But if c.lp had hit him you would get c.lp xx super or c.lp xx special xx super.
I must be missing something. Can you elaborate on this p4p1426?
But if c.lp had hit him you would get c.lp xx super or c.lp xx special xx super.
I must be missing something. Can you elaborate on this p4p1426?
another jab just comes out if they block it or get hit
Really? Man I have to try this. Thx p4p1426
if anyone or you can elaborate further on this id appreciate it. im still learning the mechanics behind option-select and cant figure out how just another jab would have came out rather than a straight or super.
I also would really appreciate an explanation of this particular os.
Here’s a quick match with Flash Metroid’s Viper.
I lost but showing some OS for you guys.
some videos of mago and tokido playing boxer
check it out for urself on training mode…set up the dummy to block and then set it to not block and ull see how it works
Here’s some vids of my Rawg getting busy with some decent to god-like competition.
XblackvegetaX (Rog) vs EMP Sabin (Rose)
XblackvegetaX (Rog) vs Haunts (Cody)
XblackvegetaX (Rog) vs Gutabo (Honda)
XblackvegetaX (Rog) vs fLoE (Rufus)
XblackvegetaX (Rog) vs AFL All Day (Rog)
XblackvegetaX (Rog) vs KillaBMike (Guile)
XblackvegetaX (Rog) vs Grifter 181 (Akuma)
XblackvegetaX (Rog) vs Satyamdas (Sim)
XblackvegetaX (Rog) - Kendama1 (Ken)
XblackvegetaX (Rog) vs KillaBMike (Cammy)
XblackvegetaX (Balrog) vs Timedog (Ryu)
If they upload previous matches, I’ll update. I had to play a really good El Fuerte (in my opinion, best one in the country ). I think the match isn’t as easy as people think.
FA taunt cancel fail.
I don’t actually ever use Balrog so I didn’t know taunt would be a heavy part of his game.
I believe p4p1426 is wrong about that one. If they do block or get hit, the super will come out. Whether you do the super as negative edge or not, is irrelevant. If you do it and it whiffs, super comes out. If it hits, super comes out. If you buffered the super and did the inputs, and they block the jab, it’s not another jab that will come out. It’s a super. He just guessed right.
To do that OS properly you’d have to use a move with a larger startup hitbox to allow for proper buffering with no consequence of a super coming out if it hits.
EX: c.mk has 7 frames of startup, hits on the 8th (8 frames of startup, as people say…). If you perform the super buffer during the first 7 frames and let go of mk (or never let go at all) before the 8th frame (or simply before the first frame that it will hit the opponent, in case you’re doing c.mk as a meaty), the super won’t come out.
If the opponent blocks or gets hit by c.mk, the super won’t come out because you performed the super too soon (before it even hit the opponent, not registering as a cancel), and you can hit confirm by doing a late jab inside your frame advantage (4 on block, 7 on hit) to continue with a block string or a combo.
If c.mk whiffs, you can press jab slightly sooner, and get a super.
Either way, all you have to do is hold D/B, press down+MK at the same time you do F, B, F, and do not release MK. If it whiffs, jab quickly and you get a super. If it doesn’t whiff, do a late jab (you have enough time to hit confirm it).
It’s not as automated as most OSs are, but that’s the gist of it.
Using a jab instead of a c.mk will only work if you do the super motion in 2 frames and release jab before that. And the only way you’d get a second jab to come out on hit after buffering a super is… well… almost impossible.
You know when you do something like c.lk s.lp (buffered ex tatsu), c.mk with ken? The only reason why c.mk comes out if s.lp hits, and not an ex tatsu, is because you did QCB+LP~MK+HK. Meaning that the jab is registered before MK+HK, so the jab will always come out whether it hits or not, but the tatsu will only come out if the s.jab whiffs. If it’s blocked or it hits, c.mk will come out instead. Why? Because the tatsu wasn’t a cancel. The game will make a special/super come out after a normal, if that normal whiffs quickly enough and was done at the same time as a special/super.
EDIT: And feel free to correct me if I’m mistaken, of course.
Just a quick criticism if I may - you’re too quick to go for an overhead, and you never really disguised it. Also, look to hit confirm from jabs more and try to punish more heavily e.g. during the match with Akuma, he DP’d, and your response was not c.mp xx Dash Straight/Headbutt.
Not meaning to sound like an ass if I do bro. You had times where your punish was literally a c.lp, and that could turn into so much more!
Vs the Ryu, you punished whiffed DPs with throw. Again, aim for maximum damage always. c.mp xx Headbutt or HP Dash Straight.
Nice c.lp OS’d with st.hp. Really tasty. What is your exact input here? Are you doing c.lp and then simply plinking the fierce, where a blocked/hit c.lp would cause the plinked fierce to chain a jab, and a whiff brings out the st.hp?
Criticism is always welcomed. The points you made out are something that I did realize while watching the replays. In my current play, I do the most damage maximum when an opponent whiffs.
Thanks for the help!
No worries bro, I need to get some videos of my 'Rog up for analysis soon. He’s not too shabby if I saw so myself, but could always do with improving various aspects here n there.
Zak Bennet vs Justing Wong - brutal finish [media=youtube]wS2-3EbKiOk[/media]
Zak Bennet’s the UKs top SSFIV player for those who don’t know who he is. Thought I’d post for people to have a looksie, he does a few things which are really nice, and his punishment of a whiffed overhead off Messiah Kick is godly.
He did a good job against Justin. He could have gotten him, but just missed the chance. Great performance none the less.