Thanks alot guys, I’l be incorperating this, and practicing it tonight.
whats the best way to get out of fireball spammers? Should I just headbutt through them or is there a better way?
For me,
I find that headbutting is a good way to get out of it, but you have to find out what speeds he is throwing them at.
I also try to block the fireball as close as I can, then do a low rush. It gets me closer, and I am able to do a better rush, or uppercut when he jumps away.
So far, I have problems with chun and who’d a thought? cammy.
nothing that a turn punch rush down will fix though
i think his hp poke is shorter but im probably wrong… TO THE TRAINING MODE!!!
hitboxes on lol ne waysss…
I meatied a turn punch to a dash straight after a throw very hard to time and i still haven’t done it since. any tips on timing for that combo?
xbox live: shaefromabove
mix it up!
for starters i try to hp poke through the fireball animation and it will stuff them
your headbutts have to be a little more predictive cus if you miss then your gonna eat shit.
and if your really good time a turn punch to just barely get within hitbox reach
my general gameplan for shotos is:
just lp headbutt through fireballs to build super meter then throw out a turn punch> super
if they block the super,
-headbutt - i catch ppl ALOT with this. but not safe if blocked DUH!
-dashing low - safe if they block but after a blocked super, ppl usually srk
-dashing uppercut - when im playing against someone who catches on to
my above techniques i use this to get in and throw.
i use the above 3 after turn punches too.
grapplers i throw out dashing lows and play keep away i use my turn punch as far as possible and rarely head butt.
this is just in general i use different strats against diff players and chars
Against shotos(BTW Fuck Akuma),
You have to watch the player’s overagression, that means doing 2 random DPs in row.
After knockin 'em down, try to get close at a range and charge, watch if he does a DP and then knock him down. Do that so you can change your opponent’s strategy.
BONES EDIT: Get 'em in the corner.
I agree with the shoto strats above and from rex.
For fireball spammers, stick with lp headbutts since if you do hp headbutt, you are open for sweep or srk.
Corners are not good for shotos or guile. If you get them in the corner, they definitly panic, which gives you the advantage all the way.
I also have a strat for Fei, since ive been playing a lot of them lately.
PLAY A SMART BOXER! Do not rush as much, until you are sure that you have him scared to do a flame kick. I have come to find that a lot of Feis like to rush, which headbutt beats almost everything he has.
Sorry…i just like to help
Can Rog headbutt through Akuma’s air fireballs? Just curious.
I don’t have a stick to play the game.
afro legends? you used to be like #1 on the SFAC on xbox right? I remember playing your djay/bison a few years ago. back on topic, does anyone know of good strats/ counters vs dhalsim?
Is this the same afro legends in the evo 2k6 trailer?
As fore akumas fireball. I’ve gone through them acouple of times. And I’ve been hit a couple of times.
I know its not much help. I just know its possible.
nope, rogs hitbox is completely fuckable anywhere behind him and some of his head.
So what usually happens is you’ll get hit by the fireball
You hit akuma out of the air as he does fireball. But you still get hit.
ill give you my Hori ex2 if you start playing again lol…i need to practice with you…and you need to teach me some mad skillz on rog…
I’ve finally started incorporating turn punches into my game. I start holding lk and mk at the start of the match and I don’t use it until I get a good setup.
I’ve only figured out a few setups…TAP after mp throw seems to work sometimes. TAP into super is great for chip damage if you need that. I still need a lot of work though.
My favorite is an obvious whiffed dashing upper into TAP. People know you don’t have your db charge and bam FIVE.
I’ve reversaled out of a few of them, but they were really close.
So tonight I have found that down FP with Dee Jay cancels A LOT of boxer’s moves. I was getting cancelled left and right.
Whether it was a standing FP, headbutt, dash low, it cancelled a TON of it, which caused me to lose both times i played this guy.
I was very annoyed and wanted to kill dee jay. Usually I dont have a HUGE issue with him unless its a really conservative Dee jay in which I would want to kill him too.
Anyone have a suggestion to destroy this very annoying move?
^ Thanks for the tip now I have something else to use against Rog
well i dont know if this will help versus deejay, but i’ve been whoring out against half the cast, its got NO BLUE boxes on the punch itself and doesnt extend rogs crouching animation at all, i use this against wakeup dp’s (they go right through and wiff) when i see the wiff i just throw it out again and cancel into jab low rush for the two hit. this works great versus hondas HHS after you’ve blocked them and they keep spamming and also versus electricity. and just generally beats alot of shit for free. its basically a shield when used intelligently.
I love crouching MP too. Actually I love all of boxer’s mp moves. Jumping mp, mp throw, ducking mp…
Sometimes I just hold down lk and mk and use my third finger on mp for most of the match :woot: (I really need to get a stick for the PS3 lol)
What’s the difference between mp throw and fp throw? Is there a change in priority or something?
More range for no apparent reason.