Hey guys, i just wanted to make one last thread in here concerning my retirement. i guess in the past, people who have said they’re retiring or quitting from fighting games never actually do it, but this is for real. my last tournament will be the season’s beatings one in columbus on november 3 (http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=136865), which will be tight because the turnout will be SICK- jwong, combofiend, pigadoken, flashmetroid, ratio1beatdown, sanford, and many, many others. it’s almost like a mini-major 3 hours away from me. at the end, i’m selling all my stuff (which has already been claimed, so don’t ask, lol) and moving on.
so i’m sure the question you’re all wondering is, why retire? why not just play a random tournament every now and again? why the drastic decision to give it all up? well, i have the type of personality where if i’m going to do something, i’m going to invest a lot of time into it and become the best i can at it. and i simply don’t have the time to do this anymore. i’m a senior in college, things are picking up, and the real world is coming soon…it’s time to grow up. i can’t just pick up the game every month or so and stay fresh, it’s just not how i work. also, i’ve wanted to move on for awhile now, i just wanted one last big tournament. i couldn’t get off work for evo north, and evo world happened when my school semester had already started. so this is the one because it’ll be a way to see all the friends i’ve made through fighting games one last time.
so i guess the purpose of this thread is for people to say goodbye, post up thoughts, good memories throughout the years from past tournies, or whatever. but please, please don’t say shit like, “retirement, that’s what they all say” or “you’ll be back,” because i really won’t. and i’m making this thread not to draw attention to myself, but to simply say goodbye to something that has been a part of my life for all these years.
PS- to rant a bit about the game, i still think A-eagle has potential, i just don’t have the competition to develop the really good habits with him. i think A-hibiki is a BEAST and highly underplayed, and A-vega is gay, lol. N-groove is really fun to play, you just need to play a ton of people to really develop a style with a small handful of characters (like buk, nuki, or togawa). and if you gave P-groove red parry, VDO would be a MONSTER, along with other really good P-groove players.
also, one way to keep the game alive for a long time to come (and even draw new players into cvs2), would be to develop some sort of fair list of characters for a mid-tier/low-tier tourney scheme. maybe buk’s tier list from mid-tier down, just something to take out the characters that people bitch about the most.