''My punches are stronger than your kicks......'' 0_o (Balrog thread)

What happens if they block both? I’d use that sparingly against good players, if I were you. You may want to follow that low Rushing Punch with a throw attempt or sit and block to keep them honest. If that’s all you do against me, I’ll block the headbutt and dizzy you on the ground if I can.

Hence I said “some people.” I usually set it up by actually doing the meaty low rush first. If that hits, then 9/10 times I can follow it with this pattern and it will hit. If this pattern hits, 9/10 times I can do a tick throw set up after it.

Any pointers vs. a run-away Chun Li? I’ll headbutt through fireballs and get close, only to have her jump off the wall and out of the corner. Neither headbutt nor dash upper can reach her when she does that…

Thanks for the help. I’m saving all the tips given so i won’t mess up on the next matches.
Hopefully when i go online later, i hope i find more turtling players. I gotta practice that match

Hmm… I’m confused, which might be because I’m basically a Tekken player (where you have 3 hit zones: high, mid and low. While standing, you can block high and mid, and while crouching, you can block low).

I tried the attacks you mentioned but none of them hits a crouching opponent. Am I looking for an overhead which Boxer doesn’t have at all? How am I supposed to attack someone who’s crouching the whole match?

Wear them down with chip damage from blocked specials (Rog can do that very well). And unlike 3d games, throws here have 0 frames of startup and have a deceptively long range. They’re very easy to setup if you mix them in otherwise tight offense patterns.

Hopi, like I said, wiff the low rush and do a headbutt or you can just throw. Boxer has no on the ground overhead hits. He would be far too powerful with them. Try learning the cr mk/cr mp xx low rush combo. Get them used to blocking that on wake up, then simply cr mk or cr mp followed by the mp grab. One of Boxer’s best strats is to show a strong rushdown early in order to bait them into blocking, then just throw. Once you show that you’re trying throw traps, they’ll be open for his 3 hit super dizzy combo that I listed above. The bottom line is that you need to try to keep them on the defensive. If you can do that, the match is yours.

Braver, you need to stop falling for reversals. Wake up SRKs and similar moves (chun’s upward kick) are eating you alive. You need to back off more and wait for them to fuck up so you can capitalize on it. Once you learn to lure out wreckless players who throw out wake up SRKs and such you will start eating face whole sale.

Ok, thanks, will try to do that. I might need some advice on throwing though - my characters often end up doing forward+attack instead of throwing, even though I’m as close as possible to them (well, in my opinion).

btw, I just found this combo vid. Are these combos still possible?

LP low rush and LP headbutt used to be both safe for boxer on block. Sirlin made lp headbutt have a little more recovery so if done too close it can be punished. LP low rush is still safe on block though.

I just landed (meaty) TAP (“3”) into super as a combo while trying to do a blocked TAP --> super shenanigan. O_o

I wanted to thank whoever suggested c.mk against Claw. I’ve been having so much trouble with that match but after discovering the GODLIKE properties of c.mk the match is much more even now.

Well first, for all those 4 chars, your plan is to get them in the corner. Since i know the online playerbase aint that good, get them in the corner and they’ll start to panic (Random DPs, Jumping back, Jumping at you and then going for a throw). You dont have to rush them all the time since they use fireballs to protect themselves.

On this vid, idk how many times i heard ‘‘Shoryuken!’’. You dont have to get caught by his randomness, starting a match with a DP? WTF? Rush that fool down. A player like might throw 3 DP in a row if he wants, make him pay. Since he knows he’s playing against Rog, he’s trying to do everything he can to stop him by throw short DPs and running away for throwing fireballs. He scared.

And a after knocking him down, BE AWARE of his reversal (on that vid you got by a super reversal). If he whiffs a reversal, rush him down and then go for that safe jump with short and 2x cr.jab him into a jab headbutt to see if he’s mashing that cr.forward, cr.strong or cr.roundhouse. If not, then you’ll be safe on block after landing 2x cr.jab into headbutt.

Once you got him in the corner, watch out for his jumps. Throw a headbutt, a low upper rush or a cr.HP (my favorite AA). Then he might switch to defense mode, go for that throw. Mix it up and have fun with this guy.

@ Iseelba, turlte Rog wont win against Ken’s super slow fireball, cuz you’re gonna lose patience in the middle of the match and go crazy. One thing you can do tho, manage yourself for having the lead and then wait for him to come at ya. He’s going to forgot his strats and then you mess him up.

I hate Chun-Li. On this vid tho, you have to realise that he’s backing up while throwing fbs, dont stay on your feet. Jump over fbs and jump at her with HP or HK and wait, since you know he’s gonna throw anotha fb, headbutt. Once he managed himself to be in the corner, WATCH FOR HIS JUMP or you’ll die, use AAs moves. The match is pretty much over once you grab her.

After knocking her down, safe jump with short, she cant do anything but block and then you go for throw or the 2xjab into jab headbutt tactic if he mashes cr.mk.

Fierce Headbutt beats her lightning kicks if you’re close.

Rog on pad is a pain in the ass, get a stick. And this is the same for the rest of my Rog players, work him on that stick and then you’ll see good things.

Walk up throw, whiff low upper rush into throw or continue to rush them until they start to react, patience is the key.

No, this is CE or HF Rog combos, ST Rog cant do that.

I’m pretty new to SF, but i know its all about match up ,timing, punish.

I wonder if someone can post all the moves that are punishable.

Not the low punish like jab or something. Something big. For example dictator’s low
RH can be punished with pretty much anything. Shoto’s SRK. Etc.

I really want to know all the major weakness/delays of other characters. This is because often me and my friend find ourselves being zoned out with constant barrage of moves. Since we don’t know there delays, there’s really no way to escape ,retaliate.

also,about shoto’s SRK,whats the most damaging way to punish them on the way down?? I use FP then low punch rush.

Here are my Zangief issues, reposted from Sirlin’s forum. Help appreciated.

"What I feel reduced to: perfect distance low rush, random throw, occasional low forward to stuff roundhouse.

I can’t TAP because opponent can lariat on seeing it.

Random low RH beats all my moves and rushes, including standing fierce.

Zang standing jab stuffs my rushes and most of my pokes.

My super, if blocked, is a free SPD.

My throw traps are super risky and usually get SPD.

What can boxer do, epecially when behind?"

Thanks for the hints everyone, I seem to lack some basic skill of throwing. I managed to throw a Ryu trying to combo (I think it was) st.MP,cr.HK in between by mashing f+MP, but in other situations, I either end up doing a normal MP or I’m just being beaten by an oppponents move. I think it has something to do with me pressing and holding f, THEN MP. These inputs should be done simultanously, right?

As far as “frame advantage” goes, I’ll let someone else point you to the videos and FAQs that are out there for that. But I can answer the last question…

Without super meter, you have a plethora of choices.

Crouching jab (x3-6) XX Any Rushing Punch
Crouching jab (x3-6) XX Short Rushing Upper, standing strong. (That does still work, right?)
Crouching forward, crouching strong XX (see the first two combos)
Turn Around Punch, Any Rushing Punch.

Or…you could just be smart and start the headbutt throw loop shenanigans.

With super meter, if you can buffer supers via the charge back, forward, back, neutral + (interruptable move), forward + punch to activate super method, any of the above combos will work for you. If not, do what I would do…

Crouching strong, Super. When you do the super motion so that it comes out exactly when the animation for crouching strong ends, the super will link.

Or…if you have it charged…

Turn Around Punch, Super.

Somebody correct me on the particulars of the Turn Around Punch if I have it wrong. Does it have to be a minimum of Level 2 to combo after it or will Level 1 work? I can’t remember right now.

For more combo ideas, you can check out the combo video threads here in this forum, do a search on YouTube, or go to GameFAQs.com and look through the various Street Fighter 2 games. (My Link FAQ, in particular, will give you tons of ideas for combos if you’re creative enough. It’s in the SNES SSF2 section on GameFAQs.)

Whether you hold forward or tap forward, as long as the CPU reads back or forward plus punch or kick AND your opponent is within your character’s throw range AND your opponent is not in the air, in block stun, in hit stun, or getting up, you’ll grab them.

Try practicing in practice mode. Start from point-blank range and grab your opponent. Then, try grabbing from a little further away each subsequent time. Get a feel for your character’s throw range. Boxer’s throw range was shortened between Vanilla ST and HD Remix, so I’m sure that takes getting used to also.

Rog vs. Gief

Dont get crazy against him or GGPO.
Your plan is to get him in the corner, but you have to stay away from him.
Here’s How:

  1. Low rush punch -> S.HP execution:

As you know already, Gief’s cr.Roundhouse can beat any rush punches. But your rushes can beat em too, if you’re at the right range. If its blocked, proceed with S.HP to suprise him and pushing him back. If he does a lariat when you’re away from him, rush him down and continue.

If he jumps when you’re a bit far away from him, you know he cant reach you, counter with a cr.mp or just do a headbutt, Upper Rush, low Upper Rush or any other AA.

  1. Corner situation: When you’re trapped.

All you need is patience, since Gief wants to grab you. Dont be scared of any of his normal attacks. When he jumps, do a cr.HP, Upper Rush, low Upper Rush or Headbutt. If he tries to poke you with his standing normals, do S.HP. His crounching normals gets beats by headbutt if you’re close to him, same with for lariat if you’re close too.

And keep him away.

  1. Corner situation: When He’s trapped. :badboy:

Get a distance of a jab low rush, so you can rush him safely. Again it takes patience, if you mess up, GGPO. Rush him, he does a lariat, Rush him down cuz you’re at the right range and it beats it. Then the Gief players try to do some desperate moves like Jumping, you know what to do.

Anotha note, if he whiffs a lariat on the corner. Do a Super with kick, not punch. GGPO.

First, this combo doesnt work on ST. Secondly, i suggest you to do a cr.mp into a low upper Rush, it knocks down the opponent.

Let me refresh this:

–After a missed SRK(if you’re far)–

Low rush punch
Low Upper rush punch
Straight Rush punch
S.HP, attack immediately after he misses (still in the air)

Biggest Damage:
A well timed high level TAP or Super

–After a missed SRK(if you’re close)–

cr.mp XX low rush punch
cr.mp XX low Upper rush punch
cr.mp XX Super

For TAP, Level 3 or 4 minimum to combo if you release it from far away.

BTW, Fuck GameFaQs when we have this: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=119097

Anyone else notice when you are charging a kick TAP and you activate a punch super, he starts throwing the kick alternative punches during the super. Its really annoying when it makes the super whiff after the first hit.

Is this a glitch or has it always been like this?