Yeah, the load times suck, but the game itself is pretty close to the arcade version.
I know what you mean, son.
There’s a lot of unused code, I wonder what it was for.
Because AE is FASTER than ST.
That woudl explain it.
Care to ask Watson and DSP about that? lol All the games have their own problems. From different spacings, hitboxes, to even 2 button lariats which fuck up drumming. Or did we all forget how bad it was 2 years ago at evo?
Blanka is fine in AE. Any monkey fucking going on is your fault and not the game’s.
Spacing and hit boxes are the same. I tested out Watson’s claim about Boxer’s far st.Fierce whiffing against ducking DeeJay, and that is false.
(What was DSP claiming about differences?)
There are really only a few big differences:
- Chun’s medium upkicks fall too slowly
- Too much delay between “Round 1, Fight!” and when you can actually move.
- Two button lariats.
- Speed is slightly different.
Other than that, the game is pretty close to the arcade version. Definitely not the same as the arcade, but waaaaay better than CCC2.
which only has a slight slowdown in a few stages, and small input lag.
I can’t combo j.RH> c.Forward> c.Jab whit Vega in CCC2.:looney:
Didn’t you also need 2 chips to finish someone off at zero life?
The input lag, no matter how small it may be, makes the game totally unplayable. Top players can’t even consistently do basic basic basic stuff like comboing a j.RH. (See Evo2007 grand finals.)
Ah yes, that is also true.
then the finals are released I’ll watch that. However with practice you can adjust your timing, it isn’t like the combos are suddenly impossible, you just have to press it a few frames eariler.
I mean, if it really was so bad then why didn’t anyone notice this at the qualifiers? Evo south, FRX, ECC, Evo west?
Also Guile has CPS1 chains in PS1 version. Which is awesome if you’re working on a Guile combo video for Evo. Maybe less awesome if you’re trying to hold an ST tournament. Though i doubt anyone would get away with claiming to have done CPS1 chains by accident. And they’re easy enough for a judge to spot.
I know Evo is a console tournament now, but can’t all the OG people bring their arcade boards to Evo instead? We could buy like 3 Xboxes per station and stack them up like a wall, then hide the arcade boards behind them. So if anyone was taking photos or recording video, it would look like ST was an Xbox game. In fact we could even put CCC2 in the Xboxes to further throw off the anti-arcade police.
No joke there is one down the block from me, at a nickel-a-play. I just dont have enough money to buy it :arazz:
I’ve had some problems with the code for that, actually - both in MAME and FBA the 2p infinite life cheat breaks combos, hit stuns and knock downs 80% of the time - they just don’t seem to happen. I found it easiest to use MAME, bind infinite 2p life to a key, and press it twice after each ‘practice run’ to reset 2p’s life to full.
Perhaps there is a specific cheat/fba version/ST rom with which the cheat works properly? Any ideas?
I’ve found that infinite life cheats for almost every version of classic SF turn you into a hitstun-less, invulnerable monster that has varying pushback. It seems weird that the actual event of going into hitstun animation is also tied to the loss of life from the meter (I’m guessing that the life value of the person getting hit has to change for it to register properly as a hit in-game).
when will you people learn, Mame team has already perfected cps2 emulation and its 100% the only diference is that your playing on a PC monitor now if you hook it up to arcade monitor:wink:
Last time I checked the only things thats not 100% emulated is some RASTER effects, other than that everything else is perfect.
trust me i know lots about emulatios:wink:
CPS games are currently running faster than they should, and Q-Sound is far from accurate.
Good thing, hum ?
We shouldn’t have to re-learn a game that we’ve known for over a decade.
It really is that bad. Ask any reasonably good ST player what they think about CCC2. Everyone hates it…both the Americans and the Japanese.
Of the three qualifiers I went to (Evo East, Evo North, Final Round X), two of them were on arcade, and at Evo East (which used CCC2), I said to Seth, “There is definitely something wrong with this version.” I just didn’t know what it was at the time, and we wouldn’t have been able to change anything anyway, because the staff had already announced that ST would be on CCC2 this year.
I think that the game’s recent tournament usage gave a false pretense of accuracy. I know that I watched the Evo West videos, saw that they were using ST from CCC2, and assumed that it was either arcade perfect or pretty close to it. Apparently I assumed horribly wrong.
All the versions cycle between being horrible and acceptable, it’s part of the roller coaster ST console ride!
Right now everyone is waiting for STHD anyway, so it’s open season on CCC2 complaints, it’s yesterday’s game, just like AE last year, and PS1 ST the year before that.