"Needs more Dudley!" The Boxer Video Thread

Nice Boxer Delcraigo.

Some things I noticed.

  • AA more using c.HP, you were letting the akuma player jump on you for free
  • When you see akuma jumping forward with a air fireball you can EX HB and then ultra for free
  • the akuma player wasn’t blocking the OH, I think you could have abused it a bit more. Play the player, if he ins’t blocking it make him pay
  • When you put your opp in the corner don’t let him get out so easy. Especialy akuma, you got to keep some distance to make him afraid of teleport and with some chars (aluma included) never trade place with him. You don’t wan’t to be in the corner, boxer has no way out unless your opp lets you

But as I said, you have a good boxer.


For one you fall in love with ex rush upper too much. It doesn’t break FA, it doesn’t push people into the corner. Yeah it does good damage but if they FA you’re in trouble. I see you use it a lot and when a torpedo or a dash punch would be way better. You got hit low a few times while doing it.

Also pay attention to the damage/ultra situations. A few times you’re doing an extra loop for EX rush upper and instead if you just ultraed you’d probably have about killed him + had a ex bar. Or you had one where you were doing c.LP x 2 c.LK and you went into an overhead, when if he blocks it he gets a free DP. IF you just headbutted/utlra you’d have won that game.

I dunno you execute combos well but it’s important to now use them in the best situations. You’re a strong player overall though.

oh yeah i mean you land ultra you have full super meter. Then you do TAP/Dash punch and get hit with DP (you die from a chip) not sure why you’re doing this haha. Pay attention to the situations, and your execution with it you should make you more beastly.

Thanks alot both bojador_pt and foxisquick really appreciate you taking a look at the vids and giving me some feedback very kind words as well and great advice hopefully i can take it on board and beat him up next time haha!

“When you put your opp in the corner don’t let him get out so easy. Especialy akuma, you got to keep some distance to make him afraid of teleport and with some chars (aluma included) never trade place with him. You don’t wan’t to be in the corner, boxer has no way out unless your opp lets you”

thanks for pointing it out i kept trying to jump in on him but i dont know why and then he just kept the pressure on me when i was back in the corner definately got to work on trying to not get to aggressive i think in those situations! and the anti-air thats a must i was watching it back cringing at how often i let him jump on me! Much appreciated bojador_pt

Foxisquick yeah i have no idea what i am thinking sometimes when i do the tap punch after ultra with a full super metre i just get into habbit i think, pointing that out really made it hit home that i have to look at the situation more, i also understand what you mean about the rush upper i just try to look fancy i think instead of getting the job done which is what really counts, hopefully i’ll improve my decision making and not just do what iv’e programmed myself to da ha!

thankyou both! i was a little worried about posting here because i wasn’t sure what reaction i would get, like people calling me a scrub and things because obviously alot of the players here are far superior to me, but you too have been really kind so thanks for that! hopefully i can get more involved now the first post is out of the way!!!

Yeah dude you have the hard part down which is execution. A lot of rogs aren’t even close to where you are at mixups/execution/spacing/blocking/etc.

Honestly i basically had to nitpick your videos because for the most part you looked good in them.

Nice vid of [media=youtube]yhGi5TF-6gM"[/media] starts at 3:25

Nice 2nd round from Pamyu. So close…damn, Sagat…


obviously alot of the players here are far superior to me
I’m nothing special maybe average balrog at best

There’s nothing average about you. A a lot of players here are not far superior to you. Pulling out combos that involve ex upper loops and such is not something terribly many players can do with any significant amount of success. Don’t sell yourself short, bud.

You seemed to be psyched out or something vs that Akuma (or perhaps the guy playing Akuma?). You can’t let that p#$@! shoto bully you. He should be the one worried about what YOU are going to do next. F@#$*&! shotos. You’ve got to put them in their place, bud. Plus, against Akuma in particular, if you’re just sitting back holding down the fort all day long then you are going to be eating dirt, no question. Akuma is a tricky sob and he will get you on your back one way or another if you don’t stop him. Then you have to deal with his vortex BS, and that just ruins everyone’s day. Take the fight to him.

Beyond whats already been said though, something I noticed was that you like doing fullscreen ex rushes from time to time. That’s a bad idea vs ANY character, buddy. I know, I know. It’s so tempting, what with the armor and all. It gives you the whole “I’ve got hyper armor! NOTHING can f@#$!#@ stop me! F#$@ YEAH!” mentality, doesn’t it. A miracle may even occur and your opponent might get the “Did he seriously just ex rush from the other side of the screen? WTF!? Oh s@#$! It hit me!” dumbfounded-panic reaction. But that’s something you want to avoid doing anyway. It’s never safe to bank on a miracle. A player that is focused and on their toes is going to greet you with an ultra, armor break, fast multi-hit move, or a block.

I would save the meter for a time when I am reasonably certain that I’m going to get a significant return on my investment, like a combo.

Haha Thanks for the kind words xaaz

yeah i dont particularly think its akuma’s just his in general, its just that guy in general because he’s one of the better players i play against so i just put a bit more pressure on myself to try and beat him and not mess up!

yeah thanks for the advice on the full screen dash punches just get inpatient sometimes and want to close the space gap haha really appreciate the feedback from you guys thanks alot!

Nice indeed and I totally understand the love of EX-Upper even if the damn thing often leads to bit trouble with FAttack happy people but in a lot of cases I tend to use it expecting a jump (Get the out of the air, maybe even link an Ultra from it) or for looping.

Someone above mentioned overhead abuse and I can’t stress enough how much I agree with them.

I’m your typical learning Boxer, got some of the basic combos down but nothing special enough to stand up to decent players so considering the type of people I face, most of them 95% block back-down and that means overhead-clk-headbutt is my general Ultra setup which catches so many people out - Also, even though a lot of experience players throw you out of it or can punish it well, a lot of other players will keep trying the focus attacks - OH being an armor breaker is juicy in that case.

I don’t like linking my movies as I’m somewhat embarassed to show my badness, but one clip in particular just shows total OH abuse (R2 & R3 mostly - R1 is a case of two of us having a bad lag spike right at the start of the game which threw us off).

I re-watched this and I was so proud! But then I watch the real pro’s like that Maeda Tyson beasting and then I go back to feeling like a total scrub once again :sweat:


Please try to understand that when you’re someone of my low level, you see R1 then think… Meh… R2… Ok… R3 Massive Grin

Headsup for you decent // pro players - avoid that link, it’s embarassing! :wink:

Ah c’mon. You’re not that bad, RopeDrink. You missed out on some damage/stun/knockdown potential there. Particularly when you connect ex uppers. You need to work on looping that when it hits bud. cr.jab, cr.short, ex.upper, cr.jab, cr.short, fierce.hb. Damage/Stun City. Especially vs Chun. Poor gal, what with being made of glass and all.

You made some ballsy decisions there too. Like that cr.rh during one of her FA’s. I don’t know why she backdashed out of that. Would have been a free combo on you. And that near-fullscreen ex dsb and near-fullscreen tap. Pretty ballsy indeed.

That Chun needs to work on her zoning. You were all over her. Her st.fierce will usually beat or trade with a far jump from Rog (which you did several times). She seems to be just too inexperienced to put up a fight vs your Rog. Now, a high level Chun? Yeah, you have to romance those bitches. Can’t just go all balls-to-the-wall. You have to take your time. They’re classy ladies, you know, and as such take a little more work.

Hey everyone. I don’t post too often but…

Here is a vid of me vs Josh B at a local tourney

Part 1: [media=youtube]AjmyH0ps4J0[/media]

Part 2: [media=youtube]nCPwS_4Tkyw[/media]

You just had a few execution errors like missing a HB after the C LP X 2 > C LK strings. you could also try using the S HK a bit more too, this has a pretty deceptive range and can out prioritise a number of a other characters normal moves.

Other than that, your close range game is a good foundation to work from. You just need to refine your bnb combos :wgrin:

One of my fav Maeda vids. I wanted to discuss the stuff Maeda does with st.lp-> dash straight in this vid with anyone who feels like giving their input.

At 5:21 in this video, Maeda gets sag in the corner with a st.lp->dash straight (looks like he was hoping sag would cancel his focus…which he did) and then proceeds to continually nab saget over and over with st.lp->dash straight and cr.mp->dash straight…and then a psychic st.mp at the end…lol. He puts up the same aggressive st.lp/cr.mp->DS offense at 1:50 here “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeamuKssO20&feature=related”, only this time it was mid screen.

How does he clean up so much with this? It looks like he’s just spacing the shit outa sag, beating out Saget’s wiffed jabs (which don’t reach) with his own DS buffered st. lp…I guess taking advantage of how much people underestimate the range of Rog’s st. lp. Is this all it is? And if so, are there any other opportunities rog has to abuse st. lp’s range (other than Gief matches)? Could Sag not really punish with reversal TU or TK since Rog’s jab is recovered already in this situation? I just rarely see this sorta offense and it blows me away seeing Rog putting so much pressure on with it. But I guess this sort of pressure was very opponent specific huh, he doesn’t seem to do this against most players, and i think Sag was sorta playing scared at that point.

And what’s everyone’s thought about the backup st. mp that he does after all the corner stuff in the first video, do any of you guys just throw this out in anticipation of another guy’s far range normal?

I’ve been trying to improve my corner game and that Maeda vid gave me some good ideas.

could someone tell me what could i improve on in the rog department?


Woo. Your Rog needs some work there, buddy.

Fullscreen TAPs are not a good idea unless you are a psychic. You also seem to like abusing the hell out of TAP regardless of range. All things in moderation, buddy. TAP is an awesome move, but you don’t want to be throwing it out all the time.

Mid to fullscreen DSBs are not a good idea either. Your opponent has all day to answer them. Also, throwing out DSBs in the middle of block strings is something you don’t want to do terribly often, especially when they’re not EX. DSBs are insanely slow. If your opponent is paying attention, they’ll generally either throw you out of it or answer with a devastating combo of their own. You want to save DSBs, in general, for resets. Say you start an ex upper loop (which you need to work on, by the way), you can drop an ex upper for a DSB mid-combo to reset the damage scaler. This leaves you vulnerable since it drops the combo, of course, but that’s all part of the mixup. You’re banking on your opponent not being ready to take advantage of the small break in the combo. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. In general, DSBs work better as a reset than as a random rush to throw out.

Slow down your combos. You’re hammering through jab jab short too quickly to get the cancel into hb reliably (the jump back is a dead giveaway that you’re trying). With the exception of specific target combos and such, you can not cancel into a special from a normal that has been canceled into. You have to link the second jab into the short so that you can cancel the short into the headbutt. Once you get that down, work on ex upper loops. Then once you can reliably pull out those, sort out trimming the combo down (get rid of a jab) to just jab, short, ex upper, etc, which will require tighter management of your charge.

Your zoning in general needs a lot of work too. You don’t need to be going all crazy throwing out turbo jabs, dashes, jump-in’s, etc. There’s beauty in simplicity, buddy. Throw out some st.fierces, st.strongs, cr.rhs and st.rhs. St.fierce and st.rh are arguably Rog’s best pokes. They do a lot of damage, a lot of stun, have great range, and are crazy fast coming out. St.strong as well is an awesome anti-air. You don’t have to solely rely on cr.fierce to stop jump-ins. St.strong is just as good (arguably better) and gives you a faster, more mobile option. You don’t have to be sitting on a charge to stop a jump-in. You can be walking back and forth with st.strong ready.

It’s also not necessary, or wise, to go all balls to the wall with jump ins, taps, straights, etc. A solid opponent is going to see that madness you’ve got going there and punish you accordingly. In general, you shouldn’t really be doing things at random with any frequency. Like jumping, headbutts, dashes, taps, etc. If you jump, there should be a reason; to avoid a fireball for example. If you throw out a headbutt, there should be a reason; to end a combo for example. Anticipating what your opponent is going to do and acting accordingly is definitely important (like if a Ryu has been throwing close fireballs all day and you get the feeling he is going to throw another one, so you headbutt ahead of time), but I got the impression that there was little-to-no method to your madness there.

Your Rog needs a lot of work, bud. There’s a lot you could work on that I didn’t even cover. Hit up the various threads in this forum for help on combos, tactics, matchups, etc.

thanks i’ve came a long way with him its just some time i know i moving to damn fast with him and yes it is a dad ass give-a-way that i am trying to do the headbutt when i hop back. do u have ps3?

Here’s a recent match I taped out in yokohama. Nothing new or exciting by the boxer player, but still a good watch.


Some recent matches of mine. A lot of stupid stuff in there (mainly in the Akuma match), but hope you enjoy.



Your Rog is alright, bud. Plenty of room for improvement though. You seem to know some of Rog’s intermediate/advanced combos, so rather than offer general improvement advice, I’m going to focus one one particular area where you need a ton of work; METER MANAGEMENT. You use so much meter when you shouldn’t, and don’t use enough meter when you should.

Below I’ve listed a few occasions during those three videos where you potentially wasted meter and where you could have used meter.

Video One - Akuma
~0:23: You did cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.short, f.hb and had two stocks of meter. You could have dropped a cr.jab and added in an ex.upper loop.
~0:28: You did a fullscreen ex.lowstraight that whiffed. Fullscreen ex dashes are almost never a good idea.
~1:29: You did cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.strong(block), ex.lowstraight(block). When you drop a combo, it’s best not to waste meter.
~2:18: You did j.fierce, cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.short, f.hb. Going into that combo you had zero stocks, but you completed one stock as you did it. Wasted potential not to use it.
~2:24: You did a fullscreen ex.upper that miraculously hit but didn’t follow it up with anything.
~3:00: You did cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.short. No followup. You had two stocks.
~3:27: You did a halfscreen ex.dsb that whiffed and paid for it.
~4:35: You connected an FA, cs.rh, fs.jab, ex.upper and didn’t follow it up with anything. You had three stocks.
~4:44: You landed a j.rh off a dizzy and didn’t follow it up. You had three stocks.

Video Two - Sagat
~0:24: You connected a DSB, cr.strong and didn’t follow it up. You had one stock.
~0:27: You did cr.jab, cr.short, ex.upper, cr.jab, cr.short, hb. Good job, bud!
~0:40: You did cr.strong, hb. You had one stock.
~1:06: You did a halfscreen non-ex upper. You had two stocks. If you insist on doing them from that range, which you really shouldn’t outside of punishes and anti airs, you may want to make them ex so you can at least combo off them.
~1:08: You did cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.short, hb. You had three stocks.
~2:09: You did a tap, then cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.strong(block), dsb(block). You had one stock. Beyond not using meter during the hit confirmed part of this combo, it’s strange that you would follow up a dropped link with an incredibly slow and unsafe dsb.
~2:11: You did cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.short, hb. You had two stocks.
~2:30: Pointless armor cancel if it was intentional, and potentially a wasted stock.
~2:56: You connected a cr.strong with no followup. You had full super.
~2:58: You did cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.short, ex.upper. No followup. You had three stocks.
~3:00: You blocked a TU and didn’t punish at all. You had three stocks.
~3:12: You did cr.strong, ex.upper. No followup. You had two stocks.
~3:48: You did cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.short, hb. You had full super.

Video Three - Gen
~0:00: You did cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.short, hb. You had one stock.
~0:08: You did cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.strong(block). You had two stocks.
~0:39: You did j.rh, cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.short, ex.upper, cr.jab, tick throw. Dropped combo or intentional mix-up? Solid results either way.
~0:46: You did cr.jab(block), cr.short(block), ex.smash(block).
~1:09: You whiffed a halfscreen ex.upper.
~1:10: You did cr.jab, cr.jab. No followup. You had two stocks.
~1:27: You did cr.short with no followup. If this was an option select throw, you should be buffering a followup in the event that the cr.short connects.
~2:16: You did a deep j.fierce, cr.rh. You had one stock.
~2:23: You did a halfscreen ex.upper(focus).
~3:55: You did a fullscreen ex.lowstraight that miraculously hit.
~4:12: You did a close ex.lowstraight(block).

Times Meter Was Wasted/Gambled: 12
Times Meter Should Have Been Used: 19

Now, a little disclaimer here, I don’t know anything about your particular style of play with Rog, nor do I know anything about your opponents. Maybe all those times you didn’t use meter when you could have you were just saving up for some reason. Likewise, maybe all those times you seemingly wasted it or gambled it away was based on anticipating your opponent. Maybe you’ve played those guys/girls a ton and have a deeper insight into how they play, to the point where doing random dashes isn’t really random at all. I really don’t know.

That being said, based just on what I saw in those three videos, your meter management is killing you.

That was actually really helpful xaaz. If I had the powers to do so I would definitely rep you.

I’d played the Akuma and Gen players a lot before so some of the 2/3rds/fullscreen ex moves where part of my super advanced yomi game :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, a lot of the time it was simply me screwing up execution that meant I wasn’t utilising meter to full potential. I wasn’t using my own stick… a poor excuse I know, but it really does make a difference to my execution. Small technical stuff I gotta work on like making sure I consistently get the correct direction for the desired dash punch and also making sure I’m storing my charge properly esp. on jump in attacks.

Something you did help me realise is I do option select throw and many times I’ll hit them with the crouching short. I never even thought to combo after that. I’ll have to train my reactions on that one!

Again, cheers for the advice. I’ll post more videos when I get the chance to record and hopefully you’ll see some positive results.