Damn, times are tough in Ireland.
Nothing to do with my country, it’s all me and my complete lack of money, though I will be buying a proper gaming rig once I move out again.
Please post more pro videos, folks - It’ll help prevent me from adding my scrubby shit.
Christ I absolutely LOATHE the Mirror Match.
Did you just do crouching jab, standing jab, headbutt at 1:03?
My mind just exploded.
I did indeed and also Headbutt crossover CMK>FSJab>Headbutt mixup at the end of round three (2:20 post Ultra).
Standing Jabs into Headbutt sadly isn’t an uncommon move so I regret I can’t feel cool for doing it. It’s not too difficult ^^ I love Crumples into CS.MK Headbutt - That’s not overly difficult but definately tougher than standing jabs. Does quite a nice amount of damage so if I’m feeling frisky I’ll go for it over CMP Headbutt as it does a bit more damage.
I wanted to catch him with it again when I got a CJab in R3 but he looked a bit too far away and I didn’t want to risk any random headbutts into Ultra.
A couple of Aojuri_Zabel (formerly Aojuri_Guile) matches.
Starts @ 8:05
Boxer vs Boxer (Aojuri is the Boxer in the ALT2 costume)
Boxer vs Yang
There’s also another Boxer playing before if you want to check him out.
I watched that Boxer v Boxer match then watched my own… My god, the difference in skill-level is ridiculous, loved his spacing, just waiting for Dash Punches and TAP’s to punish - I try that stuff but I’ve no concept of spacing or zoning so it’s all a total mess. Hate seeing Boxer’s lose to Yang, seems like a pretty tough fight for ole Rogster
Cammy is super exposed in AE. GGs divekick.
DS isn’t BLACK!?
Does IceAge R still play rog or just fei on the side now?
He still plays Rog. #1 Japenese Rog as far as BP goes. Maeda Taison is 5th.
ice0age also plays a little bit of Cammy in the arcades. He’s probably just experimenting for a secondary for AE.
Here’s an awesome 1st to 5 wins match with ice0age -R (Rog) vs iim83man (Akuma). I’ve never personally seen these sets, even though I’m a YouTube viewing whore when it comes to watching Rog matches. None the less, for the those who haven’t seen these enjoy!
Great set, shame Ice resorts to such reckless movement, he TAPs more than I do! Some sick combos in there as well.
Agreed. That’s only aspect of his style that I don’t agree with.
He has the right idea at times - I do like SOME TAP’s up close like he does as it’ll beat certain problematic moves clean but he seems to use them constantly both for moving and up close, nearly all the time. Against Akuma that is NOT GOOD!
He was always known for being Reckless anyways… And it pays off a lot but if he held back even just a little at times, he’d be an even bigger wrecking ball.
Here’s something a bit different - More for fun/comedy than anything else.
Finland vs Sweden Rog mirror matches.
I played some casuals with Stimpacked and it was surprisingly fun even though mirror matches usually suck.
[media=youtube]dly7fdZhXEQ]YouTube - SSF4 - Raymond Lau [Balrog] vs xYOUNG GUNSx [Dudley[/media]
[media=youtube]DWxaWMPJdTg]YouTube - SSF4 - Raymond Lau [Balrog] vs YODE24 [Sagat[/media]
[media=youtube]RowrtV1yCQs&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL]YouTube - SSF4 - Raymond Lau [Balrog] vs Ozentai [Guile[/media]
Ice0age at the recent Topanga 5 vs 5. 1 match was recorded.
topanga, topanga topanga-jpn on USTREAM. Video Game Marathon
Damn, Ice0age looked pretty damn free in that one.
IceAge is a beast against the very good players. But against the top, he is totally free.
Daigo, Mago and co can react at theses stupid random TAP or dash ex, the Gouki in the ft5 can’t apparently…
That’s why Maeda, or Pamyu are far far from the the level of Ice, cause they are patients, and don’t play so randomly.
Still, Iceage is very fun to watch