Just tell me one thing, and this happens with other Boxers I’ve been seeing lately. Why do you go for the s.lp, c.hk link when you can do an EX Upper and still combo into c.hk if you want the untechable KD? I’m not being arrogant I really want to understand the rationale.
Most of the time the amount of jabs doesn’t really justify the damage you’d get for the Upper loops because of scaling, just better to conserve the meter in most cases.
Yeah, it’s a pretty good idea to rush upper when they’re standing. I just like to get the quick damage and go in again. A bar for Rog is worth more to me than a bit more damage, so PapaRhino was spot on. Rog doesn’t really get free meter like say, Chun-Li or Akuma. On the contrary, though…I would use my meter a bit unwisely to get a lead back. I feel as long as I have a lead with Rog, the character has enough tools to close out the match.
Thanks for sharing, Magneto - One question though, surely you could have EX-HB through Gamerbee’s chip-Super? I don’t have Super so don’t know for sure if it works like it does most other chars Ultras/Supers but it looked like you had enough charge time, I would have given it a shot at least. Also practically all your midscreen rushes got punished by that nasty neutral jump of Adons.
Still a lovely match though, loved the mixup shinanigans in R1
I don’t really main balrog anymore but after i lost the first game as rog i was determined to win. 1-14 later. What’s difficult is how passive you can get in the face of a strong opponent. I did re him with blanka and did way better. Either way check them out if you want to see.
I was thinking about that when I saw it. I broke my charge either just before or during the super. I might have been going for some type of tick throw or tech bait. I wasn’t going to jump, because I knew he knew it was fast enough to catch those. EX headbutt was no longer an option. What I really should have done was start mashing on back dash and try to get away like that. I’m sure EX headbutt would work if I kept the charge, however.
Also - you’re right about Adon’s neutral jump. He can be at the peak of it and still combo low forward -> lyzing jugguh off of it. That roundhouse has insane horizontal range. That’s pretty much why I kept getting hit by it. I thought I could recover and block on time on some of those, then bam lol ate a whole combo.
Oh yeah, the mixup shenanigans lol. Javits taught me Rog throughout a lot of vanilla til now. I do most of his awkward tricks. It’s just about the only thing Rog can do to get a life lead back. Playing solid is only for setting up a nasty/random setup later in the game. My favorite Rogs are Pamyu, Maeda, and Janpo Jr. Their mixup with Rog is too strong.
instantly reacted to jaguar tooth with ex headbutt
second video:
crazy comeback by baiting the DP and then the throw
good attempts at trying to catch gamerbee with s.rh frametraps and dash punch fadc shenanigans. but wow! gamerbee is patient.
if I had to make any suggestions against gamerbee I’d say delay your s.RH frametraps just a tiny bit longer (not in the beginning, but toward the end of the second match), and actually go for the throw more often instead of the frametrap. It looked like by the end gamerbee wasn’t falling for your traps anymore, and you could have actually tick thrown him successfully. but other than that, mag why you so gdlike?
Sup Andy-E. I think I saw you in a Canadian tournament. Might have been one of those T___ tournaments (forgot the last number). I appreciate the kind words.
Yeah you’re right about throwing and frame traps. I got a bit persistent in going for regular setups because he likes to reversal jab or DP. But his defense is mixed in really well. He’ll mix in stand techs and such as well. My mixup is persistent as well. If something doesn’t work, my mixup to that is just do it again lol. When something does work, I go for the mixup that counters what worked, because I know they don’t wanna get hit again. It’s a personal habit of mine. I don’t always follow these rules but I sometimes go tunnel vision into that type of mentality when I’m in certain situations.
Some nice combos in there though you throw out quite a lot of wakeup/unsafe headbutts
I did want to ask how people go from an Overhead into CShort/CStrong > Straight (As opposed to Headbutt) - I’ve tried it many times and no matter what strength overhead I use or what attack I use after connecting an Overhead>Attack, I can’t do any straight at all.
Loved that jumpin Fierce to CJab FSJab Headbutt Ultra on Guile and Ultra Punish of Blanka Rainbow Roll, nice stuff. Stick with Rogster!
For me since Boxer has a really hard time getting in on someone it?s always best to maximize damage and 3 jabs into ex upper into HB/c.HK it’s pretty good damage and worth it IMO. And you can throw a OH reset to keep him guessing.
I do see what you mean. Boxer is very good when he has the life lead and meter is very important to hold your ground but he gets meter pretty quick even though he doesn?t really have a way to build meter by whiffing some special besides the occasional lp HB.
But I though you did pretty well vs such a godly player. Gamerbee is a beast.
The random
wake up headbutts is frustration!!!
I hate Blanka with a passion and i get pissed and just want him away from me lool
So throw out random headbutts hoping to hit him even though i no its very unsafe
Gonna record some matches now so will have a few new vids in the morning
All feedback welcome
Some Balrog vs Chun-Li matches. I usually go up against this player in grand finals of local tournaments. In fact, I expect to see him there today during this tournament. He usually steps it up in tournament and plays much more patient. But these are just casuals to see what Balrog’s options are against Chun-Li’s zoning. Hope you guys enjoy.
Oh yeah, I found that tool. I followed it up properly in another video. It’s new science against Chun’s back dash, I hated that thing lol (even though I was the one to abuse it back in vanilla when I mained her).
What’s up Trips, yeah sure I’ll help you out. Although I just don’t have an XBL though. I’ll try to make it to Xanadu sometimes. Focus on Balrog/Rufus and that’s all you will need lol.
Oh, you have the XBL GT displayed. I will look out for you. Just need to learn to approach certain things the best way. Getting even sicker on the combos, but they don’t help if you can’t hit your opponent, lol.