Haha EdMa’s taunt in the last match seems to have made Combofiend step his game up.
awesome fights! edma and combo are both crazy
hey whats up this is my first post , and i just made mi first video , im currently ranked #1 with balrog in Mexico
well here`s my video its just a casual match , not the best , just the first … ill be uploading more since im on a tournament
this one is against top ranked ken in mexico
sup ron
good shit Z shin nice rog, Mexico represent!
combo fiend needs to learn some new stuff :lovin::arazz:
… and i need to learn how to down fierce… lol
AI ranbat 2.1 Top 8 me and keno for your viewing pleasure
… was waiting for the youtube version… but I guess not
good job keeping the pressure on. seems like you were pretty consistent w/ your headbutt xx ultra too.
i really hope everyone is, because thats as fundamental as it gets. i think shinnok doesnt do enough throw/c.lp mixups. but then again many players here are hard to find holes in their defence
here’s some more footage of me playing a friend. my execution is a bit better in these vids. i won the majority of the matches but i guess he didn’t post matches of him getting beat bad.
i try not to mash jab during his offense cause messiah kick is retarded he just throws it out when ever he feels. plus his dive kicks beat head butt and c.hp if he’s in your face, so i just try to block and tech throws till he runs out of steam if he manages to get in. at the end of the second match i tried to jab head butt anti-air, but apparently didn’t charge long enough and ate a jump in combo >.>;. for some reason he always blocks my overheads too.
there really isn’t any excuse for not being able to land headbutt/ultra 100% of the time.
It’s not some 1 frame link or anything. So yeah agreed for the most part. If anyone can’t do this combo you’re missing out on one of the biggest reasons rog is a monster character.
just curious why you threw him out of the corner? that seems a bit weird.
Watched your first video jeff
My biggest problem is I don’t think I saw you Focus Attack once, easily one of the most useful tools in the game. Also, because Rufus has those EX Messiah’s, you don’t want to throw out the overhead so often in your block strings, he’ll get you with that and an ultra follow up so it’s better to just go for a safer block string. Be mindful of Rufus’ meter too, once he’s out of EX his wake up game gets weak, so that’s when you really start rushing down on him. Keep working on getting those combos tight
I am loving the quality of this video. Mad kudos to whoever recorded/converted it. :tup::china:
I can’t seem to do headbutt/ultra… when playing online… on a laggy connection. :sad:
I’ve been in 1 bar connections and had no issues.
I mean i’m not saying that if you can’t do it you suck. I’m sure there are lag situations that can make it more tricky… I just think it’s one of the most powerful moves in rog’s arsenal and it’s also one of the easiest moves to do with a little practice.
In the first video, how did you do FADC > Ultra?
Shinnok, nice fucking catch with the ultra after hitting that ken out of the air with an EX upper 3:40 into that second vid. My jaw dropped.:tup:
Well, I was able to do it, however I had to perform the motion about 2-3 seconds earlier than I really did it in order to even get my boxing gloves to juggle him in the air… it was sad.
hold back charge > focus > f > f > b > f > PPP
You have to the the f > f very fast.
Cool, thanks. I’ll try it out.
yea that back throw was a bit silly. happened by accident when i meant to start charging back immediately so i can rush punch to stay close on the next wake up.
yea i’ll admit that i almost never use FAs. i usually only use it on certain moves. I’ll try to incorporate it in my game more. execution is always an issue; that will be solved when i get a 360 this friday :chat:.
^^after the initial first block of the ex messiah kick just jump straight up and tag him with a combo coming down
dont let him get away with that for free, other then that pretty good shit
so it’s a completely free combo?