^^Let me check that out, about connecting Dash upper into super.
If you guys didnt know, back in the WW days, Rog’s Dash Upper could hit mid and high.
Godlike! Too bad he wasnt able to play on AE.
^^Let me check that out, about connecting Dash upper into super.
If you guys didnt know, back in the WW days, Rog’s Dash Upper could hit mid and high.
Godlike! Too bad he wasnt able to play on AE.
What do you mean by this? I’m having trouble using strong headbutt to go through fireballs outside of funky situations which were possible in ST (I might and probably am wrong though).
Cuz it doesnt work.
You can only go through fireballs with jab Headbutt and fierce Headbutt.
I dont know why it doesnt work with strong. Hitbox issues probably.
Thanks for all the help guys regarding Dash Upper Low. As far as Cammy, I was told to use the headbutt against Cammy and honestly, it stuffs a LOT of her mixups/moves. Or maybe I’m playing a crappy cammy:(
^^You’re right.
A good Cammy player will put you on the corner with her new cannon drill/pokes, then she’ll do a hooligan, Headbutt beats it.
BONES EDIT: Her new cannon drill is too good. Gawdammit!
I have a question:
How do you do the turnaround punches in succession so that Boxer counts “1, 2, 3” ? Without having to restart back at “1” again? And is there any advantage to this other than sounding cool?
^^Im not sure what you’re trying to say, but anyway.
TAP has 8 different levels. You can charge it (by pressing all 3 punches or all 3 kicks) as long as you want, the more time you charge it, the more damage you do. If you charge it again after releasing it, you come back at Level 1. You can hold all the punches and kicks buttons at the same time, launching two big TAPs in a row if you want.
TAP is useful when your opponent is on wake-up animation, and it hits Mid so its cool for low blockers.
You just knocked down a Shoto, try to get close to the cr.strong range. Now, he might throw a DP after the wake-up. Release TAP at the same time as he release the DP. Do that if you know your opponent.
I suggest you to release TAP on wake-up animation.
BONES EDIT: I have to play Honda and see what he does. Imma be there tonight.
Does Rog’s mp Buffalo Headbutt go thru fireballs now? Thanks
According to Sirlin’s article, yes. So you can now piano safely to go through fireballs on wakeup without fear of hitting MP at the wrong time.
That’s good news. Finally.
Yo Stud, add me on PSN. Lets get some games.
Will do sir!
**edit nm, already been discovered… the double tap didnt work in ST did it?
Ok so I don’t fully understand the charge system in ST, but can someone answer this for me.
I was using Balrog and after a dash punch, I don’t know what I did but my super came out RIGHT after that. I’m sure I did not charge back during it.
I’m assuming you did charge back, forward+punch, back, forward+punch. That button combination would set up both the dash punch and the super if the recovery time would allow.
Balrog is STILL bad-ass. I don’t see any nerfs. He can still rush you down and still dominate matches, same as ST. No difference. Which is fine. I mean SOMEBODY’S gotta be top tier right? Might as well be Balrog.
His Headbutt should have been nerfed more though, or at least all but Strong Headbutt, same as Ken"s Strong Shoryukens. And also his throw range, he can still grab too easily.
Can someone give me some bnb combos for Rog?
Low forward, low strong XX low rush
meaty low forward, close fierce (big stun damage)
(After a dizzy) Deep jump fierce, low jab, stand jab XX fierce dash straight
And here’s a good character-specific one to know…
vs. Sagat, after jumping over a low tiger: Jump fierce, far standing fierce
So I’m scrubby as they come with charge characters (and can’t do SRKs on my new Xbox360 stick yet -.-) but I had a question…
I was in a room last night with a T-hawk that was just dominating everyone. Whenever it came to me and I played Rog, he would just spam crouching jab. It seems like it beat all the dash punches and TAP was blockable on reaction… Any time I jumped in he would just do T-hawks DP move (forgot the name).
What am I supposed to do in that situation? I realize its a noob question, but any insight is appreciated. Also, any tips for getting headbuts to come out more frequently? About half the time I’m jumping now instead of doing a jab headbut (never had that problem in ST).
Just walking up and pressing Fierce probably works
ok i was practicing some combos on training mode and did this combonation with balrog i think it was: s.lp, c.lk, c.lp and on the c.lp he keeps standing back up has anyone notice or experince this before?