Necalli General Thread: Necalli enters the Tournament!

You are correct about the fact that even with the buffer, the command throw is too slow; the best setup will remain the one after the standing lk, cause it comes out at the perfect range, and at the perfect time.
Noneless this version is faster then a normal walk up qcb, and can surprise your opponent if used properly; i doubt this will be THAT useful in the beginning, cause people will throw out an attack 99% of the time or mash a reversal in your face.
After some ch and punishes maybe it will become useful again…:slight_smile:

]@xXUltimacloudXx thanks bro…awesome.
but 360p video quality …my eyes ouchhh :bawling:

Haha yea I dont have proper equipment to get really high quality stuff … Maybe I should stream and have donations go towards that type of equipment ? lol I dont even know if I could stream sfv in my computers current state LOL.

It can be very safe with the medium punch version if its at the right distance pretty sure a sweep would still punish it though but most anything else will not punish.

There was other things such as mixups I couldnt put in the video due to time constraints and just wanting it to be a tutorial on the combos and counter hit setups that is possible with beta 3 necalli.

Btw to the one who said what does necalli get in V-trigger now its not much anymore he used to be able to link some normals together that he couldn’t normally now it seems only on counter hit those same links connect.

I was using this through the beta and ran into some problems which are worth noting.

  • If you’re doing s.LK into LP grab from point blank, if the other player holds back then they back pedal out of range and you whiff the command throw. Since there’s a decently long gap before the 8 frame grab they have time to move a long way.
  • I believe s.LK is +6 on counter hit, but it also has several active frames. If you do s.LK as a late meaty and they wake up buttons giving you a counter hit, you can actually have so much advantage you whiff the grab and get punished.
  • Last beta I played a couple of games against UM_Tyrant’s Bison where he was mashing tech after every s.LK, and this was actually throwing me out of the command grab. s.LK puts Necalli out of normal throw range on block so I went to check that, and it turns out Bison has a longer throw range which reaches far enough and comes out fast enough to throw you out of command grab if they’re mashing tech.

Redking nice video well done good find!

u should have not done this… Combofiend is watching this forum closely… so he knows what to nerf next :bawling:

Combofiend doesn’t decide on what is buffed or nerfed.

TO be honest the buffer window is so short and the input so tight that it doesnt deserve a nerf IMHO.
It is very useful but noneless situational.
On other chars like Birdie and Laura it may have a much bigger inpact.

It will definitely make Laura’s throw game scarier because from up close she can only tick throw from one light attack. All other attacks puts her out of range

Does this also work with Gief? Because if so daaaaaamn that’s gonna be really good for him.


Extending the range of ur specials by stepping forward and making use of the buffer window has been possible ever since SFIV got released.
The point of a big buffer window is to make it easier to get ur specials out, and since they’re trying to make the game more accessible, I highly doubt it that they’re gonna “nerf” it.


By the way , capcom will surely patch it out if it’s that good mate, sooner or later!! :wink:

In the video you can see I did Laura’s command after the smp; it is not a usual tick throw scenario cause you walk a little before the K input, so it’s around 1-2 frame slower than a normal lk,command scenario.
Noneless if your opponent is blocking, the throw will connect.
It’s like the old Yun command buffer, just with a more strict window, almost 1 frame.

actually nvm i will just post it here 1st when I have it recorded and I will just send into eventhubs at the same time. I just dont nessisarly know if you would call this a buffer or what exactly it would be called but I know no one has really been doing this as I have shown a few players and they had no idea you could do this. When I post it youll understand why its " broken " and I think capcom will nerf.

People should not hesitate to expose “broken” tech or whatever. Let’s say you find something juicy and you start using it in tournaments/online when the game comes out. You get accustomed to winning using that tech - and inevitably people will make noise about it and if it’s broken enough, it’ll get patched up later. Then you’ll have to adjust playing without that tech which you got so used to.

On the contrary, let’s say you expose that as soon as you find it, and it doesn’t even make it on release day - you’re more likely to find other tech that you wouldn’t have otherwise searched for if you already had something broken to use.

That’s just my perspective - even if it’s my favourite/main character in question.

P.s However if it’s something less obvious, like a defensive option-select etc, basically something that even viewers won’t notice even if they’re watching - then it’s a different story.


Aren’t you just buffering specials from normals, how is this new?
Even in the beta you saw a ton of buffering going on. Shoto low forward xx hado, Birdie st. Strong xx bullhead, Necalli low forward xx VR, to name some examples.

ya true I wasnt trying to say it was new but in sf5 only certain characters can do this.

Only certain characters can do…what?

Buffering normals into specials, supers or whatever, is like ancient fighting game “tech”, every character can do that…

It’s one of those things that isn’t good unless you are playing at a higher level. For this to even matter you have to scare your opponents and have that counter hit game on lock. Otherwise you just get hit out of it pretty easy. If you are playing at that level though it’s very very good.