Nash Q&A Thread

How do hoy Cancel into critical art with nash im trying to do cr.mpx2 Xx mk.sónic sythe critical art but i never get it to come out or its late or is it not possible to Cancel ss into ca help me pleez

check the nash beginner’s thread

I’d say it’s completely dependent on your matchup and opponent since he’s effective at all ranges. He is a freestyle character in that sense. At close range he has fast normals, at midrange GODLIKE pokes. At farther ranges he has F+HP, Booms and anti-fireballs moves such as V-Skill and Moonsault. However, I find myself positioning myself between poke- and farther ranges since his fireballs allows him to approach aswell as dashing in with his fast dash to poke. But always take into account what kind of opponent your dealing with to determine your strategy and thereby where you want to position yourself.

how on earth am i suppose to do back mk into tragedy assault it necer conncets or the dp motion dont come out :frowning:

going from back to forward is so akward with this motion

i have a hard time with that as well, so i just use or

Strangely enough, i have no issues with back+MK xx Tragedy or back+MK xx Sonic Boom, but i cannot for the life of me perform back+MK xx Sonic Scythe…

I realised as i typed this that this is in no way helpful to you, but perhaps you can take comfort in the fact you’re not the only one whose execution is lacking (mine has been lacking in SFIV as well so i’m used to it by now).

Only way you’re going to be able to do it is practice.
At the moment I’m about 60/40 for hitting in a match and so I don’t go for it unless I feel comfortable. But every time I log in I hit up training for 5-10 minutes and that’s one of the things I practice.
I think it might be due to the fact that I’m used to drilling awkward things over and over until I have it down. (I played Adon if SF4 and if you didn’t Tiger Knee the Jaguar Kicks, you were going to have a bad time).

Nash has no escape options?, I did a set with A friend who plays Sim/Rashid. One thing that really shocked me was that I noticed Nash’s V-Skill can be interrupted. Apparently there’s a small vulnerability window. This basically crushed me. He has no wake up options. I’m being rushed down,nearly about to be stunned, I hit my V Skill to wake up and get out of the corner and he hits me with an Air Fierce> I’m stunned and lose about 70% life. So basically trying to use Vskill to get out is too risky, I just have to sit there and take it. I was already upset with how bad his anti-air game is and now this really makes me want to drop the char. How is it fair that sim gets to Teleport on wakeup for free and be 100 percent safe but Nash has to spend a Vtrigger and still be vulnerable??!!

I’m going to sound like a dick but it can’t be helped -
Nash has the best wake up option in the game

Also if Nash’s bad anti air game is making you want to drop the character then there is no way to help you as he has some of the best anti airs in the game.

Ok, trying to be less of a dick - Use V-Reversal if you’re being pressured. Mashing on V-Trigger when you’re being pressured is not only a waste of two V-bars and you have a specific move designed for that situation that only uses one V-bar.
If you’re struggling to anti air with Nash, watch the first 1:30 of this video

There, you made me shameless whore out my own video.

Well my execution has always been my biggest weakness in my own opinion, i blame it on my age =P
If i couldn’t get better execution when i still had all the time in the world to practice, i am not getting my hopes up that i’ll get it now that i’m working full time =(
Thanks for the tip though =)

Lol. I know that feel, I’m a Marvel player with old hands and bad execution. xD
Seriously though, b.MK-TragedyAssault can be awkward and if you don’t feel confident doing it, don’t. But I definitely would recommend trying it every now and then in a match just for the sake of trying.

interesting, I suppose that’s a good idea, using alpha counter escape. I’m mainly having trouble with vertical jump ins, I try crouching medium punch but I seem to simply eat the hit a lot. I like the standing medium kick option however basically any jump in where they are right above me or trying to cross me over gives me issues, but they video does help. thx

I actually feel the need to apologise a little. I was being a dick earlier. I was really damn salty from a session last night. (Friend’s TV has delay on it and I’ve said about it for years. Couldn’t even hit confirm a crush counter)

Anyways, st.MK and b.MK are really good for the awkward jumps coming down on top of you. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you’re not sure if you can anti air them that close, consider f.LK as a way to get out of the situation. If done early enough you open up some space between you and didn’t have to deal with it. Obviously it’s not something to do every time because you have to challenge them at some point or they’ll just keep doing it.
Also think about the Air Throw. I often forget to use it but I’ve been in matches where I’ve anti air’d this person at least 5 times and they’re still jumping at me but after throwing them out of the air they’ve started thinking twice.

Seconded. I’ve done this too. Played a few jump happy Giefs (you know the type, can’t do 360’s without jumping first). For a while I’d be hitting them with air-to-air anti-airs or standing ones. Then I got tired of that and just jumped up and started throwing them. That was when they got the cue to stop jumping.

I wish his vtrigger had start up invulnerability as well :frowning:
I just block and then vreversal out of the pressure.

right, Although I’ve found that Nash’s air throw isn’t as good as sf4 air throws. You have to be parallel to you opponent for the most part. I swear in sf4 the air-throw box seemed bigger, i suppose its something that must be done anticipatory. shrugs i’ll try it.

i have a issue with the monsault into rapid punch kombo
is that really a 3 frame link? i miss is the majority of time so that the dummy just blocks it.

“Also if Nash’s bad anti air game is making you want to drop the character then there is no way to help you as he has some of the best anti airs in the game.”

Having to choose the correct anti air out of 5 different buttons based on range and character specifics is not in any way good. I’m not saying Nash is bad or anything like that, but let’s not pretend he has strong anti airs because he definitely does not.

The thing is cr.MP wins in like 80% of scenarios

the other 20% is choosing between 2-3 options, it’s pretty standard across a host of SF characters in various games.

for example cr.MP will lose often to chun li, but you can just use b.MK against chun li instead and that’s it. for gief, st.HK will almost always win. It’s not really that complicated, it’s just remembering which buttons to use for the different characters and then making adjustments based on the opponent’s choices

I stick with st.HK almost exclusively for my AA game, and it works 90% of the time. Might be the level of players I’m facing tho.