d be mashing them trying to go for that last hit, so my whole faith was in that EX Headbutt - He had no meter and only EX SRK would have beaten it unless he just plain blocked, which he should have done.

Watch the master at work.


I know its cheesy to pimp my youtube account in here, but I would always like to get some feedback on my boxer.

Let me know what you think, I only have a few videos and its a new camera, so they are really just test videos.
So the quality my not be that great.


Just on a side note, the video posted just above me is not pr rog.
You will have to trust me on this, but its not him.
Whoever it is, is pretty good but not Rog good.


Went through the whole thing, very informative. I just wanna ask you something about ice0age though. In many of his vids, it appears like he just goes after Guile and jumps a lot too (usually with a roundhouse and sometimes even a short). I didn’t think there was a way to safely jump in on Guile unless you space it appropriately over a boom, but he makes it look like there’s no punishment. Is ice0age just reckless, or so good that his pressure cracks his opponent?

well if guile doesn’t have down-charge he doesn’t have a general purpose AA for sure. Guile can still use normals, but depending on spacing he he trade or be beat clean altogether. It’s really reckless to jump in on a guile with down-charge, but otherwise, pressuring guile from the air and really close is what wins you the match imo.

Just a shame I couldn’t achieve this in a more ‘skilled’ scenario but still, it was amusing doing this for a crowd - Felt sorry for the guy but that didn’t stop me laughing at my first ever… Well, you’ll see:


No disrespect intended to the opponent… Even if he only blocked a grand total of ONE special.

Good Lord RopeDrink!

Here is a small video is me playing an Abel (Prof.X) over a GameWarz in Miami Florida.

First to 5, money match.

Playing on 360 so I drop some things.

Hopefully, they can repair and reupload the rest of the videos so that I can upload them.


This match is exactly why I love Street Fighter so much.
I used to call this game the “gentlemans fighting game” or a fighting games version of Chess.

Rog against Guile.
The first thing I noticed was the amount of time you stayed in BD charge mode. There were a number of occasions where Rog and Guile just stared at eachother for a few moments. I got news… Guile wins that battle everytime. You have to push Guile around, push him back and constantly put pressure on him. Close the distance. If he is in BD mode, then move forward a littlebit, dont be afraid to eat a Flash kick, its way to risky for a good player to just throw out there. AND… if he does and you block it, MAKE SURE you maximize your punish, dont just throw him… PUNISH that shit. If you just throw or hit him with a normal, then he will be more likely to throw out that random flash. You have really good distance on your CR and SR and SF and MS and CS to not use them. Get close and throw out a sweep, then get close throw out a SF, keep him guessing and keep him blocking.
Your main objective is to move him to the corner, and because Guile is not built for rush down (even though some Guile players treat him as just the opposite) so if he is trying to rush you down, wipe your chin and have at him. Remember to keep an eye on his EX, because if he has it, he is going to throw one out randomly just to keep you at bay, when he uses all of those up, start to EX rush every once in a while just to close the distance.
If he is following his sonic booms then FADC those and repeat. Remember that your goal is to move him into the corner.
SO… that bieng said… dont jump in and move him out of the corner. Always stay in front of him and keep up the pressure, try not to let him get up and move forward at all. If you can bait out Flash Kicks, thats huge. So stand up move forward and box, throw in a couple of tick throws and you will irritate Guile to sodium mega levels. Keep up random jabs, in the hopes that he tries to counter with something that you can punish. Rogs footsie game is probably the best in the game so use that.

I am going to see if I have a good Guile match to post up that shows me using some of those tactics. Believe me when I say that this is a hard match for Balrog, if you are playing a GOOD Guile, it can be very difficult to move in on him and push him to the corner. You have to get over the sonic boom fear factor. I.E. Dont be afraid to just block them all. Take some time and focus absorb some of them just to build up meter, but for the most part block and move forward rinse and repeat until you have him in the corner or force him to rush you down I.E commit Guile Suicide.

I hope this helps even a little bit, but most importantly HAVE FUN. The Guile match is a good way to test your Rog skills.

*Whenever you absorb an attack, blocking subsequent attacks reduces the gray life you have left over much quicker than if you’d just blocked (or so it seems). <- *

It’s just visual, you can check in training that it’s exactly the same.