yeah fuck retirement
CvS2 is in your blood man, you’ll be ‘back’.
yeah fuck retirement
CvS2 is in your blood man, you’ll be ‘back’.
Bullshit! … I run my own business (make a great living) and am engaged. I manage MILLIONS in clients retirment money… No JOKE…
There is always time for a hobby. (Even if just a little )
WTF Popoblo, i know people with school/work/girl and still take the time to play here and there. I don’t even play this game anymore but its still fun to touch it here and there and chill with your peeps at tourneys.
or you can be gay like Eagle and just quit.
Anyways good luck.
you’re right, it is fun to pick up and play every now and then. but as i said earlier, i don’t have the type of personality where i just do something here and there, i go all out. also, i’ve been playing this game ever since it came out, like 2001 or something. that’s a long ass time.
also, one thing you guys are forgetting is that i don’t have a group of friends who play this game with me. i play the computer, by myself. then i travel to a tournament once every 2 or 3 months (or longer) to play people. so reading these forums so habitually, then practicing for 30min or so 4-5 days a week just doesn’t add up at all. if i had a big arcade or a group of friends in my area, then that would be cool, but that’s not how it is. and not having competition limits player development, plain and simple. i feel like i would reach a certain level of playing, but my opponents had reached and exceeded that level a long time ago. so this game of catch-up eventually got old. and other games i tried to learn and become good at, like 3S, mvc2, ST, are so competition based that you really can’t get that much better without playing against different styles.
the biggest thing i’ll miss about the fighting game community is the people, hands down, then the competition. but to be honest, there are other things that i want to invest my time in right now, because it’s becoming more and more limited.
and as i said before, i really won’t be back. i MIGHT drop into one of fugee’s columbus tournaments (which are becoming major-like IMO) every now and again just to catch up with old faces, but otherwise, i’m done.
what everyone graduating college needs to do is take a year off in Japan to “teach” English. the gaming here is pretty good.
Im hopefully looking on that :tup:
lates popo, allen said you were really good especially for being from the sex-jelly state. im sure this forum will miss you
So not even SF4 will make you reconsider?
Yo just practice. when you can. Have really good practice. Like 10min every day.
day1 rc
day2 cc
day three anti air
day for wiff punishing
day five mix up with full meter
day six mobility
day 7 counter poke
day 8 counter hit setups
day 9 youtube
day 8 Let me have you stick I will buy it from you.
day 30 Play R 4 (light kick color) Vega… And own the shit out of everybody:wgrin:
Play R4 vega then you wont need practice. YOu can ruin the game for everyone.
Good luck with your decision Popoblo, hopefully you wont completely abandon the scene and we’ll see each other in the future. Peace.
Man Im sad to hear this…Good luck to you in life man. Remember the Evo when we hung out ??? That shit was dope. In time I hope to still see you at a future Evo event…You are too good of player and a cool dude not to be there…Stay cool…
-D R B
thanks for the kind words guys. dr. B, that evo was a good time. i still remember being roll supered by your C-yama about 3 straight times before i started wising up and doing something about it, lol.
Damn, hate to see a OG leave. dont know you personally but seen your posts here and there. that post about Dhalsim strats helped out tremendous. would never of found those tips and tricks out if it werent for you. hope things go good for you in the future. have a good life.
i was actually gonna show up to seasons beatings as a surprise, but work owned me
sounded like a great time too, sucks that i missed it
good luck to you in the future dude
lord, then the two people who have owned me the most during my cvs2 days could’ve peaced me out (you and arturo). arturo was actually nice enough to forfeit to sanford so i wouldn’t have had to play him, assuming arturo would’ve beaten sanford in the losers bracket to play me. then i A-grooved it up against sanford before being out-patienced by rugal b to get 7th.
i guess here’s some final cvs2 thoughts from that tournament…
without competition, your growth as a player is SEVERELY limited. it’s that simple. there’s no amount of match vids, training mode, or anything else you can do to compensate for playing good people. most importantly, not playing against people never teaches you PATIENCE and how to adapt. play steve harrison and you’ll know what i mean.
the less characters you know, the better. pick a handful, and specialize. knowing 5 characters REALLY WELL is better than 15 at a surface level.
random groove, random select cvs2 with 3 people on a team is a really fun way to play the game.
it’s been a fun time, but i’ve got more important things to tend to now. support fugee’s and ghaleon’s tournaments (the guys who ran season’s beatings), they’re like mini-majors in OH out of all places. if i ever go to another tournament, that will be the one.
I feel you Popoblo, I’m starting to feel that way myself. I just wished I got a chance to play you at FR9. I think the only thing thats keeping from fully quitting is that I still enjoy tourneys and maybe SF4, but even then at the absolute most I see myself playing maybe for one more year the most.
I wish I had a better showing when we played at SB2. It was nice playing you bro! Good luck with whatever you’re doing in the future!