Need SSF2T Help!

Right now, i would just wait for ST:HD on 360 or ps3, if you can’t wait for that, go with japanese hsf2 capkore version. They fix alot of bugs in it, like O.sagat’s fireball recovery and claws wall dive motion. Still have the problem of non st characters not allowing st characters to tech throws, including versions of characters. But i would say this is closer arcade ST than ccc2 is.

I mean what do you prefer, hsf2 st and characters only with a slight tech throw problem between, and st characters or have buggy speeds and input delay that ccc2 offers?

If even CCC ST isn’t arcade perfect, what is the best version to play on console?

Read the post above yours.

Thanks for the heads up.

That’s great and all, but it wasn’t one of the two options I was asking about. I’ve got a US ps2 on my hands already and I’m not particularly interested in going out of my way to be able to play some Japanese version of the game.


Really sorry for telling you what the best version is, please forgive me otherwise i won’t be able to fall asleep tonight!


seriously, get CCC and deal with the input lag, get MAME and use the ROM, because it’s pretty damn close, but still for whatever reason, isn’t 100% right, or get the arcade cabinet, because you can POSSIBLY snag one from some dying arcade somewhere (because they’re dropping like flies, but they’re soon to be dead 100%) for under $1K, but it’s going to take some hard looking to find one. I do mean HARD ASS LOOKING.

or wait, because I hear that the HD is going to be smexy and arcade perfect. we shall see.

if you can find it… try lookin for ST on DC

Fail… :rolleyes:

The ROM wouldn’t have Training mode, though. That’s what I really need. I’m fairly certain that the AI in the game would rape me for free, so I just need to hit up training mode to practice some combos. :rofl:

On emulators you can save state and load states quite easily. So for example on kawaks, just press f5 at the start of the round to save, then at the end of the 2nd round press f7 to go back to the start.

CCC2 is probably the worst home version of ST, aside from the GBA and 3D0 versions. Definitely stick with SFAC.

Dreamcast and PS1 are the closest. It’s kinda pointless to rank any of the other versions, because they’re all so terrible they’re not even worth playing.

You’ve gotta be joking…:wtf:


final burn alpha… set player 2 to infinite life buddy.

it’s worth at least, IMHO, the training mode.

You’ll never get arcade perfect ST on any console, the code is so messed up, even if they tried to fix it it will probably just mess the game up even more, like with CCC2.

I played the PS1 version recently. I cannot for the life of me remember how I managed to tolerate the load times on PS1 2D fighters. During the 15 seconds it took to load a match, I think I counted every strand of hair on the knuckles of my right hand.

The only good thing about ST on CCCv2 now is Sirlin’s tutorial, and you can watch it for free on his website.

Still CCCv2 is worth the $10 (if you buy it at Target, not Gamestop) for Strider, Midnight Wanderers, Chariot, and Capcom Quiz.

Until SSF2T HD comes out, your only choice for console ST is to play AE and pick ST characters only (unless you’re an O. Sagat player).

ok, how many times in this thread again…

AE != ST… wtf?

seriously the game functions a lot differently. i can’t place my finger on certain things, but my blanka gets monkey fucked in terms of speed. he just seems faster.

Thank you! This strategy works perfectly against T. Hawk! I can’t believe i didn’t think of using balrog, i mean he is harder to use for me than ryu, but i kicked t.hawks ass with him!

Best version of ST = CPS2 version.

It’s pretty cheap now to get ST and CPS2 boards, the only tricky part here is acquiring either a Supergun or a Cabinet to play it.

I think everyone realizes this, but this thread has made it apparent that when dealing with the console versions, ST != ST.

Regardless, thanks for all of the input guys. I’m still not sure what I’m going to use since I’m getting so many conflicting ideas, but at least I know what’s wrong with a lot of different versions.

how cheap?

About how cheap can you get the board, and do you have any leads on where to find one? I’m interested.