the running faster is somewhat tolerable. at least it’s not doing shit it shouldn’t (except that weird honda glitch (the throw and the headbutt super on kaillera)). the qsound i’m willing to accept as just in the graphical / sound glitches, that don’t really affect gameplay too much, until it ranodmly starts fucking up key sound effects that you need for defense.
It wouldn’t really be re-learning if prior to the tournament that you picked up a copy of CCC2 and practiced on it to get ready for the tournament. Which is what most of the players should have done. So by the time you got to the tournament you’d have already adjusted to the slight timing differences.
Everyone hates it now that Evo worlds is over and done with. No one, not even at Evo west with all of the OG players over there hated it prior to worlds with exception of Shirts (Dream moved to Tennesse so he doesn’t count lol).
Yeah I was there at north and FRX… I’d forgotten that they did do arcade at FRX though. So thats my mistake.
However if there really wasn’t that many complaints about it until now it really couldn’t have been that bad. You’re implying that its completely unplayable. On par with the 3DO version of which you couldn’t even pick the old version of characters, or having to press the “play” button for a strong punch or however you had it set up (that was typically the same as having to press the start button the PS1-2 controller for an attack to those that didn’t play it on the 3do).
Unless my brain and hands are lying to me, the input lag varies from stage to stage. Some of them feel fine and some of them don’t.
well its much better than playing those bad ports i suposse:wink:
Just use mame, its arcade perfect.
There’s plenty of sticks and pads for computer as well.