"Needs more Dudley!" The Boxer Video Thread


The OS throw is pretty awesome. You can combo with anything that you would normally be able to cancel/link from a cr.short, providing you’ve got charge. You just do whatever you want to do in one fluid motion from the cr.jab+short. I personally am a huge fan of ex.upper loops, so I generally will follow the cr.short with one of those. The best thing about it is that it’s sort of like a double option select. If your opponent tries to throw, you get a tech. If they don’t, you get a cr.short. If the cr.short hits or is blocked, you get an ex.upper cancel. If it doesn’t, you get nothing. If the ex.upper hits, you’ve got yourself a combo. If it whiffs or is blocked, you can go for a tick throw.

Granted, the OS throw is itself a bit of a risk. If your opponent doesn’t throw and instead does something that will beat your cr.short, you’ll be in a bad way. But hey, you’ve got to spend money to make money, right? No risk, no reward. Go For Broke!

Some of the most detailed criticism of meter management I’ve seen on these forums. Xaaz actually points out situations of one’s play that are hard to remember, or perhaps just even spot oneself, after the match is over.

Took probably tons of time to create given the detailed time annotations and the like. It’s a pity you still want to play Barbie’s Horse Adventure.

Just wanted to say nice job xaaz. Spiffy stuff. Going to take that writeup into consideration as I head off to the arcade.


Thanks for the kind words.



Xaaz, you mention in that little writeup on the videos that he has one stock when he connected a crouch strong. What should be have done… I think I’m missing the point.
I know I would have done a headbutt =\


Well, as you know from your suggestion of headbutting, you can cancel out of cr.strong into specials.

Lets look at what you would have done. Cr.strong, f.hb. That’s not bad at all. Solid damage, solid stun (210/300). If you didn’t have any meter at the time, that would be a fine option.

However, having meter changes things for the better. With one stock of meter you can extend that combo for more damage and stun. Lets keep the headbutt because it does awesome damage and stun, but lets throw some other stuff in there as well. Cr.strong, ex.upper, cr.jab, cr.short, f.hb. That puts out a lot more damage and stun (323/495). That’s over 100 more damage and almost 200 more stun for the cost of one stock of meter. Good deal, eh?

I had a feeling you were refering to that, just wanted to check.
Makes sense to me.

I have a bad bad bad habit of over ex looping that I need to break a little.
Sometimes when I’ve almost got the stun I’ll chuck in another loop but trying to do no more than 1 @_@

Burns the meter a little too much

I finally got my Hauppauge.


is my first video there isn’t anything special just a test run. Hopefully i’ll be able to post more that are in a series instead of just random G1 matches.

More videos of myself from just today:

[media=youtube]7XRryMRZcnE"[/media] (The second half)



Dissection time.

~0:30: You stopped a tatsu with cr.jab. If you’re set on using a normal in that situation, consider using cr.fierce. More damage. More stun. More meter.
~0:38: You did cr.jab, cr.rh. Normally that does not combo. Cr.jab gives you +7, cr.rh comes out in 8. Fortunately, your cr.jab was a counter (+1), allowing you to combo into cr.rh as a 1-frame link. Unfortunately, you dropped the link. Fortunately, the Ken tried to do something or just stood up and you scored a knockdown, which is great, but you traded a guaranteed combo (via cr.jab canceled into a dash punch) for the possibility of a reversal. More notes on this later.
~0:44: 2/3 ex.upper. Not a good idea.
~0:47: You did a cr.jab with no followup. You had two stocks and ultra.
~0:49: You did j.rh(block), cr.jab(block), cr.jab(block), cr.strong, dsb, cr.short, f.hb, ultra. That was a huge risk. It won you the round, and in the end that’s all that really matters, but boy howdy was that a gamble. Cr.strong does 16 frames of hit stun. The fastest DSB comes out in 23 frames. That means even with canceling the cr.strong into dsb he still had 7 frames to answer. Ken’s ultra comes out in 10 (1+9), but it’s invul from 1-11. If that Ken had been on his toes he would have stolen that round from you. I shook my head when I saw him just take that dsb.
~1:08: You did cr.jab, cr.jab. No follow up. You had three stocks.
~1:12: You did j.rh, cr.jab, cr.jab, f.hb. You had three stocks going into that combo, but completed the fourth at the end. Be always aware of your meter. You could have scored so much more damage, and the same stun, if you had canceled that second jab into a straight or upper instead of a headbutt, and then canceled into super. Your hb combo did about 258 damage, 430 stun. If you would have done a fierce straight into a super, you would have done about 437 damage. Even if you were late on reaction you could have juggled the super after the headbutt. Following the hb up with super.kpkkp would have still scored you 366 damage. Wasted potential there.
~1:20: There’s that dsb mixup again. That Ken had at least 13 frames before the dsb to answer you with an ultra on this one (cr.short does 10 blockstun). DSBs are never safe, but they’re a lot safer as combo resets. Throwing them into blockstrings is like asking to be punished.
~1:22: Quite a gamble with that ex.hb. I suppose it was a solid choice, given the situation. I don’t know what specific dsb you used at ~1:20, but even if it was a jab version you would still have been -5 on that block. That Ken could have answered with a cr.jab (3) or cr.fwd (5) into a combo. The ex.hb was a solid gamble in case he didn’t react quickly enough though. I don’t know why he went with cr.fierce. Maybe he whiffed a shoryu (any version of which would have also punished you).
~1:32: Haha. Fancy unnecessary ex finish. Good shit, bud.

A note on jabs. Any time you throw out a jab it should be with the intent of doing a combo. Jabs are not Rogs “single-hit” poke to use (exceptions like randomly stuffing honda headbutts and such aside). Those would be moves like st.rh or st.fierce. Any time you’re throwing out an unconfirmed jab in range of your opponent you should have a dash buffered to follow it up (or chained into the fs.jab, fs.rh/cr.rh link setup). Rogs cr.jab does 10 frames of blockstun. Rogs jab straight comes out in 4. That means if you cancel a blocked cr.jab into a jab straight you’ve got yourself a true blockstring. There’s not a damn thing anyone can do to interupt it. It’s free chip and free meter, all day long. If it is blocked, your’re at -3, which sounds bad, but it’s actually fantastic because a blocked straight pushes you out of range of the vast majority of 1-3 frame normals and most fast specials. Ken can still kara grab you though, even if you try to backdash, so that’s something to look out for. Now granted, forget everything I just said if a cr.jab, random and by itself, wins you the round. In that particular case, it’s a fantastic idea and I’m glad you thought of it.

That Ken also did not seem to know how to handle jump-ins. You were jumping in all day for free. I’d say you were taking foolish chances by continually jumping in vs a dp char, but hey, play the player. He wasn’t stopping you, so there was no reason to stop.

Solid Rog, buddy.

I’m at an experimental point where I’ve dabbled with Boxer long enough to have half a clue but still just an inexperienced onliner playing with like minded/like-skilled people for the sake of casual fun and learning so the matches never look great as it’s all basic learner stuff.

Here’s me and a fellow mate from this side of the world using eachother as a learning springboard: [media=youtube]AkhnCh4pE9s[/media]

I had asked specifically on our Forums for Chun Li matches as there’s not too many on GFWL and those that do crop up are typically just running away behind a barrage of Kikoken spam and thankfully a mate who spars with me regularly (Who’s swapping to Chun from Ryu) obliged so it’s more of a practice/learner casual friendly spar. This one likes to be aggressive so I’m not too used to it and often fall flat on my face against her Focus Attacks and it took a few goes to adapt to the Hazanshu UpBlock as well as her double-hitting jumpin (I’d often block one hit high then crouch block which basically just gets you hit by the second - Lots of minor details in there I wasn’t used to at the time so it’s a complete mess which only really picks up pace after Round 2 - We played about 35+ games on that night and the experience was welcome - I’ve not played a full match since that, which was back in 26 November).

Anyhow, no need to disect it or anything - That was quite some time ago - I’ve learned a lot since then and haven’t left the training room since - Im not the type of person to go posting wins specifically, of which I have plenty, just it’s a long close game we both enjoyed. The movies are a sort of blog that allows me to keep track of my learning progress. I only play about 1-2hrs every week on my 15FPS machine and Keyboard so I’d like to think I’m doing ok, all things considered :angel: Long way to go yet, though, and I’m working on it ^^

Xaaz -

Post some of your own vids so we can dissect your dropped links, wasted meter, and general errata. :wink:

Real matches and armchair breakdowns are sooooo different. I’m sure you know that, I’m just sayin’…

<3 Rog,


Haha, no shit. Of course they’re different. No need to get salty, bud.

I dissect my own games all the time. Maeda Taison I am not. There’s always room for improvement.

Just so we’re clear, I don’t do dissections or give feedback/advice to be a dick (does anyone?). It’s to help. Why would someone post a video of their matches here if not to get some feedback on it? If someone feels like posting up a video here, and if I feel so inclined and have time, I’m going to break it down and offer some advice based on my knowledge of the game.

I like playing Street Fighter IV. I also like playing Theory Fighter IV. I’m sorry if that upsets you bud, but that’s just how it is.

When it rains, it pours, I suppose.

Just so you know xaaz, I HIGHLY appreciate the way you dissected my match videos play by play. It really is helpful. Sometimes, there are things you don’t pick up even after watching your own match videos a few times that others can or will.

Maeda Taison none of us are, but with the help of each other, I don’t see why we can’t reach that level. Sure it may hurt to take criticism, but so long as it’s constructive, there’s always a place for it.

My latest videos. Haven’t been playing for awhile since my internet connection is kinda shitty right now. Also other games have stolen my gaming time. Anyways they are:

Vs. Sagat

Vs. Vega/Claw

Vs. Abel

It’s ok, i know the difference between what’s workable and what’s not workable. I can take what information from his post that i think is usable and leave the rest. I don’t take any hate from it, in fact i never really get annoyed by any type of negative/positive feedback. In the end my goal is to get better so i’m ok with feedback. I don’t think he’s saying he would do any better or worse and he even said i was solid at the end.

dont remember when i recorded this


this one is more recent…gettin whoop on by a ryu player haha


~0:38: You did cr.jab, cr.rh. Normally that does not combo. Cr.jab gives you +7, cr.rh comes out in 8. Fortunately, your cr.jab was a counter (+1), allowing you to combo into cr.rh as a 1-frame link. Unfortunately, you dropped the link. Fortunately, the Ken tried to do something or just stood up and you scored a knockdown, which is great, but you traded a guaranteed combo (via cr.jab canceled into a dash punch) for the possibility of a reversal.

I dont think foxisquick had a back charge since he was walking forward to poke with c.lp. c.hk after c.lp at the right range is pretty good and catches a lot of counterhits.

~0:47: You did a cr.jab with no followup. You had two stocks and ultra.

Its hard to commit to a highly punishable headbutt from hitting 2 c.lp so fast like that since he probly wansnt expecting the c.lps to hit in the first place.

I think c.lp, c.lp, c.mp, ex overhead is too risky too. People rarely eat that anymore after a long block string like that.

One setup I found that works a lot is in the corner. After a knockdown with opponant in the corner: crouch right next to them, as they are rising walk back a tiny bit then c.mp, ex overhead. What you want to do is try to bait reversal srk during the walking back part. If they srk, it will be blocked. If they option select throw, c.mp would beat it. Even though its not a combo, they will usually eat the overhead since they are in the corner and would be more than likely scared as hell. This is a good setup if you’ve conditioned the player to be scared of you’re c.hk pokes and throws.

-you’re letting him throw out MAD amounts of cr.MK’s, do standing roundhouse or crouching medium kick to keep him from bullying you like that

-he is straight up waiting for you to do rush punches so he can DP when he stops throwing fireballs, make use of that time to simply walk forward

  • 5:00 is a great round because you get him into a ‘throw’ state of mind, which is why all those standing pokes landed about 3 seconds after you stop throwing. You got greedy with the EX overhead (which this ryu can probably throw you out of on reaction) and you should probably stop using it more than once a match

Learn to counter his pokes that he’s getting so much damage off of by watching Rog v Ryu vids or checking out my ‘spacial zones’ thread. Make sure you tag every jump with cr. Fierce and react to every crossup with a TAP, EX, dash, or block and mix it up. Those points combined will keep him off of you and force him to play a zoning game instead of being a big bully.

learn some links so even the smallest hits can end in a sweep or combo, watch the video again and try to spot any moves that hit that you didn’t follow up on, and look online to see what you can do.

After you get those basics down, you need to polish up the timing on Rog’s ticks to make it look like you’re going for another jab.

When you knockdown on a headbutt, do another fierce headbutt immediately, if he does a quick stand you’ll cross him up and be able to block any reversals or go for a low jab combo or throw.

All of that can take a good week or so of dedicated practice, but you’ll definitely balance out the win ratio.

lol easier said than done…you think he would actually throw them cr.mk out for me to punish as easily as u put it? at which point do you see a window for me to squeeze in s.RH to punish?

basics and links??? lol dont get me started on that

lol look i aint tryin to be cocky and all that but typing it in the forums and doing the things u type in-game is 2 very different things…

if i didt have the “basics” and “links” i doubt i would even win a round…the only thing i agree wit you on is the fact that he was waiting to dp my dash punches…not that i dont appreciate your input but some of the things you said made me say “u kidding me?”…

Xaaz -

No hard feelings here. I’m just used to somewhat imperious posts from random people on SRK (emphasis on imperious). You seem to be posting out of a sense of duty toward Rog players which is honorable; others do it to inflate their own distorted sense of importance without having really proven anything (i.e. why should we trust you, Blanka09823?)

I’m an SRK cynic, that’s all. :slight_smile: Good luck to you.
