I’ve discussed in the online players thread how I’ve spent more time in training mode recently. That’s been helping but I feel that I need to have a structured practice strategy so that I can consistently improve and chart my improvement. With that in mind, I’ve made a list for the three characters I play most and what I need to practice every day. This will evolve over time as I get better at the game and learn more, but for now these are all things I feel need daily practice to become 100% consistent. There will be some overlap between characters since some of these things are pretty general. There’s also a couple “figure out how this shit works” thrown in there, I’ll drop those and start practicing the answer once I know the answer.
hit confirms - cr mk, back fierce, close standing roundhouse, standing mp, jump in roundhouse and fierce, UOH (standing and crouching dummy for all, add in random parry at some point)
kara throw
interact with divekicks (parry, find out when to standing jab crouching jab sa2, see what else works)
practice counterpokes (have dummy throw out various pokes at random times, react appropriately)
practice parries - low parry then punish, parry various characters jump ins, red parry, specials, and supers. notable things to work on for now - Ken’s target combo red parry, Necro drill kick, Necro spin thing red parry, Akuma RH tatsu red parry, Yun’s setups into Genei Jin ending with shoulder red parry, Dudley jump in RH
mixup after SA2, learn setups and practice them
explore every way to deal with jumps ins, especially character specific difficult ones (parry, dash under, crouch under, option select crouch/parry, maybe backdash?)
Record Chun mirror dummy throwing out pokes and interact with them
hit confirms - cr mk, short short, short jab short, UOH, back mk overhead, target combo + shoryu x2, target combo SA3, cr mp, standing mp, standing and crouching fierce
kara throw
practice counterpokes and parry situations
set up Chun li dummy, interact with common situations (fierces, mks, standing and crouching roundhouses, kara throw)
execution - cr mk into jab shoryu, max damage combo after jump in
find situations where short short SA3 is viable and cr mk SA3 is not, learn when to use each (this may not be possible in training mode, may have to come from real matches)
hit confirms - cr mk, short short, short jab short, UOH, standing close mk, standing fierce, crouching fierce (hit confirm into SA1, SA2, and high damage punishes)
cancel fireball into denjin
hit confirm cr mk into roundhouse tatsu
crouching or standing fierce, ex donkey kick, roundhouse tatsu or appropriate finish depending on screen location
find out if he has useful kara grab, practice if so
That’s all I have for now. If you have any comments, I will definitely appreciate them. If you’ve got more useful ones to add, or maybe “that’s fucking stupid don’t practice that” or whatever else. I’ll post here and there about how this is going, what I’m seeing improve over time, maybe offline match footage showing how this affects actual gameplay. Not sure if anyone will care about this lol, but I suppose if we have a couple “watch me play online and help me improve” threads there can be a “training mode all day err day” thread.
Things I’ve learned from day 1 - my hit confirms are way worse against Urien. like horribly worse. which tells me I confirm mostly off sound I guess? I have not conditioned myself to react to that metallic noise. he’s the only character that makes a different noise on block, right?