''My punches are stronger than your kicks......'' 0_o (Balrog thread)

It is a bug.
If you do a c.lp after c.lp, c.lp will be s.lp.
Perfect for cancelling into super.

How on god’s green earth does Boxer beat Chun? That matchup seems hard as shit. Any tips on this new STHD version? Add me on PSN so you guys can kick my ass and show me some good stuff:)

Yep, this was definitely his worst fight in ST. Even now, I think only Gief might be harder.

Jumping in on her is not a bad idea, as her upkicks aren’t that great and your fierce/roundhouse beats her normals. Also, j.MK from the right distance is pretty much the only way to beat lightning legs, unless the lowered priority means he can actually do something on the ground (doubt it).

You can safely headbutt through MP/HP fireballs but NOT the jab ones. I would just walk up and block at the last second, or jump straight up over it and immediately charge (allows you to low rush before she can throw another one).

Don’t lean too much on the tick throws, as now she has longer throw range than you. Use mixups with sweep or delayed low strong XX low rush, or go for the whiffed low dash upper mixup.

Your goal is to trap her in the corner, where she doesn’t really have an easy answer. Scare her enough with low forward, low rush, and TAP, and you can get throws from whiffed low dash upper or even just by walking up.

That all makes a lot of sense. Also, I’m having a REALLY hard time getting out of cr forward and s strong tick throws. I can’t get the exact timing of the reversals

Chun is harder than Gief., IMO.

Just have to play smart against Him.

Yeah but his headbutt range and damage is still just way too good and he seems to be just as much of a rapist in the corner as ever. I don’t play him but playing against him he just seems so much better then most of the cast imo same goes for vega.

Speaking about Claw.
I cant fear his wall dive anymore.

BONES EDIT: I didnt meant that he was not a threat anymore. But still.

Just wanted to point out that in HDR you can charge with 2 punches or kicks.


Anyone have any tips for fighting Honda? I seem to be having a lot of trouble with that matchup.

Never noticed.
That made my day, thks for the info.

I wonder if that means you can charge 4 turn punches at once. Test time.

My thoughts too.
3 i beleive.

LOL, noobs will be scared of playing us Rog players after that. They might think they’re playing the AI.

BONES EDIT: Wait…How can you charge all 8 buttons in one hand?

I posted the same thing in the Honda thread. I haven’t gotten any tips over there either.

Balrog vs. Honda:

(This is all based on ST - I haven’t played this match enough in Remix but I have a feeling it hasn’t changed at all)

Standing Jab beats A LOT of things at the right range - headbutt, butt slam, etc. Low Strong also beats headbutt when timed right. If you do block headbutt, always try for REVERSAL low rush. If it’s not reversal, pretty sure Honda can stand/low jab your rush attempt.

Other then that, stay charged and don’t get bullied by hands - low strong beats them. The only thing that sucks is stored ochio. Takes away all of the fun guessing games when you have Honda knocked down. I usually just hang back or keep them honest with a sweep or a low rush (beware wake up headbutt).

The only ‘weird’ part of the matchup is when honda does buttslam twice (or more) in a row. It can cross Balrog up and make it hard on which way to block. I usually do jump back Strong which either hits or gets you out of trouble.

If there are any other questions - feel free to post them up.

Derek Daniels

Add me ya’ll if u want some games with me.

Thanks for the help. Didnt realize low str beats handslap.

Rog vs. Blanka:

I played this match with a couple of random blanka players, nothing special so far.

You HAVE to stay away from him, in other words, you have to turtle. Cr.MK beats EVERYTHING, his roll, his slide, his normals and yes it can beat the super if you do it at the right time.

When you block his roll, go for the Upper low rush to knock him down. If you go with the low rush, he’s not really knocked down so he gets up really quick, same for any other char. When he gets up, he might do anotha roll (a crazy blanka player might do that), Jump back with Fierce or Roundhouse to beat his roll.

Blanka is gonna bite you in this match, so watch out for his suprise bite, like i said you have to turtle. Watch for his Jumps, beat em with Upper low rush, sometimes its hard to react to. The hardest part of this match is when you’re in corner, he’s going to bite you all game if he wants to, so you gonna be ready for a counter throw to get out of the corner.

In general, in this match, you got to keep moving.

I’ve been lurking these boards for a while now, but I finally decided to get involved with the community with the release of HD Remix.

Anyway, I’m fairly new to the intricacies of charge characters, and I was wondering if someone could elaborate on the method to retain your charge when an opponent crosses up.

I heard whispers of one method from this website; if your opponent jumps over you as you’re charging down back, by flicking the stick into the down forward position just as he is directly above you will allow for your charge to continue as normal. I tested this with a friend, however, my success rate was spotty at best. Is this the correct way? If so, is it just a matter of practice? I believe I also have a 10 frame window to go from down back to down forward in this situation?

I know that if already have a charge primed, I can simply snap to what is now up/back as the opponent crosses up and press an attack button, and Buffalo Headbutt will come out, but sometimes this luxury won’t always be available to me.

Nori: If the Chun distances her tick throws perfectly, you cannot counter-throw her. Always try to have a headbutt charged for these situations (remember to piano input!), and if you don’t have one then try to counter-throw with MP (not HP, the range sucks even though it’s the exact same throw).

While I’m at it, here’s another neat little tip against Chun:

When she throws a jab fireball, jump backward to the edge of the screen while charging. Right as the fireball disappears, perform a MP low rush; if she immediately throws another fireball (the usual pattern), you will trade. This leaves her knocked down and allows you to perform another low rush to close the gap.

The main reason Chun wins this matchup is the fireball/lightning legs keepaway, so anything you can do to get close helps. For the most part, though, you will have to resort to the bare-bones methods of getting around fireballs (jump straight up, walk up and block). It gets much better once you reach mid-range, as you can at least jump at her.

Jimmy Bones: Good start on Blanka. One key thing to remember is that you cannot safe jump at him, so I would recommend using meaty TAP; it does huge damage and knocks down if he performs a reversal ball, and when done meaty it gives you frame advantage on block. Meaty low rush is also great if you have the charge; once you get a big lead in life, you can just keep doing this and not give a damn if you trade since it resets the situation. I expect Balrog to still win this matchup in Remix, but not for free anymore.

I jabbed Honda out of his super yesterday. Don’t know how many frames of invincibility it has on it but not enough for full screen :slight_smile: