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Oh, one more counter move:

"Melding Being Blade (Hibiki)"
qcf+k hibiki “catches” a physical move and throws the character into the air behind here doing minimal damage, but setting up for super or slash attack

edit: I think it is like Yama’s and may only do Mid-High attacks

I’m not sure if we’re talking about the same move here but Eagle’s Projectile Counter has some sort of glitch if used against Kyosuke’s Super, looks funny as hell.

If you’re cornered and you use Hibiki’s counter you can hit the opponent w/ Dash Super/Blackout Super. In A-groove you can jump after > activate CC anywhere on the screen.

Just to be clear, some moves aren’t exactly counters but they do have autoguard properties.

Right. I’m no expert at the properties of ALL moves (though I wouldn’t expect anyone to know every single property off-hand)

Bison’s 2nd best groove is S-groove then C-groove

for Geese it goes K, P, N, A, C, S

tetsuye00 has said it probably 5 times in this thread alone already: he was ordering characters based on the 3 TOP/MOST COMMON GROOVES and was leaving out SNP.

Geese - K, P, and C/A are tied.

Bison - A, S, K/C

I’d like to know what S-Bison has over C/N-Bison.

At least on my point of view having RC Scissors Kick & RC Psycho Crusher help his ground game and RC Stomp/Devil Reverse are good wake-up moves when you want to get away.

IMO A-Geese is better then C-Geese

safe and spammable lvl1 kick super, and his dodge attack links into another normal? (not so sure how I worded this one)


A - Geese works quite well.

So what would you say would be the best correct order for say…Todo, Mai, Iori, and Vega then?

King is not the worst character, and not in her own tier below everone else. Please get that out of your head.

Well, the Tier Ranking I have in my faq is the one found here on this site, so…take it up with those guys over there. lol

Iori - N, A, C, K, S, P
Mai - N, K, A, C, S, P
Vega - A, C, K, N, P, S

Hm…so how exactly is A-Iori better than C-Iori, and A-Mai better than C-Mai?

They don’t have the tools they have in N to get up close (run, low jump) but having CCs kind of makes up for it.
C-Iori is decent but N-Iori is much better. Using Mai in grooves without low jump just plain sucks IMO.

Why K-Vega over N-Vega and P-Vega. N and P both used stored meter, and I’m not sure JD really makes up for that.

As far as A-Iori and A-Mai, they both have better CC’s that lvl2’s and they don’t need air block.

My guesses would be:
Todo - A, N, C, K, S, P
Mai - N, K, A, C, S, P
Iori - N, A, C, K, P, S
Vega - A, C, P, N, K, S

Bah. I think C Groove with Mai isn’t that bad (I use her in that Groove the most). Sure, I miss Run, but Low Jump isn’t really THAT needed with her, I think. It’s nice, I’l admit.

Vega has that pussy runaway poking style of play, and K-groove’s damage boost make his pokes even more annoying. K-Vega & N-Vega are close IMO; K-Vega gets access to full meter more often (and thus damage boost more often), N-Vega takes a bit longer to build meter, damage boost is a little less than in K, but he’s got RC Rolling Claw. P-groove’s lack of damage boost and lack of RCs is the reason I think K/N-Vega are better.

Iori has good lvl 2 cancels, it’s just that in C is bit harder to get close and land super combos than in N.

Learn to use lj.HK properly and you’ll see why I like her low jump so much.

Oh, I know about how to use her lj. HK (I’ve done it before on occassions). Though I can see why it’s important to her game somewhat.

Now, anyone else that anyone can think of? Since we have several already (Iori, Mai, Todo, Geese, Vega so far that I remember).

I think for Dhalsim C is his best but then its close between N and A but definately not K