''My punches are stronger than your kicks......'' 0_o (Balrog thread)

For some reason I am having a horrible time tick throwing. I can land maybe 1 in 10 tries :(.

I am a newer Balrog player and am doing below average. I was wondering which moves cancel and how to do it. Any pointers?

My God I suck with Boxer :-/. Heck I don’t think I’m even that bad, but for some reason he just reacts worse to lag than a huge percentage of the cast.

My ratio on scoreboard for E.Honda and Vega was like 40-12, but my ratio for Boxer is like 12-30. So freakin’ stressful lol. Ah well gotta remind myself its just a game and I’ll get better.

anyone got tips getting up close to sagat? im pretty impatient hence picking balrog; i was playing against a pretty good sagat for the first time earlier, and he kept me out pretty well. maybe i just need to be more patient. using that neutral jump punch to avoid fireballs is pretty hilarious btw

ps. is it just me or does that tiger knee got insane dizzy

Hey deadpool, saw you playing my friend pat (Rugedman) today, what advice do you have for playing against Akuma? you beat him and i have a very hard time with akuma

yeah, you have to just be patient, and try to bait him in to do stuff like tiger uppercuts, and tiger shots, thats what i do, just dont jump in to much, and when you do jump in, make sure you can get away with it, also, use meaty low rush punch, but don;t go crazy with it, since he can tiger uppercut out of it.

Is it just me or does does jab low dash punch come out insanely fast at the start of a match online?

In offline or during a match online I can usually flash kick/cannon spike/whatever it on react, or at least react from neutral to block, but online it’s like Balrog fucking teleports for that first punch.

Even if the rest of the match is smooth on a good connection, that one split second at the beginning kills me everytime.

First, you cant rely on tick throws anymore. His throw range has been reduced, so its really hard to do that on that game.

And the lag is an issue for Rog, i cant even reversal with piano.

Build meter. With lp headbutt, then you throw a super, GGPO. Cuz Sagat got a HUGE hitbox, he’s big arms so when he does a low tiger shot, the Super reaches his arms no matter where you at.

Other tips. J.HP -> s.HP, 2 big hits for free.

Yes it comes really fast. But a shoto’s DP is faster, they can beat low rushes at beginning of the round.

thanks, oh and does s.HP hit sagat if he’s doing low tiger? i completely forgot about how good this normal can be

Yeah I’m about to quit playing Balrog online because you can’t lag fight with him at all. I’m tired of getting hit by fireballs that I’d headbutt through every time offline.

Ok guys I’ve been doing a lot better with Boxer now (like a 3 to 2 ration I think), but I still have some problems.
First is claw, how do you get past its long hands (c.MP is the worst), and barcelona attack?
Second is Guile, my opponent kept mashing LP (I think), while crouching, none of my charge move would work and when I tried to move in, he’d somersault my ass. How should I close in?
Can’t think of a third for now, but yeah, any tips?

    • low rush when you see him whiff low strong. Even if he blocks - you are now next to him, you did block damage and can go for mixups. Don’t be afraid to block low strong - it’s not doing damage to you. As far as his off the wall nonsense, I just do fierce headbutt when he goes off the wall. It either hits him or neither one of you hit each other.
    • pretty sure standing fierce will hit him, if not i know TAP will. Either way - who cares? Low jab isn’t doing damage to you, just stand back and let it whiff. Just stay charged and punish any sonic boom or flash kicks he tries. Don’t go blindly rushing into him all the time - mix it up. You can also go for whiff low rush while keeping headbutt charged and headbutt the flash kick attempt from the right range.

Derek Daniels

And Boxer’s cr.forward beats Guile’s cr.forward.
If you’re close to him and he does an Sonic Boom, j.HP.
And then beat his cr.forward with cr.forward

Omni, Vega players I play don’t tend to use cr.HP, and the cr.MP always beat my closing in for the low rush. The headbutt does beat the Barcelona however, nice. And its not that I’m afraid of light punches, its just that they use it when they have the slightest advantage, also because they just know Balrog players are impatient (hence why we use Balrog hah).

Thanks for the tip Jimmy.

TAPs are too fun. its the best feeling in the world getting a 3+ count TAP on an opponent, especially when it wins the round :badboy:

anyone got any good TAP setups?

one of my favorite setups are:

  1. after a grab, walk close or under them, c.mp x2, then release the TAP

  2. after a far hp in a poke string, release the TAP

My favorite TAP setup is one Graham posted in the ST Balrog thread… vs Shotos wait a second after wakeup and then release it, if they reversal DP they will eat the TAP out of the air.

Alright dudes, I’ve been playing a ton of Balrog in HD Remix and he is totally way badass. I was having a really hard time with Chun and Sagat at first until I noticed a couple of things:

**1.**When **Chun **does lighting legs it’s headbutt time! I’ve been able to get out of this trap pretty consistently. Try it out. I just confirmed that jab and fierce heabut sail right over legs and smacks Chun in the face.

2. Sagat. Everything would be going great until Sagat players started busting out what I think is J. Fierce. I couldn’t heabutt it to save my life. I was getting wrecked. Seems like C. Fierce is the way to go here. Haven’t had any problems yet.

Sorry if either of these bits are well known–but I’d never used either strat till today and I’ve been playing ST for years.

Hope that helps.


Originaly from Graham Wolfe.

And Good Extra info, Dangmug. I wonder who played Akuma lately.

So I just read over this thread on tick throwers http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=169238, of course with Blanka in mind. I’m decent at keeping him away, but once he gets in I’m totally screwed.

Anway, the question in mind is what special attack do you guys use when attempting a reversal move to stop the bite? Headbutt seems logical, only you have to eat jump ins to hold the charge. Will dash punches/uppercutts work in this scenario?

No need to eat jump ins…just headbutt the air attack. I hate Blanka though and it is easily one of my worst Boxer matchups.

Could someone help me out with tap?

I do play on a stick. But how do I charge it. Should I use my wrist to hold down short and forward? or my index and middle to hold down jab and strong?