"Needs more Dudley!" The Boxer Video Thread

You’re jumping too much - He was free to casually teleport to the other side without punish. When you see a Sim teleporting behind you thats a free Standing Fierce / Rounhouse to put him in airial recovery while you move forward to start pressure when he lands. Also, when Sim get’s Super they will occasionally fish for the teleport into Super so again, you’d do well to learn how to punish teleport on reaction.

That Ultra in the first round was a total waste especially as you landed an overhead afterwards.

Sims love to throw after slides - Watch for it. Do not blow EX meter trying to close distance when they jump if they haven’t thrown out a limb - A good Sim will teleport out of the way quite easily.

If they’re playing runaway then absorb and backdash fireballs but be wary when they are forward enough to try and hit you with limbs during the absorb. Aditionally you can light-headbutt through them to stay at max range and build some meter while they’re being all safe. Use TAP sparingly and unpredictably. It’s not as reliable against Sim than it is other fireball users because of the limbs so if you use it too much you may eat far too much damage for it to be worth it. Be patient… PATIENT. I know all too well how bloody annoying and frustrating it is to get in on a retreating Sim but once you do you have to make sure he pays for it dearly. Once you get him in the corner, remember above about teleport - He’ll want to get out because he has no answer to jab spam pressure and if he does you have to make sure he eats a punch in the face at the very least.

You can sweep him out of his Fierce Limbs at certain ranges. You can down fierce his overhead (sniper) and even headbutt it at proper range so take note of Sims who love instantly hitting Fierce when they jump to hit you in the head. Additionally they cannot teleport if in the air if they do this so use that to Fierce Dash Punish or close the distance at the very least.

If you are going offensive when moving forward, focus absorb limb attacks if and when you can but move slowly so you don’t lose the health. Keep pushing forward, slowly does it.

He cracked in that third round when he was in the corner and threw Ultra AND Super at you during block… Bare in mind that at that range you can throw him during Ultra. You then tried an overhead once again allowing him to freely teleport to the other side and hit you, just an example.

You also had a considerable life lead but still proceeded to chase him down and let him get more damage on the way. If you have a sizeable lifelead, back off and let him come to you and see how well they do when it’s you who are able to runaway and not him.

Thats about all I know really from my basic level.

You can see me back away from a Sim’s YogaSniper then punish him into the corner here. Not a lot of solid Sims would do that but he knows I liked to DownBack and it wasn’t our first game so he started abusing it so I got my own back.


People can watch that if they like - It’s a ‘Perfect’ movie just showing 10 Perfects I got this week. The sad part is that as much as I’d love it to be because I was a skillful and menacing Balrog, it’s not true. It’s mostly because we’re lowlevel and people fall for the oddest of things like repeated meaty overheads on wakeup (Or overheads in general) and other nonsense I do. Still fun though! I wouldn’t get away with anything if it wasn’t for being on GFWL PC where the competition is somewhat lacking :frowning:

[media=youtube]e2cCmx_iFMc"]YouTube - ?SF4? RopeDrink [BAL] vs [AKU[/media]

Low/Mid level GFWL Vanilla.

Played a set of 50 with this chap last night and as many as that sounds they went by so fast. Now that I look at them I can see why - We both tend to start out the first 5-10 seconds in a sane orderly manner then it boils down to OMG WHO CAN RUSH RUSH RUSH THE FASTEST AND CRACK THE OTHER!

I’ve come a long way since my random headbutting days where I couldn’t even do a jab combo but I’m still lolsomely bad.

It’s a high speed mess but there’s the occasional grain of decency if you look hard enough… I hope.

Me vs Mesh (Dhalsim)


Help please, I get buss up.

You got getting Super RopeDrink?

I’m still waiting for PC release - I play on GFWL (PC) with no Console hence still making Vanilla movies :wink:
I’ll give those links a watch soon and see if I can throw any advice though as I always say, I’m neither pro nor familiar with Super just yet.

Looks to me like you lost all patience halfway from 2nd game and onward - And I’m sad to see little to no teleport punishing. If a Sim teleports next to you and you are grounded it’s a free Fierce, RoundHouse or even Headbutt and you can move in during their recovery or knockdown. Even if you eat a YogaFire during it, he’ll take far more damage than you will.

Should also mix your Fireball avoidance between Jumping Over, TAP, Neutral Jumping, Blocking, Absorbing and Light Headbutt just to keep it varied and to make sure he’s never entirely sure of what you’re going to try if you’re mixing them up while he’s keeping away. Can save your health, build meter or build super accordingly but just be wary of their Super/Ultra as they’ll try swing it in their favour (Crossup Teleport>Super etc).

Most importantly, stay patient at all times - It’s bloody annoying chasing down a runaway Sim but he was being pretty reckless at some stages. If you need time to cool off then do so if/when you get a lifelead - Least then he has to go offensive and not you while you gather your composure. Also, don’t blow EX meter when Sim jumps and hasn’t attacked - He can casually teleport to safety and punish you in recovery with a limb. If you see him jump AND attack, close the distance ASAP as he can’t teleport until he lands.

Just basic off-the-top of my head stuff from a Vanilla PoV if that helps at all.

While I’m here I could really use some advice versus Guile & Sagat.

Usually at the start or the near the end, the opponent uses this move that constantly locks my game into an endless freeze. I’ve tried TAP’ing it or Focus Absorbing it but it won’t work :wtf:



What do you mean? Of course I’m joking! :rock:

Want to share this :

?xbox360??? ??? #46???(9) at 2min03 a cross up hk at wake up (on Seth), never saw that before…

i forgot i had this on my youtube account so i figured i’d post it…

for a few nights i was just trying to land the 4x loop into ultra just to do it, and i finally did.


LOL @ the damage scaling of the ultra heh.

HA! It always feels good to do that even if it’s stupidly unviable and a waste. I do sometimes still go for the full 4xLoop in a match either for stun or against someone who I want to throw some fancy stuff at but still wouldn’t bother with the Ultra. However, you think 4xLoop damage causes serious scaling? Try 8x in Training, or more :wink:


yea i have messed around in training the most i got up to was between 70 and 80 hits, i took a picture of it and have it somewhere, if i can find it i’ll up it heh

just did some crazy shit in a match just now. im playing my friend who uses abel and i did a forward throw crouched for a sec then tap to close the distance. now i did a meaty jab and abel does wake up U2 and he absorbed the jab and i cancelled the jab into super

Heh, sounds nice :slight_smile:

I’m still stuck in PC Keyboard Mediocrity and on GFWL Vanilla while waiting for SSF4. Most of the really good players I know have it via console or quit the game so I’m stuck at midlevel. My idea of ‘crazy shit’ is pretty much along the lines of this at 0:55


Infact I’m uploading another movie seeing as I got 10 Perfects tonight all mostly from abusing meaty Overheads and crossover headbutts in the corner. It’s already a sequel to a 10 x Perfect movie I made yesterday, thats how bad we are here on GFWL -.- And no, I am not sad enough to believe that perfects are an indication of skill, just satisfied that I can get them now and again especially whilst playing like a reckless crackwhore.

Anytime a good player crops up I give it a good shot but tend to run a bit short of the line and they often bugger off after 1-2 games, very depressing.

NeoEmpire PSN Ranking Battle 1.3 - Grand Finals: nevillebamshew VS Dafro1989

[media=youtube]u1VK42ASy4Y[/media] Match 1
[media=youtube]g17IbCLyV34[/media] Match 2
[media=youtube]HqB6VYy7KyA[/media] Match 3
[media=youtube]yBvPnXUF240[/media] Match 4

Just the finals of a very small online RB thing on PSN. I never feel completely comfortable in this match, but I think I’m doing okay. Execution was a bit sloppy at times (twas a tad laggy, neville missed stuff he doesn’t normally), and I know I’m Dash Straighting too much (Fei can c.lp on block).

Nice, lovely defense overall and you’ve already explained the odd dropped combo, nice Super Punishing on those Focus Attacks though you’re guilty of the age old desperation EX Headbutt looking for Ultra but hey, who isn’t :wink:

Nice games mate! Congrats!

Yeah there was one - it’s a lot less common than before though!
Cheers bro. There’s a few instances there that look punishable (2 rekkas), but after some testing, st.lp will NOT connect. It’s a hitbox/pushback thing.

Fei is a tough opponent =/.

Stay strong :slight_smile: I cracked in a day and brought a 360 for super only. But since Im back into my fighting games I guess it was worth it :slight_smile:

Aye I bet, I wouldn’t mind owning a console but as much as I play SF4 (Casually) it’s not my main game hence I never really seem to push into ‘good’ skill territory and the only reason I wouldn’t bother buying a console purely for Super which, I admit, would be the ONLY reason I’d ever want one. This week has been the most I’ve played SF4 in an entire year (and thats 3xDays of which I spent 2-3 hours per Day with SF4) which isn’t a whole lot but it’s enough. Another reason I’d not push for the Console is because I’m way too used to playing with mah trusty keyboard! I have a pad here but anytime I try use it it’s just a roflworthy scenario of me being totally incapable of doing anything.

I’m happy and proud in my low/midlevel mediocrity as I’ve come a long way since how I used to play - And let’s just say if I posted my first ever video of me playing here, people would laugh :bgrin:

[media=youtube]MQuLGMoYQoA"]YouTube - ?SF4 PC? Keyboard Matches - RopeDrink [BOX] vs [ROS[/media]

Here’s a match from this morning, it’s my typical everyday level / Player Match vs a Rose who I beat in a G2-A Champ Final looking for some games. Nothing fancy about it, I’m just proud that my first attempt at ‘training’ someone via mindgames worked, poor guy saw me headbutting those projectiles then tried a FDash Ultra thinking I’d do it again, even if it was spoiled by my Focus attempt resulting in me punching it and taking a hit but oh well :tup:

Normally I wouldn’t be so defense orientated but the Rose in question loved to get a lifelead then run away all day peppered with fireballs so I was getting my own back. Normally I’m the one gunning for blood.



[media=youtube]hnmkBQstF_Y]YouTube - Super Street Fighter 4 - Balrog [BOXER[/media] - jab to headbutt beats dhalsim’s yoga catastrophe.

dannahan (boxer/me) ouister (sim)

Nice… Very nice indeed! However I had something weirder happen vs Sim today, not sure if it’s known but… My EX Torpedo went RIGHT through Catastrophe and hit him clean whilst I went unscathed. He activated Catastrophe whilst I was halfway to him having activated Torp from Midcreen anticipating a fireball.

Weirdest thing I’ve seen all day and I had a recording but deleted by mistake.