Hey guys, due to a lot of 3s, Urien, I’ve grown to love charge characters. Soooooo, I’m totally down with some Boxer. Can you guys point me towards some beginner Boxer tips/strat? From the bit I’ve read, doesn’t sound like he’s terribly different from ST Boxer so would looking for a beginner guide to ST Boxer work?
Also, for those that play SFIV, What kinda differences (other than EX moves xx/and ultra) do you see?
Feel free to add me on PS3. I’m down for taking a beat down for the sake of learning. Currently I’m jus’ watching ST matches and trying to pick up tips there.
I think Vega was discussed a lot earlier in the thread. The only thing I can add is that Vega is one of the few matches where I use dash upper to actually do damage instead of using it for spacing and throw shenanigans. The dash upper hits Vega out of a lot of wall dives and random jumps.
In addition to these, cr. fierce does well as an anti-air here too. Headbutt is a good option to hit Vega’s long limbs. And cr. forward stuffs Vega’s sliding sweep. One annoying thing is Vega’s wall dives steering intentionally away from your anti-air attempts to try and test your patience. Should you choose to rush him down, be mindful of his flip kick as a reversal move.
Standing MP with both Rog and DJ (both are standing uppercuts) work wonders when timed right against Vega walldives. Confuses the shit out of them when you do it.
If he’s doing a special move with kick at that point, then he must be holding down the punch buttons.
Ancient Stweet Fiyta Two Seecrit!
Remember that Boxer can do the Turn Around Punch by holding down either all punches or all kicks. (Some people are crazy enough to charge both at once! Hey…if it works, use it!) Of course, having buttons mapped to all punches and all kicks makes this “secret” much more practical nowadays.
Hey guys…I was just reliving my SNES SSF2 days on the CCC2 version of ST and I rediscovered my old friends crossup jumping fierce and crossup jumping roundhouse! Not only do they still work on Ken (and probably a bunch of other characters), but you can land them deep enough to jab 'em 4-7 times before you slam one of those rushing punches home.
Yet another trick in Boxer’s bag…in case you need it.
The trick is to hit their back shoulder with the very front of Boxer’s back leg (the very bottom rear corner of his fist). Mess around with it…maybe after…say…grabbing and headbutting.
Yup, I blocked the One and thought he’d dash punch after that so I went for a DP. The Six came out pretty quick so I ate it. Didn’t know they could be charged independently, that’s pretty cool.
ugh, i seriously need tips against over-the-top defensive spamming projectile characters (shotos, chuns, dhalsim) with Balrog. I have no idea how to fight them. I can’t Dash Punch at all and can’t jump since i get SRK’d or anti-air’d(especially against keep-away dhalsim) D-:
Here are some of my matches with Sofichan (really good player):
Balrog(me) vs Chun-li (Sofichan)
Balrog(me) vs Ken (Sofichan) 1
Balrog(me) vs Ken (Sofichan) 2
Balrog(me) vs Ken/Chun (Sofichan)
Balrog(me) vs Ryu (Sofichan)
PS: sorry about my execution, it wasn’t all that good, kept messing up the headbutt a lot (getting used to xbox controller)
Missing the headbutt at all means not being able to win a lot of matches with Balrog. I still have trouble doing the headbutt on a PS3 pad and I’m almost guaranteed to lose when I can’t get the headbutt out when I need it. Strangely enough, the headbutt is the ONLY flashkick motion that I will miss consistently – I tend to never miss it with Guile or Deejay ever. Any reason why the headbutt is harder to do?
That Ken didn’t kill you with fireballs, he killed you because you jumped and got SRK’ed. Never jump against Ken. Also you can’t try the throw shenanigans on Ken because you are going to get reversal dp’ed.
You want to be just outside Ken’s c.mk range and wait for him to do something. Play Balrog like a turtle character. Then headbutt Ken. Walk in and bait a reversal dp, that guy you were playing loved to wake up dp. Then sweep him. lp headbutt every fireball you can from a distance, just be sure you don’t land in sweep range. Build meter, then wait for a sloppy fireball or for a c.mk fireball 2 in 1 and throw out your super.
Against shotos I try to slow down the game and turtle and build meter. If Ryu gets meter so what…your super eats his for free. If Ken gets meter it is a little more scary. Regardless, once you get your super don’t waste it. Look for patterns that the shoto uses for fireballs and have your super ready. Get used to doing the super motion but NOT hitting punch. That’s your footsie game…once you see a lag move come out, hit the punch and your super comes out. You aren’t supering on reaction, you are just hitting punch on reaction. Most times I get super with Balrog against a shoto I end up landing it through a fireball.
Chun is a different story. I’m not that good vs. Chun with Balrog. I will tell you one thing…any time a Chun gets meter and walks towards you after throwing a fireball, expect a super.
Iseelba is spot on, I’d say. 3-4 count TAPs are very useful against Shoto’s too because they tend to let you stay at the perfect “safe from c.mk but able to punish SRK” range for solid damage. I just finished a series of 40 games against a solid player (id: BonesawIsReady) with a good Ryu but my Balrog gave him the most trouble. If you can be patient and reliably headbutt through fireballs it can be pretty frustrating for a Ryu player looking for a fb lockdown.
A couple times I managed to catch his Ryu with a 7-8 count TAP (and one “FINAL!”, man that felt good) off a single missed SRK by being full-on turtle from the start of the match, dancing through his FBs with headbutts and throwing out occasional attacks to bait for the SRK. He finally threw it and the TAP turned the entire match around (or ended it).
Ok, read through all 7 pages, but I couldn’t find any info on this…
I think I’m pretty good at timing ranged dash lows, most of my opps just eat them and can neither block nor reversal (meaty attacks?). But I keep having problems with people that just duck, as I don’t know which attacks hit crouched opps apart from jumping in (srk risk) and throwing. Any hints?
A nice trick for that is to do a low rush, usually with jab, so that it misses early. Then follow that up with a buffalo headbutt. People will think that your timing is off and try to punish with either a leg sweep or a reversal, and they’ll eat your headbutt. I’ve beaten some people by simply doing this over and over after the first knockdown.
All of Boxer’s crouching attacks hit low, however, cr.hp only hits low up close (which is why it’s usually used as anti-air and not for poking). The weak attacks are usually setups for ticks or combo starters. Cr.mp is a good poke, is cancellable, and is often used as a ticking setup into headbutt grab shenanigans. Cr.mk beats sweeps and can also be followed up with cr.mp (and then a Rushing Punch…or possibly a linked super). Also a good throw setup move. Cr.hk is a sweep that has a little startup, so it’s only used if you’re sure it’s going to knockdown (but usually cr.mk, cr.mp XX Rushing Punch is a better option).
He does have two standing moves that hit mid, though. S.mk is a decent poke, but it can be swept if you’re predictable with it as Boxer steps forward. S.hp is also a good poke, and like Claw’s s.hp, is good to stick out every once in a while to catch people sleeping. (Blanka can duck it, though, right?)