Nathan Drake Thread - Barrel Edition

Hey guys, this’ll be a place holder for the Nathan Drake thread, in case we don’t get character sub-forums. Will be under construction for a bit.

Feel Free to contribute what you can/want. I will try to post relevant and important information concerning Drake as soon as possible.

[barrel follow-up]
triangle, :f: (ak run), square (rifle butt)
Meter Gain: ?

[ak loop]
triangle, :f: (ak run), :d:+circle, triangle, :b: (may be continued indefinitely if back is close to corner or ledge)

[mid range barrel follow-up]
lvl 1 super
Meter Gain: ?

j.:d:+square, (land), :f:+square, :d:+square, (turn), triangle, :f: (ak run), :square:
Meter Gain: ?

j.:d:+square, (land), :f:+square, :d:+square, :f:+square, (turn), triangle, :f: (ak run), :square: (rifle butt) [not possible in corner]
ap meter gain: 158

[behind wall]
square, triangle, :b: (ak run)
ap meter gain: ?

[off up throw]
lvl 2 super
Meter Gain: ?

[max range slide (:d:+square)]
Meter Gain: ?

Resets into Level 1 Super (can be air dodged):
Combos are ended with tranquilizer to prevent opponent from double jumping, they can however still air dodge and attack.

:d:+square, :f:+circle (tranq) into Level 1 Super (not possible on smaller characters)

[barrel follow-up]
:f:+circle (tranquilizer) or j.:f:+circle (land) into Level 1 Super.

Various Information:

  • The jump versions of :f:+triangle, :u:+triangle, :d:+circle and circle recover much more quickly than their grounded counterparts.
    -:d:+circle (wall) can be cancelled with jump. It can absorb 100 ap of damage. Can still use lvl 1 super behind the wall. Can be grabbed or hit by super.

Place holder

Placeholder #2

Mid range barrel trips them into a non dodgeable level 1. The radius is also quite large, so even if you get people trying to jump over your barrels at you, you can tag them with the edge of the explosion after air dodge. It’s tricky but doable. Also, free level 2 after air throw.

I have seen my friend use the cover wall to absorb attacks if he is on the other side and I also believe he can’t be grabbed out of it…I have to test it out though

He can be grabbed and supered. The wall absorbs 100 ap worth of damage.

That is good to know that he can still be grabbed :smiley:

I’m using wall as a sort of parry, actually blocks air attacks as well (i.e. Dante helm breaker), as long as they’re in front of you. Grants you punishes otherwise impossible by blocking. Didn’t know about the tidbit of 100ap absorption.

Nathan Drake Run’N’Gun Loop:

You can get a full AP cap combo off of one barrel, or even a bullet, even if airborne.

Wasn’t that stuff disproven? I thought someone said there was a glitch in training where the IPS doesn’t kick in for some reason for that combo.

GJ Dragoomba making me a believer that the loop is super practical.

Never again is one of my friends going to play this game thanks to the hardcore trolling you inflicted upon him.

That was a glitch with the AP meter at the bottom, not with the IPS itself. The potential infinite was disproven because of that, however, the loop itself will still combo until they burst out due to AP cap, and is extremely practical. Just high in execution and timing, at least for this game that is.

LOL, I remember playing you guys too. I’ve gotten it off in pretty much every match I’ve played so far, I believe it’s an extremely important part of Drake’s metagame, especially in 2v2 (keeping an opponent practically frozen in one place for a good 8 seconds? free super from teammate). A few people think it’s impractical, but I show in the video that you can get it 1. off of a confirm, 2. nearly mid-screen, and 3. when the opponent is airborne.

Sorry about doing that to your friend though, hah. The reactions we get from other players’ mics are priceless.

Anybody have the input for the run 'n gun loop? For whatever reason I’m having trouble being consistent with it, I don’t think I’ve got the right input.

In case you didn’t know, though I’ve seen a few Drakes online use it, down square (slide) combos easily into his level 2. His level 2 is also great when you force a tech on a platform; if you activate it and they roll any way but down, it’s a kill - I’ve yet to see any other way out of it.

Also, Drake’s level 1 stuffs many other character’s “mode” level 2’s - Raiden’s, Big Daddy’s, Parappa’s, etc. If one of these chars activates the level 2, they usually asume you’ll be running away defenseless - the last thing they expect is a propane tank. It’s an excellent defense and makes people think twice about going stupid with their level 2’s against Drake.

Triangle - Back - Circle - Triangle (make sure bullet comes out before running back) - Back (wait until the whole 6 bullets/12 AP hit) - Circle - Repeat. As I said, timing for this can be pretty tricky.

Question: on drake’s n1, how do you get a kick at the end instead of a punch? It’s not a directional thing so is it timing or is it (please God no) random?

It’s random sadly, don’t know who on the dev team thought that was a good idea.

Yeah, it’s random, so forget that string and go instead for another move, usually AK into run, rifle butt.

I don’t see anyone abusing the tranq gun (s3 or the better a.s3). When you hit someone with it, they can no longer jump and are forced to walk instead of run.

I use the tranq gun from time to time if they like to run around the stage constantly (lookin’ at you Sackboy). D1 (Slide) > Tranq. Regardless of Drake’s N1 chains being random, his other 1 (D, S, J, JD) moves are amazing, so I guess I can forgive Superbot for doing what they did.

Just ran a couple of tests on the 1.1.1 string. Ran the string 100 times in 4 different sets.

[FONT=Calibri]Test 1[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri]Hook: 41[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri]Upper: 25[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri]Kick: 34[/FONT]

Test 2
Hook: 32
Upper: 32
Kick: 36

Test 3
Hook: 31
Upper: 34
Kick: 35

Test 4
Hook: 34
Upper: 26
Kick: 40

It definitely feels random, but is relatively close. There were a few instances where the kick string linked 3+ times in a row and on the 4th the second punch caused the IPS to kick in causing massive knockback. It’s also interesting that the kick string ignores the butt stun limit for itself, but prevents attacks like f.1 from benefiting from it causing hard knockdown.