"Needs more Dudley!" The Boxer Video Thread

@delusional11 Yeh blanka ball is weird, doesn’t break armor and if you’re out of range of the initial hit (that does no damage), you can block it, ex.dash, dash under ultra etc. You can safe jump it too, but it’s really weird. The MU thread has a video of someone (I forget who, sry :[ ) who found ways to punish it. The ex.hb is really spacing depending, it’s really easy for blanka to move through you and just hold the ultra to stay in place and punish you as you land.

Was that a ultra cancel from dash punch in that match against Sagat? Great content, man.

nope, dash ultra.

That’s what I figured, it just looked like some shit HDR Rog would do. :slight_smile:

Damn, what a beast.

@Norieaga you can’t cancel a dash punch into ultra, unless it’s an EX armor cancel (correct me, if I’m wrong)

Recent SBO qualifying match with Aojiru Zabel vs Kazunoko (Yun).

2 new -R- (ice0age) matches from XBL.

Watching that match was depressing. :frowning:

Wow nearly every character thread I visit people are depressed about the Twins. :frowning: Come on, us charge characters need to step it up


Or you won’t be getting your fight money! (lol he came with my Bison plush, he looks totally retarded >.>)

He looks like some brown Japanese monster.


ice0age R XBL


I really feel ashamed posting videos after those ice0age videos, but I’ll do it anyways.
A couple of matches with a Fei Long from Swiss.

And the second one which was very close :slight_smile:

Nice matches.

Hey how come your screen doesn’t show the BP and PP stats. Can you turn it off? I haven’t got AE yet, but please tell me it’s possible to take it off. The minimalist in me hates a cluttered screen.

Dear LAWD!!! -R-

Yeah you can turn it off. Also you can turn those titles off too, but I kinda like them so I kept them. It is under options -> screen/display.

Alright, these are probably going to be my last uploads from Super, enjoy:

Here’s some -R- XBL matches. ShinAkuma has provided links in the description that will take you directly to the match you want to view.