Here’s some footage of TKD (the Vanilla Elf player) playing Rog. I remember him mentioning he was going to dabble with Rog in AE, good to finally see some footage of him.
[media=youtube]NW4ZvcJSW6A]YouTube - SSF4 - Raymond Lau [Balrog] vs leGENdary kiryu [Gen[/media]
[media=youtube]uzS032npw8k]YouTube - SSF4 - Raymond Lau [Balrog] vs leGENdary kiryu [Gen[/media]
Hey guys could I be cheeky and ask for a little support for the latest movie?
Following on from above discussion about learning, I still consider myself a learner after 1.5 years of Balrog as it not only makes the game more fun to try and learn new things but it’s very true no matter how good/bad you are that there’ll always be room to learn.
Tonight I had a good few sessions of SF4 and threw out a few new Keyboard shinanigans - Granted, never anything exceptional and always going to be purely low/midlevel specific (No solid / pro would ever fall for my stuff, especially not Overhead abuse) but I do try to put on a show as best I can
Lot of TAP Ultra (From FA’s, AA’s), Headbutt Crossovers, Double Headbutts, Combos from CForward on standing people (Like doing this a lot lately, solid meaty and will also hit on backdashes or people trying to block high, combo’able into Jab or Standing Jab for Headbutt Ultras) and whatever other scrubby shit I’ve been throwing out there.
Absolutely dying to get my hands on AE for PC once released even though it’ll be a bit weird adapting to such a big batch of Balrog changes from Vanilla!
More. Learning 'Rawg basics, definitely making him my main. I think I have solid footsies and reading, just need to apply his specific setups and whatever.
Hey guys, I had an idea about a matchup specific youtube playlist. Where there’s 1-3 (max) matches/sets with every character that generally shows how the matchup is supposed to/can be played. I’m also planning to start recording some of my own matches against obscure matchups (e.g. Deejay) and obscure playstyles for known characters since i’m playing online again.
In general i’m trying to gauge interest before I put in the effort. What do you guys think?