"Needs more Dudley!" The Boxer Video Thread

I noticed he likes to do lp dash punch after blocking ex messiah. Does lp dash punch beat the sweep followup? It goes under the overhead and you can block the flip. If it also beats sweep then its a pretty good way to punish ex messiah.

I think it does. Also i think that if you do the flip kick it won’t come out because you’re in blockstun (i’m guessing). Honestly i do FA a lot, and i should be probably doing dash punch.

yeah i usually do lp dash straight to punish the messiah. Pretty sure it punishes the sweep, and goes under the OH.

Couldn’t he have Ultra/Super the Messiash FADC? He had Justin cold, just got impatient a few times. Good shit Zak.

During the messiah, the lp.dash punch goes under the OH, hit first the sweep, and trade with the lk.
But the better option for is the ultra or the super, it works for the OH, the sweep, and unfortunately trade few hits with the lk. But the Rufus has to be completely idiot if he uses the lk version while he don’t have 2 meters bar :slight_smile:

Ultra/Super goes under the Overhead option. Then Rufus gets a completely free punish - not fun.

Edit: And if he delays the LK option (Flip Kick), it can trade or even beat the LP Dash Straight depending on when you do it.

It’s strange cause my Ultra always hit (maybe the half of the hits) during the OH option !
I do my Ultra as a reversal attack and there is no way it whiff !

here’s a match I had with checkmate today on live… 2 parts… damn i need to stop eating focus :

First tournament. Never knew the Rufus matchup like I should have.
I need to quit jumping in with RH and stuff… I don’t know. So many mistakes I made.
Plus, i was nervous. lol.

This Youtube channel as some videos of the Korean Player Janet.

YouTube - f1start123’s Channel

Some JS Master videos from evo pools here: http://www.youtube.com/user/psychorarity#g/u

Here is some of my recent matches…i think after going to MWC i have a different approach at the game now…(it was my first major)


any tips i need to work on? match up wise?

Dee your entire approach to QDK77 Elf Match 2/13/15 was wrong. I also think your wake up game is on the weak side. Its a huge guessing game on wake up vs. Elf so I would avoid getting knocked down. This is one of my best match ups so I’ll throw some tips your way.

1.) Jumping back HP - You caught on to it in the last match, but try and time it for his run->tortilla, fajita buster, or tostada press that way he can’t just run and guacamole legs you.

2.) Abuse his wake up!!! In many ways its worse than Rog’s so make sure you are on his nuts every time hes waking up. I suggest jab pressure and tick throws, but once he gets his ultra 2 this is also a good way of baiting it out so you don’t have to worry about getting punished by it later.

3.) TAP was a little much. I do use it in this match up but I use well placed LK Dash Smash, because the Elf’s I play relentlessly spam FA. But if your going to use it like you do I suggest you learn the follow up on counter hit TAP. (Which is usually the only way it hits) Counter hit TAP allows your next Cr. Jab to link. So when my TAP hits I either…

A.) Cr. Jab x2 hit confirm -> HP Buffalo Head + Ultra 1 if you want to throw it in after.
B.) Cr. Jab -> St. Jab -> Cr. Strong -> EX RU -> Cr. jab -> Cr.strong or Cr.short -> HP Buffalo Head. I don’t recommend Ultra 1 after this because it does very little damage.

4.) On your wake up! Jump (In any direction) beats Tortilla and Fajita Buster! and Dash Forward/Back and FA beat Run -> Slide Kick and tostada press!

I also posted a very large, in depth strat. vs. Elf in a Elf match up thread on this board. http://shoryuken.com/f251/problem-against-el-fuerte-236650/

good looking out man…i have the hardest time beating elf’s that play like that. i never knew that if i jump up i would not get hit…i always tried to play elf like he was vega and try to FA that jumping crap…but ima use those tips next time thanks!

good looking out man…i have the hardest time beating elf’s that play like that. i never knew that if i jump up i would not get hit…i always tried to play elf like he was vega and try to FA that jumping crap…but ima use those tips next time thanks!

No problem Dee. Anything to make Elf’s life miserable.

I don’t know if this is old news but i’ve never seen it before.


@2:29 Abel reversal ultra between the 1sr and 2nd punches of Boxer’s Super.

PR Balrog at his best.

I can’t understand how he didn’t make it out of pools at EVO2k10.

YouTube - Shire Games Tournament - Winners Finals - PR Balrog (Ba) vs Xcross (Ad)

And I wish PR Balrog and some other top Bxers like Keno would share is knowledge here at SRK more often. Boxer sub-forum is needy of some top tournament players.

woops double post

YouTube - x617x’s Channel

Just a video of my balrog. Didnt play my best but any criticism is appreciated ty.

Not a bad match. The only thing I can say really is try to rely on reaction more than prediction. Going against a higher level player later on down the road is not very likely to get hit by all those Dash Straights you were throwing out there. Other than that, the Sakura really wasn’t good enough to give you any solid tips. In my experience 1 EX Hurricane kick can = KO if you don’t get out of their mix up.

Im participating in a Gamefaqs tourney, and Id like to get some advice on what I should do more and what I should do less. I know that my execution is mediocre, but thats just a matter of practice I guess.

Here’s the match: [media=youtube]_xtPa3X5FRE&feature=channel[/media]