"Needs more Dudley!" The Boxer Video Thread

Ha, well first of all we need SUPER on PC :wink: At this point I wager it probably won’t ever happen.

Ironically it’s situations like this that bug me because there’s a huge pool of dedicated and skillful players all over SRK but me being in Ireland means I have little/no chance of playing people too far oversea’s due to connection - I have played people from the States and various other countries online but the connection stability is a total gamble. Shame as I’d learn a lot and get better if it was possible - Furthermore, everyone has moved on to SUPER (See above) so I’ll forever be in limbo and won’t get much better if at all.

@Javits: Good to see more vids of yours posted up here, going to watch them with a cup of tea in a few minutes. I’m pretty sure you can already point out your own strenghts/faults of each one so no need to critique, will just say “Thanks for posting them!”

Watched - Very enjoyable, really wanted to see you take it further with Sanford though, shame but still a great match, well played.

i was bored today so i posted a bunch of vids. unfortunately no one high ranked to play against normally i run into someone known once in a while. Ranked can be annoying because you get sloppy playing against weaker players and then you run into someone good and you aren’t ready. I’m liking endless battle a lot now since like ranked players will eventually start joining your rooms.


Watched em all, very nice Fox :wink:
Especially loved how you resorted to meaty torpedo’s on that annoying focus spammy Sagat.

Going to throw up an oldy… Well, old enough. Two fights from a past opponent, ended up having a lot of really close games and funny/clutch endings. Granted, it’s nothing fantastic but at the time I was still learning and I remember the tension of the games quite well. I was trying to play properly but I constantly use past habits and mistakes out of sheer routine (like misuse of TAP) and often lost thanks to them.

Midlevel fun but I think it’s an enjoyable watch.

[media=youtube]e2cCmx_iFMc]YouTube - ?SF4? RopeDrink [BAL] vs [AKU[/media]

You need to predict what hes going to do and mix up your positioning. Like if he comes in at an angle that will beat chp, use jump back hp or reposition so your chp will hit.

Few videos from a recent tournament i attended. I play kamikaze rog as you’ll see >_<


I had a feeling an instant overhead was coming after watching some earlier matches, but i wasn’t sure the best way to punish it. I wonder if reversal tap juggle ultra would work? Also vid starts about a 1:30 in.
This videos shows some use of situational anti airs against vegas wall dive. Jump back fierce, chp, lp headbutt to trade, and hp/ex headbutts to escape. Also a nasty cross up ex wall dive setup was used against me in the first round of the 2nd match.

Very nice vids ReX, got anymore floating about you could share?

While people like you are forced to work for your wins against solid players, people like me are still getting away with murder in the low/midlevels :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m really liking meaty CStrong on wakeup into Overhead - Even if it’s mistimed I find it counter-hits often and that just makes it even more misleading - Only showed it once in this clip, use it far more in other movies.

I will find some more, and there will be many more coming. I wouldn’t reccomend using my high risk/high reward style, but it works for me :D. I’ll post up another set in a few days, i have many vs giefs, sims, blankas, seths, feurtes and other wierd characters- as well as fei/ryu…hell, almost everyone. I used alot of overheads that day because they were working, also not something i would reccomend.


here are a couple more from last weekends tournament. Again i was going for the fight money so if overheads were working, i was throwin em :D.

Some old videos- mostly vanilla. Nothing special, i was even scrubbier back then >_<.

We had a tournament with a pot bonus and Empire Arcadia sent Evil Rahsaan, a really good player so i was pretty nervous in this video. He came back and got me in Winners though.

there is a third part to our Grand finals but im playing chun and getting owned so i’ll leave it out. Honda is still the only matchup i worry about with rog, especially since lariat got nerfed.

Second part of a match vs Shekeib, a great 3s player and good sf4 player too. He had me 0-2 going into this video, and should have won but missed a punish. Alot of people don’t know that gief can be thrown out of every reversal he has except super and ultra btw.

The first few rounds vs shekeib


MWC09 Losers Finals vs Marneto, very very nervous and a very poor showing.
This vid is from when the game first came out

Thanks Rex, watched most, very solid and can’t say no to the more aggressive style over the more defensive one, certainly more entertaining to watch and as I always say, some people can be easily intimidated by a charge character who just simply loves moving forward :stuck_out_tongue:

Made another scrubby shinanigans movie from yesterdays Arcade FightReq (Vanilla) opponents, aimed more at humour than anything.


Here’s a few race to 5 series in our last casuals.
This is in the Philippines SSF4 scene by the way. :shy:

Poponarrival(Ken) vs. piarvi(Balrog)
Part 1 - [media=youtube]_YByRAg8JQ8[/media]
Part 2 - [media=youtube]h7GNx7L9JIw[/media]
Part 3 - [media=youtube]h7GNx7L9JIw[/media]

Crackshoot(Akuma) vs. piarvi(Balrog)
Part 1 - [media=youtube]Rv32F1Jp0cw[/media]
Part 2 - [media=youtube]HoAlFL8YFig[/media]

RagingJoaquin(Ryu) vs. piarvi(Balrog)
Part 1 - [media=youtube]kT9gF8j9XaI[/media]
Part 2 - [media=youtube]GvKIJItoCBk[/media]
We were not able to cover this whole FT5 series because the camera’s battery died. :frowning:

[media=youtube]M0FtNbBDXys]YouTube - Kiryu Tsukimiya [Akuma] vs c192r1b1c [Balrog[/media]


2nd round was pretty solid, pressure+good decisions, too bad for the last round. Horrible matchup.
I’m thinking in creating a channel on Youtube with all PSN, XBL matches from top japanese/US/european players I can get. I’m feeling that the character nowdays is a little limited in certain matchups and all help we can get is needed.

Don’t you guys feel that Rog has been vanishing lately? In vanilla we had him a pretty popular choice, nowdays he is falling down in the oblivion.

[media=youtube]fg_EZxqve7k]YouTube - Kiryu Tsukimiya [Guy] vs Cab [Balrog[/media]

[media=youtube]BinLaadIkf0]YouTube - hana321 [Sagat] vs ice0age r [Fuerte[/media]

[media=youtube]_6CpFav-R30]YouTube - ice0age r [Balrog] vs t o n o 7 7 7 7 [Vega[/media]

[media=youtube]mnG4HDICA0w]YouTube - lsy9983 [Bison] vs ice0age r [Balrog[/media]



Yea I feel that way too, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing for us rog players. Feels like everyone knows the rog match up because of Vanilla. Plus I am sick and tired of people complaining about how easy rog is when they lose to rog. At least we get less hate now… :rolleyes:

i came across a thread about Balrog’s options against Blanka’s U1. I came up with a few, some not practical but i believe it has some informative stuff. check it out. plus i figured out you can DASH UNDER ULTRA BLANKA’S U1!!! well i thought that was crazy lol. anyways, hope you guys enjoy.


Season Beatins 5 Videos:



[media=youtube]k4rD0TkedVA[/media] (1st match)

[media=youtube]no0Fz4hsum8[/media] (1st match)




Sorry for the double post but it’s the only way to bump the thread.

[media=youtube]1ewXlJOuOIQ]YouTube - Uryo [Chun] vs ice0age r [Balrog[/media]

c192r1b1c is a Taiwanese player that gamerbee mentioned in a recent interview as one of the best but still unknow players in taiwan.


Don’t quit this video in the first minute. It’s worth your time.


Editing out Unnessecary Rant.

Sorry to have hurt your eyes RopeDrink. I didn’t mean those were very good videos, although I do think you’re being kind of harsh with the first one (ok he had problems blocking the hazanshu). I don’t think ice0age is that bad but he didn’t played very well on that one I’ll give you that. And on the 3rd one I said that because if you see the first seconds all he does is jump back fierce and you may think I was trolling. He did some random HB to try and stop Vipers momentum (Flash is one of the best Vipers around) and Jump Back Fierce is very good in this matchup if the Viper player super jumps a lot . I was struggling to post this one but then I thought; why not? People can learn from other people mistakes and I’m just sharing for those who don’t have much time to search for videos on YT.

But if the general feeling is to only have godlike videos here I’ll stop posting. I just thought it would be better to have some lower quality videos than no videos at all. Although people insist on using this thread to share their own videos for getting critiqued when we have a specific thread for that.

Unfortunately we have very few good boxer playing the game and even fewer uploading their stuff to YT.

Oh no, no no no, don’t get me wrong here.

I honestly don’t think this thread is all about GODLIKE OEMG AMAZING gameplay from Balrog Players (As said, I’m sure many people would love to see videos of a solid Rog even losing to people if it showed some good gameplay from both angles, something fresh or something to learn from) but in the post I pointed out, two of those fights didn’t really show anything good from the Balrogs at all (In my opinion).

I do agree with you, I would also like to see interesting/decent low/midlevel vids if it shows something, or even to critique people and give them advice if they so wish for it, not just ‘vids from the cream of the Balrog crop’ but on the flipside I don’t think that gives reason to post vids of Balrogs getting annihilated vs better players in general if you understand where I’m coming from :slight_smile:

Either way it was PURELY MY OWN OPINION based on the thread topic and the original post of the thread starter, Ronstoppable, which says (to me) it’s a thread to showcase the goods from Rogster :wink:

Just to get the ball rolling again (After my, probably ‘unnessecary’ outburts) here’s my favourite Maeda Taison moment… Linked it many pages before but no harm showing it again for those who missed it - The fight starting at 4:50 is golden <3


And to bring it down from pro to low/midlevel, here’s the highlights from my week - Considering I’m a lousy Balrog, you don’t see much from me other than the occasional mindgame or typical BnB combos but because it’s midlevel I can get away with murder thanks to the typically low skillcap of Vanilla SF4.

I’m a Keyboard Boxer so I have to keep it simple and rely on messing/angering people as opposed to out-skilling them but it’s a lot of fun and I try to show it in the movies, even if I’ll never be all that good at the game.




Matches of my Balrog vs Gamerbee. If you know something I don’t, feel free to critique. I know I dropped about two critical combos, but that’s very fixable.