this match was a month ago. this match was again antwan Ortiz’s Gouken who has a mean gouken and balrog…he taught me all the shit i did in that video…and yes…i had to add the theme music in there because it was the only win i got out that set lol
I’m barely average at SF4/Boxer but I just can’t get enough of that playstyle and after about 3months adapting to PC Keyboard on a 15FPS machine I think I’m doing so-so.
Managed to capture a lot of movies from basic Champ Mode shinanigins to YouTube Poops and fun stuff, such as a terrible Headbutt Spamming addiction I had when I first started playing as a typical example.
Anyhow, I’ll post some links and pray that at least someone out there finds something amusing:
Probably my favourite. I picked a random day, trained for 30min in the Training Room then decided it was time to actually work on basic combo consistancy and ended up going 2hrs in Champ Mode and pushing to 10k GP using the basics.
In short it’s a 10min flick displaying the typical everyday Boxer Combos (Jumpin Fierce, Jab, Jab, Short, Headbutt, Ultra // OH, Short, Headbutt etc etc) They’re absolutely piss easy to experienced players but for me on Keyboard and 15FPS it’s sometimes extremely difficult to even string two jabs together due to awkward timing but despite that, people might enjoy the clips as well as some of the other scenarios, such as my failed attempt at looking like I know what Im doing via rushdown, to players taunting me while Im on 10% HP and still losing.
Either way, I may not be a fantastic Boxer, but I’d still like to get paid.
Now that thats out of the way I can go back to Page 1 and start going through the hundreds of links here :lovin:
Yeah, I was gonna post this up as well but you beat me to it. All good. Perez is def. one of the top Rog’s in the world. I think he plays different from Maeda. If you watch his matches, he doesn’t do anything but dash straights. You think people would start FAing them but he does them from max range/perfect range. Same goes for his TAPs. S.Jab to DS against Sagat = win.
Maeda. I just have to watch his series against Daigo to be a believer. Not saying Pamyu isn’t good he’s super awesome solid. That one combo where he went like j.HP c.LP then after it was confirmed when to s.HK c.LK ex rush upper. That’s pretty baller stuff.
Although I will say Eduardo is my fav boxer. Very very solid, and i love how he mastered doing ex rush uper c.LP c.MP. It’s a 2x 1 frame situation but he just practiced it and now he has all sorts of benefits from it.
wow i wish i could play like that agains sagat… but y have to say that that sagat was so afraid…
Alione and rickyTTT are way crazier. (i hate this two…)
Hey guys i am a long time stalker first time poster on this board but i have gained alot of tips from you guys so thanks alot
the reason i posted was i was hoping some of you would be kind enough to take a look at a couple of my videos i had earlier today against an akuma player he seems to just put me under constant pressure and im unsure what to do against it??
I’m nothing special maybe average balrog at best but hopefully some of you guys could give me a couple of pointers on improving my game!
Im in the process of uploading the vids now so here is the first and second parts the third and fourth will be up on my channel later, in the fourth video he picks gouken and he pretty much owns me because i have no experience against such an aggressive gouken so tips on that would also be greatly appreciated