''My punches are stronger than your kicks......'' 0_o (Balrog thread)

The usual way to do TAP on stick is to hold down KKK with the the top of your palm or the base of your fingers, and use the flats or tips of your fingers to press punch buttons.

hey has anyone had trouble fighting cammy, or is it just me?

I charge TAP with my thumb on short and my pinky on roundhouse, seems to work pretty well it allows me to use my 3 strongest fingers to operate the punches.

It might be the online play, but cammy throws me out of everything as boxer

I don’t think I’ve lost a 'Rog v Cammy match yet. You could win the match with headbutt alone if you felt like it. Cammy has nothing to challenge it with except her super maybe.

If you don’t have the reaction to counter holigan throws then I can see where frustration would be coming from, but 'Rog should still win this one fairly easy.

Yeah I win most of them, part of it is probably because im on pad now+lag assist. Another bad habit is trying to grab her after she whiffs a cannon spike. She either ends up getting me first or fires another one off.

I wouldnt say that Cammy is easy to beat like in OG ST.
Her new cannon drill has a good recovery, which those cammy players werent aware of that.
A good Cammy player like Keits knows that shit. But yeah, online can be an issue too, IMO.

who do you all use for your back up characters? I am trying to work on bison(claw) and maybe Dee Jay for fun.

I have trouble beating Dee Jay. His max outs + sweeps keep me at bay fairly well.

Once I get in, GGPO, but getting in is the problem.

dudley mind game comes in handy

what i usually do against cammy players it was inspired by dudley from third strike mind game, i usually whiff out c,lp or c.mk to lure the cammy in then keep poke her with c.mp,and if she jumps back or is measuring distance low rush her, when she feel that urge to jump c.hp, if she playing footsies put out that c.mk ocasiionly you might be able to get a low rush in if shes moving back, but if she come in with that cooter slam fierce headbutt that mess

yeah i know not truly the same as dudley but it works

Go thru fbs with your headbutt, if your close to him and attempting to sweep, cr.forward beat his sweep.
And then you jump at him, mix it up.


Build meter, low headbutt thru fbs.

Im pretty new to St in generial

*  cr.Forward, cr.Strong xx low rush 

* safe jump Jab, cr.Jab x2->st.Jab xx high rush 

* j.RH, st.Forward xx low kick rush (the one that knocks down) 

I want to clarify these basic combos. What does XX stand for ?? I assume -> means cancil into the next move??

I read some where that the 3rd jab will instant become a stand jab , does this apply to remix, and does it only activate when the first 2 jabs made contact?

So what do i do for the first combo?? usually i just press the command right after the other. cr.Forward, cr.Strong then i activate the low jab rush.

Also what is high rush?? staight rush??

yes, xx means cancel into~ in this case, cancel c.strong into low rush.

the 3rd jab doesn’t automatically become a stand jab; you have to actually stand up to get the 3rd jab out before the high rush (if that was what you were asking). this isn’t necessary, but i think it makes the combo a lot easier to do standing jab for the 3rd one since it cancels into the rush, or at least its somehow harder to do rush off c.jab.

for the first combo, you have to do c.strong, then link into c.forward, then cancel into rush. the combo maybe a little hard because you have to press c.strong immediately after you recover from throwing out your c.forward, which requires some precise timing (or else it wont combo).

and yes high rush is straight.

Posted this in the Fei strat thread, but wanted to get the perspective of some Rog players, as well.

Last night, I was playing against Balrog, and at least once per match he’d get me into the headbutt throw trap (headbutt throw, during my recovery crossover, cr. jab tick, headbutt throw). I had no idea how to get out of it. I tried: reversal throwing, but would usually eat the jab tick or lose out to headbutt throw priority; I also tried flame kick, but the timing seems really tight and Fei would just end up crouch blocking anyway. Although I don’t really play that many boxers, it would be nice to know for when I do run against one.


And the combo works if you do a meaty cr.forward.
It means that you got to hit your opponent early after wake-up.

they made it easier to do the TAP for rog. instead of 3p/k you can just hold 2p/k.

The way i normally do the TAP in st is holding 3Ks with my thumb middle and pinky. I know its pretty hard to do this, but i have gotten use to it. It also might be hard to reach the fierce with your ring finger too.

since hdr changed the TAP, it should be easier to hold whatever buttons you choose not to use.

Hey Guys,

I am new to the thread so thanks! I like a lot of the strats (especially for Gief…hate that asshat) and Cammy.

One thing I encountered during play against Honda is that c. strong beats super. Happened like 3 times so I think its safe to say that.

c. mk isnt IMPOSSIBLE to do…just takes a little bit of practice.

Hope to try and contribute more

That’s my favorite combo (c.forward, c.strong, low rush). Damage off of that is too good. I like to do that after a headbutt throw; just walk to the other side and throw out the combo. It’s especially useful after you do a couple of tick throws off of the throw. DP’s and Fei’s flaming kick beat it though, so anticipate the reversal attacks.

I was doing this tonight, and getting a lot of balrog hate. One guy even called the game “broken fighter II” :rofl:

Yeah, I’m lovin’ the Rog.

Yea i love that 3 hit combo too. Something about it just looks real savage

Noobs and Mashers Alert!


:annoy: If you Rog players have trouble with shoto noobs, Guile noobs, any chars noobs mashing cr.mk or sweeping your ass out.

There’s is a key to success : Patience.

1)Knock that fool down.
2)Jump at him, but watch out, they’re going to sweep you or poke you with cr.forward.
J.jab(hit him deep), 2x cr.jab -> low headbutt = beats his sweep and his cr.forward mashing ability. When he’ll realize that he needs to block, go at him, mix it up and have fun.
