"Needs more Dudley!" The Boxer Video Thread

Iceage is great, he knows all the non-AE match-ups and I always impressed by his level of execution, although I do think Maeda Taison is better, because he knows when to turtle. I believe DMG PR Rog is the best Balrog in the world right now. He’s so damn smart, his execution is always on point, and knows when to fall back on defense and when to go balls in(and I think having that kind of intelligent/patient play shows a real understanding of the game, and separates the Iceage/JSMaster Balrog players from the PR Rog/Maeda Taison Balrog players).

Does Pamyu play SSF4/AE? I haven’t seen him since the Vanilla days.

He does according to Reno (from SRK). He sees Pamyu playing every now and then at his local arcade. Pamyu hasn’t entered any tournaments yet.

As far as ice0age being free to top tier comp…I agree. ShinAkuma swears that ice is the best Rog out there currently. That’s his opinion which he is entitled, but I think other Boxers (Maeda, PR Rog, Pamyu) strategically out think their opponents. Ice0age needs to learn when to chill out with the rushdown shit.

I guess ice0age has gone back to fucking around on Xbox Live. 2 recent matches uploaded by ShinAkuma.

[media=youtube]mvJFqk-d3Eg]YouTube - ice0age r [Balrog] vs frostmaelstrom [Fei] SSF4 Japanese Online Ranked Matches - Xbox Live [1 of 2[/media]


[media=youtube]3XtBRveUO7k]YouTube - ice0age r [Balrog] vs yoshigyu [Balrog] beya from gama [Dudley[/media]

@BlackVegeta Thanks for posting. :slight_smile:

No prob

Execution of a God, mind of a human…A wasted talent :frowning:

Lol, not really, unless you call the #1 balrog in AE, and the only one with 50,000+ BP a wasted talent. O_O

“wasted” seems a bit harsh. :stuck_out_tongue:

The 50k BP is probably because he lives at the arcade. I’m sure if Maeda Taison was grinding as much as he did in Vanilla, I’m sure he would have alot more BP than what he has right now.

Maeda Taison = Patient, ability to read opponent, beaten high level players. More credibility in Japan (tournament scene).
Ice = Fun to watch, godlike execution, Youtube sensation (very little tournament scene recognition), reckless as fuck.

Once again, everyone is entitled to their opinion. :stuck_out_tongue:

Watching him is like watching how I used to play… Well, minus godlike execution and disgustingly delicious comboability that is :stuck_out_tongue: Think of a 85% Execution Accuracy player who does simple BnB’s and you get the idea.

A while back, once the announcer said “FIGHT” it was just a 100% rush to get their HP down to zero as quick as possible and, sadly, I share Ice’s odd overuse of TAP and lack of idea when to just, you know, BACK OFF.

Seeing his videos did two things for me… a) Make me realise just how fun and devastating Balrog is despite his reputation (nay, FACT) of his linear style and b) Help me see for myself just how bad it is for Rog’s who just don’t know how to exercise a bit of patience.

Ice win ratio would skyrocket if he just relaxed… If he threw that relentless reckless aggression to get a lead THEN back up and use it defensively he’d be an absolute horrible person to beat… But yeah, as long as he stays reckless and ignorant to how easy he is to punish thanks to his current style, he’ll always lose when it matters. Only thing keeping him afloat is the fact that, once he hit, he hits like a motherfucking trainwreck with those disgusting combo’s for huge chunks… But then I see him get sizeable lifeleads and just casually throws it away TAP’ing like a nutcase or doing completely uneccessary stuff. This is why, as far as Japan goes, Maeda will always be above him.

He is still without a doubt the most fun Balrog I have ever watched, and I’ve watched an absolute truck load.

Just uploaded some videos against players like Mr. SNK, Hugo101, German Luger and others.

Actually, this is what PR Rog looked like as well back in December vs. Wolfkrone. Then go back to that tourney he just won, and he’s the most patient Rog i’ve seen.

Apparently Maeda Taison, ice0age (-R-), and Pamyu will be attending this stream 39 vs 39 tournament tonight. Japanese Boxer heaven! Hopefully the archive the stream for those that can’t watch it. Supposed to start within the next half hour from now.

Here’s the stream address. mulderhouse on USTREAM: This is TEST Broadcast Channel.

Welp, the 3 didn’t play in the tournament. They were there playing casuals. :confused:

Oh well, hopefully they attend the next NSB that is happening next week.

Here’s some decent Rog play from the tournament.
@ 2:10-2:32

as rog mains we’ve probably have seen most of his matches but its good to have it all his godlike play in one neat video. -R-'s best of video by shin-akuma.

[media=youtube]J1vgqa0GmSM]YouTube - SSF4 - The Best of ice0age r [Balrog[/media]


Thanks for posting. :slight_smile:

Here’s all the Maeda Taison matches from last nights NSB24 tournament. It includes his block matches, Top 8, and semi Final matches

Block matches
NSB24 SSF4AE, nsb nsb_sf4 on USTREAM. Video Game Marathon
01:00:00 - 01:11:15

NSB24 SSF4AE, SSF4AE nsb_sf4 on USTREAM. Video Game Marathon
Top 8
00:12:50 - 00:15:40

Semi Final
00:58:10 - 01:01:15

[media=youtube]D9v2ZTl3Amo]YouTube - SSF4 - Raymond Lau [Balrog] vs. Will Chen [Chun[/media]

[media=youtube]jUb0X28psh8]YouTube - SSF4 - Raymond Lau [Balrog] vs EMP Hiro [Bison[/media]
[media=youtube]YsSjLWujfuo&feature=related]YouTube - SSF4 - Raymond Lau [Balrog] vs EMP Hiro [Bison[/media]

Any tips on the bison/rog matchup?

If you anticipate Headstomps, you can beat them with Neutral Jumping Roundhouse from almost any range.

Long range is the worst as Bison will be heading more towards a Neutral Fierce hitbox (lower) than Roundhouse’horizontal (sideways) box but it can still work at times but at this sort of range a grounded normal is much better anyways - Best used at mid range or close if you’re hella good at reacting to it or anticipating it. Love this against Bisons who just have a habit of opening rounds with Headstomp Devil Reverse meter building and happen to sail into the middle of the arena.

Bison without meter = Can be thrown out of all his normals and specials on wakeup (yes, Scissors and PCrusher) and I find the result of the match heavily boils down to who gains the lifelead via being aggressive at the start and preventing meter building (Not a breeze for Balrog if Bison has range and loves to spam DR’s at long range - If this is the case, you may as well light headbutt anytime he uses a DR to build meter as well).

Bison hasn’t a lot of wakeup options of any real use when he has no meter, also, so I like to mix it up between regular jumpins, jump overs to remove his charge and tick throws to catch him trying any specials (see above).

If you’re going for meaties on wakeup, crouching forward is exceptional - If timed right it will not be hit by wakeup Ultra 1, SKs or EX SKs, PC or EX PC and because it’s such a lopsided move with weird startup/recovery you’ll recover with plenty of time to react to anything else being thrown out, such as backdashes (Sweep or FSJab) or HS / DR’s. Best case scenario it’ll hit, stuff or counter hit for a free combo when he has no meter or doesn’t use Ultra (Sweep or BnB of choice, CMK CJab CShort Headbutt, CMK FSJab Headbutt etc) or simply be blocked into a decent block string. If he does use an EX move CMK will whiff and you will still block.

I find at mid-range, SForward, Roundhouse, CRoundhouse are decent normals for stuffing SK’s when you are advancing and don’t be afraid to neutral jump if he has backcharge but no down-charge - Bisons love to throw out SK’s on a chargeless Balrog trying to get in on him but this will lose to Headstomps or PCrushers if too close while you are falling, if they fall for it, free BnB or Ultra combo from Neutral Fierce.

If you do get in on Bison with a UTK but he’s not in the corner, abuse cross jumping so he loses charge - Bisons under pressure will be looking to use EX PC or SK’s to get away, take this from him.

When he IS in the corner it’s highly likely they will wakeup EX PC if you’re extremely close to get out of the corner, in which case I often try my luck with a backjump fierce on their wakeup which’ll hit him out of it and keep him back at the corner - Failing that he’ll whiff and you’ll be in range of a sweep even if he does get out of the corner. In short, if you suspect a desperation EX PC escape (or if you notice the Bison does it all the time when cornered, try it, you’ll likely hit him clean or if mistimed, trade).

If you’re not playing AE (I’m still playing Vanilla) I like to mix in headbutt crossovers if I don’t feel like jumping over Bison on his wakeup. This builds meter and can be mixed up with light or heavy headbutts to either go over him or stay infront of him and test his blocking. Not the best option but it’s something.

If for some ghastly reason he uses U1 and you block it, hold up-back as he’s passing through you and you’ll jump at him for a free combo punish.

If Bison teleports your jumpins, there is a TAP option select where you’ll hit him on teleports - Failing that, if you predict one, you can even walk forward and just sweep him.

All I can think of at the moment.

Haven’t posted a vid here in ages… Probably with good reason, I’m still the exact same as I was last time - Still, always find time to play like a complete mong :stuck_out_tongue:


If u block a ex psycho crusher relatively close you can punish with auto correct ultra or super for full hits. Squat in front of them on a knockdown and bait it out