@TheCape: I have a 360/PS3 stick, so I’m good to go on either system!

I’m so far away from any scene -_-

PM me when or if you decide to come up. I may be able to work out something and have you crash here for a few days while you find a place or something (will communicate with my roommate). If you already have a place and stuff then we should get together and play.

Selling one of these. The cord compartment door broke off but otherwise it’s in good condition so I’m discounting it. 180 new, I’m selling for 120. Dual modded and limited edition color! Lemme know if you’re interested and if you want to negotiate price.

I feel your pain - this is how it was for me when I started. I’ve built up a small scene here thanks to being in a university town, but it’s taken a lot of effort and more than that a lot of time. Good luck.

Its like you wanted everyone to play KoF13 initially and then when people started playing it, you didn’t want anyone to play it anymore… wtf?!?

The only thing wrong with KOF XIII is that losing 90% off a short kick that does not involve sacrificing any super meter is just silly when you are up by 90% and your opponent has less than 15% health left. Other than that it is a good SNK production. Having no trip guard makes this scenario come childishly alive when someone jumps as the other player who has HD camps out reverting to a defense posture which denatures the fact that you have more life; but your the one that is trying not to get hit?

If i wanted to play a unfair game with no trip guard and high damage off a small mistake i would play this…

Why is Bison able to just throw the way he does like constant hit throw hit throw hit throw it almost feels as if it’s happening really fast. I heard throws were only 1f in SF2 and Vampire Savior so is that true?

im really trying to make WNB tonight but i cant get child care until 7. meaning i will miss KoF but i can kick your asses in Tekken

I’ll likely come out to WNB tonight to check it out and meet everyone. Because I only have a PS3 controller without a convertor I doubt I can play, but thats ok for now.

I’ll be grinding on Tekken for a while, add me on PSN: XiomarFox if you wanna get games in

No, throw is 0 frame in SSF 2 X, he has no option but to dp because the person that is at frame advantage has input throw priority thus standing short +8 to throw=

Hey guys I’m Kresent. The WNB guys know me but I’m trying to get more into the Marvel scene so I am going to start posting here as well

I wish I could be at WNB tonight but all three of the people who are willing to drive me fell through this week ]:

90% for no meter is a huge exaggeration. Most HD combos don’t break 60% without a stock commitment, especially off of crouching lights. Plus, trip guard has a very simple counter by simply using a jumping normal that has a better downward hitbox. Some characters don’t even have to pick a different normal, they can just do their jumping normal of choice slightly later than they would do it and they’ll hit the other person cleanly. I have yet to actually lose a match to the scenario you’re describing above. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just another option and it doesn’t make the game more defensive in and of itself. It can be very rewarding, but you take an equal risk in attempting it and potentially getting countered for a fat combo.

I don’t think I ever said that. I said I didn’t want to people not play KOF 13 with the excuse that since the game wasn’t made by Capcom, it wouldn’t be any good.

You know, which is the exact same reason everyone gave for not ever playing EVERY OTHER SNK GAME for the past 10 years.
I wanted people, for the first time in SNK history, to actually play the game at least once before decided they didn’t like it.
Guess what? I ended up being one of those people.

Not that I’m saying nobody should play 13, but it gets annoying seeing people who never really played an SNK game until KOF 12/13 talking about how good it is.

Great time at WNB tonight, as I said in the TH FB Group for your SRK only people here’s the link to the event I was talking about

It’s always awesome to see people again after a long time.

WNB was a lot of fun, I enjoyed KoF, definitely missed that game. Where were the rest of the KoF heads though? Everyone talks so big and then no one shows up.

Ed, thank you for proving you are the immature, petty shit talker I thought you were. Don’t say a word to me or about me again at these things, and don’t kick my chair like you’re in middle school when you come in next time and there won’t be any problems. If you want to be a part of the community then learn how to act.

I was there but didnt enter KoF bc I was highly disappointed with all the TALKING people did about playing Tekken then i make way to get there, getting a babysitter and all that, i play a couple of casuals and folks get scared. but to answer your question Javier had school and Roski had to close his store. Lu is still rrcovering I assume as well.

so lets see, theres been a Tekken session i held that none of you (except Q) showed up to. i go to WNB and end up playing casuals with Westtrade and Ed. and theres a Tekken session TONIGHT and FRIDAY that i bet none of you will attend. i think you guys are blowing hot air…more caught in the TTT2 hype than actually wanting to play it.

Orochi, where will the session be at tonight, what system will it be on, etc? I am still finishing up moving into my new place, but I want to give TTT2 a try. I’m completely green with Tekken though so you would have to teach me the basics of the game and such. I won’t promise I’ll show up, but I would like to try.

Great games at WNB last night! Played matches in a few games, but the main was KOF. I got my hit list of characters in that game to go after, so once I eat this sensu bean and climb up Korin’s tower I’m coming back with vengeance. The power is mine!

Big thanks to Javier in the KOF training. Felt like little Gohan getting schooled by Piccolo. I shall return to Durham! That place is pretty King Kai’s planet now. The extra gravity training works wonders!

Not to think I’m just blowing hot air myself, but I’m unable to get the game atm. Wanted to come out to your session but couldn’t. Will still try coming out whenever Bryan and/or Justin is hosting, but it’ll be highly frustrating I know until I’m actually able to get my hands on it. I’ve got Tekken 6 and the Tag2 Demo, so I don’t know how much that will help me on the actual full released game. :frowning:

Until then I’m pretty much playing KOF and VF5:FS. Tag2 and P4A are both in the same boat for me right now. :sad:
