''My punches are stronger than your kicks......'' 0_o (Balrog thread)

I don’t want to seem like a clueless noob, I have done the necessary testing, but I’m still confused as to how to retain charge when your opponent crosses up. I feel like they would be able to keep jumping back and forth on me all day and I’d only get a headbutt out a couple times out of ten. The help is greatly appreciated, I hope to contribute more, I’d hate to be a leech.

oh sorry for the confusion, thanks for the catch & fix

hmm if they cross you up, as long as you’re still holding down, you should still retain that charge. if theyre jumping at you close enough to cross you up, it may be better to use d.fierce to anti-air instead~ if you catch them with it fast enough you will either hit or trade… i think using headbutt against that can be risky since it might whiff due to crossup. different story if you’re knocked down though(and they do meaty crossup)- maybe piano-ing the punch buttons will help you get the headbutt out more often

Just a few super shenanagins.

The throw/headbutt mixup gets even more disgusting when you’ve got meter. It’s so easy to go into a super after a whiffed dash upper (especially the df version). So easy in fact that I don’t have to piano. Tagged people with that all day yesterday.

Dizzy+Meter=Death. A timed b,f+piano punches gets the super to combo after a hit dash upper. Still having trouble with this since I still don’t have a stick for 360 :shake: Seems easiest off of just the dash upper, or a cr.strong into dash upper. Will connect sometimes off of cr. forward, cr. strong, dash upper, but for some reason my timings screwed when I do the whole combo. Jump in rh, s.foward, dash upper, piano super works well too. This isn’t too practical outside of dizzying someone because they can duck your upper, but the damage is so ridiculous that I got excited.

Pulled this from the o.g. balrog thread (pg 7) for doing jump in, cr. jabx2, s. jab, super. This is quoted from Airthrow." ***The trick is to do cr. lp x2, forward, neutral, back+lp, f+lp.***".

You guys may have figured it out by now but blocked blanka horizontal rolls can still be tagged with a lp low rush. Pretty sure you can reversal blocked balls for a super too.

Also, since you can see rainbow balls from a mile away I usually just take a step back and throw, since blanka seems to have a lot of recovery on that move.

As always, cr.MP and cr.HK from close-to-max distance will kill his electricity, as will close headbutts. Launch a super if your blanka opponent is dumb enough to go into electricity when you have meter.

I found the best thing to do about crossups (especially with Dee Jay…hate that jackass) with his ridiculous cross I find its easier to try and throw after the fact, if you whiff, at least you uppercut with mp

Headbutt is so totally overpowered in this game. I’ve seen it kill Dictator’s super, Dee Jay’s super, Boxer’s super, and I’ve seen it timed well enough to go through Ryu’s super.

MP throw + charge punch in corner is a really dirty trick too.

Thats always been apparent. ESPECIALLY with Ryu’s super. The others are real timing. If you get in at the right spot with Deejay’s super, you can stop him mid super

A problem I used to have was that I could never figure out a consistent jump-in combo on crouching characters. This was particularly important for charge characters, who would often eat the jump-in to keep their reversal available.

Well, I finally got one! This is in regular ST as well but I never saw it posted, so here you go:

J.short, c.short, LINK c.jab XX low rush

You can chain low short to low jab, but the timing seems to be really weird and I actually find linking it much easier. You can also combo this into super if you’re pro like that. =) c.short is a good tick setup as well, so you don’t need to worry about sacrificing anything on that front.

Seriously, learn this shit, it really helps vs. Guile/Deejay/etc.

hey RoDcHaN ggs’ man your boxer is totally beter then mine. I just noticed it was you I was playing against. GG man

Any strat for boxer vs dictor

can anyone tell me some good moves against vega? What is the best move to use to counter is wall jumps and his d,u,p wall spring? headbutt or anything else? also what is the best move/s to do when the roll then slide at you? also what is the best way to attack a downed vega? when I attack him he either a.does his b,f k move or throws me out of whatever im trying to do. what are the best moves for this instance? thanks.

^^^ Yea, whats the best approach when fighting Claw. I’ve recently got into using him and I can’t believe I waited this long. He is the fucking shit. Anyway, I have trouble fighting Claw, and Honda out of everyone else.

Vega players typically think they have a monopoly on putting their opponents into constant blockstun. It tends to confuse them when you do that same thing to them. Essentially get in and never let up. Use cr.MP a lot because it is pretty much invincible and will beat or trade with vega’s pokes depending on the situation. Headbutt will beat his flip kick, slide, and roll. Also don’t feel afraid to jump HP/HK on him when he is getting out of wakeup. If he starts walldiving, headbutt at the last second. Vega will ether be cocky and try to get you up front which will get hit by headbutt or he’ll try to crossup which will then miss. Meaty MK into wakeup followed up with MP throw is also another tactic Vega players have difficulty countering.

Also, if you find yourself getting locked down, a LP headbutt coming out of blockstun does wonders. It’s like a slow wall of invincibility just waiting for a claw poke.

Headbutt beats his normals, roll, wall dive and slide. Cr.jab and cr.strong beats his cr.strong if you’re at perfect range.

Wall dive situation, use Headbutt for attacking or escaping of this situation. I know the most of Claw players, after missing a wall dive and landing close to you, will do a slide. Beat the shit of this slide with cr.forward. or with headbutt. You can beat the wall dive with cr.Fierce, both of you might get hit or he gets hit.

So in general, dont fear his pokes since it doesnt make chips damage, just wait for a opening, that opening might be a slide, headbutt or cr.forward that shit (i rather go for the headbutt, cuz it knocks him down). After knocking him down, watch out for his flipkick, if he misses, rush him down or go for a throw(go cheap at him). What i do, after knocking him down, i jump immediatly with j.short cuz he gets up really quick and my j.short will hit him deep. Then i do 2xCr.Jab into jab headbutt, cuz it beats his cr.strong if he mashes it, if not, i go for throw, etc. MIX IT UP.

One more thing, i know alot of Claw players have this Wall dive nonesense. In this match, you have to wait for the wall dive, you dont have to go crazy on him or you get poked all day. Play Smart.

And for tips against Honda: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showpost.php?p=5797537&postcount=54

Please ppl, read the thread from page 1 to see if your question is already answered.

Bones EDIT: Dammit, Stud was faster than me. Fuck. Good shit.

GGs to you too KARASJET

As far as boxer vs. dictator matches,

I have come to find that you can lp headbutt right after the scissor kick. This is very useful when they try to throw you right after. If you get a good dictator, they usually do d.mk scissor kick, d.mk again then try to throw. So try to throw the headbutt after that. Takes a bit of timing.

Also, the low rush is alright to do if you have him cornered. Mixup uppercut, low rush, uppercut throw. They get confused from that,

Then again who am I kidding? my boxer isnt all that great…anyone else have suggestions that im probably wrong on? hehe

A difficult matchup for Rog, IMO.

Cr.Strong beats scissor kicks and psycho crusher if you’re at the right range.

Cr.Fierce beats his extra attack after head stomp, beats his head stomp if done at the right time.

Headbutt beats psycho crusher and scissor kicks.

So in general, This match is all about timing.

Dictator does alot damage so be careful, he’s going to put you on defense with his s.MK, s.HK, cr.MK, scissors kicks. If you’re close to him, cr.forward beats his cr.forward and try to rush him down, jump at him but dont go crazy. And get ready for the counter grab, especially when he’s pulling off a HK scissor kick that lands him close to you. Grab him or he grabs you, but sometimes its random. Or just do the piano Headbutt.

Get him in the corner and mix it up.

If you’re far away, you know that he’s going to do a Headstomp. You can stand where you are, block it and then wait for his extra attack so you can beat it with cr.Fierce.

Does Head Butt beat Head Stomp or Devil’s Reverse?



And it beats Headstomp if its done right on time.

This helped me out immensely, thanks for taking the time to reply; I need to remember to stop charging down/back and shift the stick into straight down if I anticipate a jump in, I can’t believe that never occurred to me. I won’t lie, I’m a little embarrassed :rofl:.

Hi I got street fighter a few days ago and im loving it. I plan to main balrog. Im haveing some problems. One is with people who crouch. When I play some ryu players the will just sit back and crouch and do sweeps. But none of balrogs crouching attacks are very long range. Against the realy good players they will uppercut when I jump in and fireball when I try to charge a low rush. Any help with these turtles? Also I dont know what to do when I knock someone down. Sometimes I run up to them and try to just pound on them but most characters can get there moves out to fast. What are some combos or what should I do with this. Thanks I have only had this game for 2 days and been loving it.
Also any basic tips to improve my game?

hey Phantom11392 first things first you should play around with his low rush’s to learn how quick they are and their ranges. In doing this you will also learn what pokes and moves it kills for free. people are scared the hell of this next move b/c it is so free. Play around with his different pokes (S.fp, cr.mp,cr.rh and cr.mk), he has some very good anti-air normal’s aswell. (st.mp, cr.fp,headbutt) are the mains. Oh yeah his kill everything headbutt, it closed the distance,goes through fireballs and supers ,counters pokes,and has invinicbility frames. It is just too good. I’m sure some more advanced players here can help give some more input. hope i helped