Naruto Thread 9.0 - The Manga is done, son!

Kakashi is being undervalued like a motherfucker in this thread.

Kakashi is one of the only true ninja in this manga. What Sasuke does with flash Kakashi does in stealth. He knows how tough Itachi was so he’ll be expecting some bullshit from his younger sibling. I don’t think he knows about Susanoo unless he was told about it but even then he won’t rush without trying to pull wool over Sasuke’s eyes.

Sasuke will win.

I fucking believe in Kishi dick riding the shit out of Sasuke with that plot platemail.

Regarding this issue…shit is ON!!! The panel with Kakashi saving Sakura (how appropriate) from Sasuke is the most appreciated one I have seen since maybe the Jiraiya Pein Battle. I have been waiting for this issue/moment/time for years!! Just after he fights Danzo for revenge also? Too much Kishi!!

That award goes to Kabuto imo. But yeah, he’s definitely being undervalued.

Unfortunately, this is Sasuke’s manga so I don’t think he’ll lose to Kakashi, which is fine I guess. All I ask is that Kakashi don’t end up in the hospital again out again. Kishi has dropped Kakashi so many tiers just to make everyone else look stronger.

Yet at the same time he’s made Kakashi the Hokage. Hope Kakashi doesn’t tell Sasuke about his latest title change. It’d probably fuel his revenge even more.

I think that kakashi will do his best to fuck up sauce, unfournetly for sauce he cant bite or get healed anymore cuz he fucked up with them bitches. When sauce is about to do the finishing blow, the guy thats named after this manga will come in to save the day sage mode style.RIBBIT!

Never underestimate the power of dumb broads to do something stupid… again.

Sasuke < …well…everybody

Seriously…am I the only one that sees Sasugay as weak and inefficient?..he’s been getting his ass beat all over the place and over using his powers like there’s no tomorrow…must be all the pent of sexual frustration for Naruto or something.

What’s the last thing he’s done without being blatantly helped/saved by others?..Deidara?..Kakashi is a cold’ass m’f’er. I’m sure Kishi will break out some randomness for Kakashi…we really need to see Naruto come in and Sage Mode all over Sasuke’s face…mmm MMMMMM, BITCH!

there’s absolutely no way sasuke will lose to kakashi, i just can’t see kishimoto pulling that

Honestly, Kakashi can’t lose this one, or even get pieced out to the hospital. Unless Tsunade woke up, J-man came back to life, or the 4th pulled some more crazy ass jutsu to rule from the dead…they wouldn’t have a hokage. I don’t see kishi leaving the hidden leaf without a ruler. The fight is going to get interrupted, most definitely, but still. I just hopes he stops riding Evil-Sasuke and let’s someone else do something. Swore this was supposed to be Special K and that stupid broad’s time to shine.

Naw it can happen, it wouldn’t even surprise me if Sasuke gets captured…its not like he doesn’t have a get out of jail free card with Madara…though he’ll need help with that rope…so busy mastering chidori while under Oro that he forgot to look into the ninja basics…

  • :bluu:

Kakashi will die and with his last breath make Naruto Hokage, like thingy did with Sarutobi.

kakashit is below any kage we know of, though he might just have the luck to win against the vaginal kages. sasuke on the other hand is stronger than ANY of the kages weve seen till now. a deadbeat sasuke sould prove a good match against kakashit, though i doubt the sauce will finish his fight i do think he will be the one winning till gayruto comes and saves him.

why do you keep posting?

False on way too many levels. Fighting ‘IMO’ evenly with one Kage and escaping the conference to beat a not at full power “Temp-Kage” does not make Sasuke better than any of the other Kage’s we’ve seen. As it stands he’s not even better than his brother. I’m actually pretty confident that the 3rd would take Sasuke apart…excuse the pun but the “Professor” just knows too much and could pretty much counter the majority of Sasuke’s tricks. The 2nd is a mystery, and the First beat Madara in his primewith EMS.

So has Sasuke been impressive, to a degree - yes, he’s played well to this point and has been rather impressive, but his rashness is going to self-impose a nerf and a walking cane to tap corners with while walking around BLIND. Kage level - sure I won’t argue that point, but better is a WHOLE nother story…I’m sure the other Kage’s could escape from a rope…

  • :bluu:

Because people keep falling for his trolling.

To this point, what about Naruto? The 5th was beaten by Pein (in a way), and Naruto beat Pein. Naruto also accomplished what Kakashi could not when fighting Pein, and probably what Gaara could not. I would say that powerwise he’s arguably at Kage level if not better, and we haven’t even seen him really begin to control the 9 tails (if and when that ever happens). I would argue that he could take out Raikage as well, when in sage mode. Don’t know enough about the other kages to really judge them. Thoughts?

Circular logic doesn’t work. The first beat Madara, yes. But the fourth was supposed to be the best kage among them and he admitted he couldn’t touch Madara. Who beat who is a useless stat in naruto. You can’t use it to base anything.

Was it ever stated that the 4th was the greatest, I thought it was merely, genius of his generation - type thing, however you are correct about circular logic…since the puppet master killed a kage and loses to two Vags and some chakra strings. However, I’m not really trying to base my argument off just circular logic, realistically speaking - does anyone believe Sasuke is stronger or better than Madara now or ‘then’? And more than likely Sasuke’s skill set is ‘containted’ within Madara’s skillset as a pew pew user…so while yes its circular logic, its not far fetched to have someone who could counter the tricks of Madara - counter Sasuke’s tricks.

TBH I guess Madara between VoTE and 9T fights learned the phasing crap, so the 4th more than likely had a harder time (however I have little to no back-up of this theory).

  • :bluu:

I just hope the Kakashi vs Sasuke fight isn’t going to be some Sharingan bullshit… but I’m sure it will be.