Nash Beginners Thread

Tragedy Assault is done with a DP motion, not QCF.

Yeah, that’s what I meant by going from one side to the other, then a qcf. Or else I’d just go from to hcf.

It can be awkward to start with. Practice is the best bet.
A small piece of advice which could help you - As soon as you press the b+MK you want to be moving the stick forward into the shroyu motion. Don’t split them up into separate actions, pretend they’re all one motion. Going be the NumPad notation you want to go 4(b-MK)623 and get it as fluid as possible.
Also make sure you have your buttons on the screen so you can see what you’re doing wrong. If the directions are all correct but you’re not getting it, it’s most likely a timing thing.

Hope at least some of that was helpful.

Good tip thanks I’ll give that a go.

How do you deal with rushdown pressure as Nash?

I feel completely overwhelmed both as a player and with Nash as a character when I get rushed down. With 4 frame lights and no reversals, I feel like there’s never a good opening in between barrages. I do OK if I can keep people at a distance where I can poke them with f.HK and cr.MK - but as soon as they’re in my face I lose all control. I just end up hoping for a blocked sweep or something obviously unsafe rather than spotting and punishing non-true block strings…

V-Reversal is the best way to deal with it at the moment but I fear a wave of option selects are coming to deal with them since I have been punished a few times for using it. (Playing against a friend last night and I was cornered against Laura so I V-Reversal’d out only to get elbowed in the face and be back at square one.
A big thing at the moment that is contributing I think is not knowing what is safe/unsafe regarding every character outside of something like sweep like you said.

For me personally, I’ve been trying to focus on my defence since I know that in almost every situation my buttons are slower but waiting until my opponent does something I know is unsafe is bad because of white damage on normals.

You’ve got to think - People have been bitching about Nash’s insane pressure with Moonsaults who aren’t aware that they are 3 levels above being interruptible. We just don’t have all the information yet.

One thing that could be useful though is backdashing. Playing against a Cammy a couple of days ago and I kept backdashing away just before their cr.MP came out. Granted, backdashes aren’t anywhere near the level of stupid they were back in SF4 but they’re still good. Also if they hit you out of the air and they weren’t ready you’ve made a bit of space anyway.

I also have trouble dealing with pressure as Nash when they’re basically in your face. No idea what to do on wakeup except block.

I just try to get myself out of the situation by F lk to dash forward and avoid a mixup

f.LK is like -5 on block so it’s really risky to just throw that out there; but it is indeed very fast for the distance it covers.

Any good frame traps for up close encounters?

What’s my gameplan when I play Nash? I hear he’s a rushdown character, what should I do to get in?

Sometimes I regret trying to learn Nash as a newbie to fighting games… but he just looks so cool!

Even doing this xx hk SS is difficult for me. the link is so much easier to learn but i read it’s better to use the so i’m trying grind it

He’s flexible. You can turtle up and zone with Sonic Boom and your pokes or you can go RTSD mode and play a brutal throw/counter-hit mixup game with his fast dash and slew of frame trap normals. It all depends on the matchup and your opponent’s playstyle. I personally prefer to play a hybrid style - hit and run. Sonic Booms to bait bad jumps when I’m on the defensive, Sonic Booms to cover my approach when I want to rush down. Stuff like that. I think it’s the optimal way to play Nash. Infiltration is the master of that style. We would all do well to study his gameplay.

does nash wake up earlier than other characters?

I use a regular ps4 controller and I cant seem to get the tragedy assault down in combo or out of combo consistently.
Any tips?

Controller has nothing to do with it. I also use a ds4 and I’m just accustomed to street fighter inputs. Sounds to me like it’s the DP input you are having trouble with. Make sure you are inputting: forward, down, down/forward+P. Try to make it a fluid Z-shaped motion.

As someone stated above, turn on input display to make sure all those directions are being input. If they all are being input, it must be a timing issue. Learn to use it consistently out of combos first before trying to incorporate them in your combos.

I am having serious trouble when I get rushed down. What are my options for “get the fuck off me!”?

I’m floating around 600LP.

yeah back mk ta is hard to excute for me too

really wish we had some better guides with nash. i can read this stuff read my guide but it just dont click till is ee it

I would like to leave some basic information on gameplan, bnb’s, frame traps, and creating an offense. I am not sure if this should be left to get lost in the beginners thread or combo tech thread. Let me know where you would like me to write and I will have it up most likely tonight.

I need to see some vids of rush down nash. Because I keep just turtling and waiting for my opponent to jump.

Also, crossups are killing me.