''My punches are stronger than your kicks......'' 0_o (Balrog thread)

Apparently I need to work on my reflexes because his quick lariat seems hard to punish.

What is the difference between the punch super and kick super? I didn’t even know there was a kick super.

Its no glicth. You are holding the kicks buttons and when you hold em the super whiffs by throwin uppers instead of straights. Stop charging TAP while doing the super.

The difference is you start the super with an uppercut, hold a kick button to continue doing uppers. This move beats the lariat.

What i do is whiff upper into kick super to beat the lariat.

As far as boxer vs geif, I just spam c.mp and lp headbutt. Both are hard to punish whether hit or blocked, just don’t whiff the headbutts.

It’s always been like that.

what to do vs guile?? When he spam pokes to keep me away ?/ I cant jump in because he can use his charge move. deejays does this too…

actually,i have a lot of problem vs a lot of chars when this use this playing style. they use crouch pokes to keep me from rushing…

one more thing, when shotos use the hurricane kick and I block him, he ends up on my other side. Whats the best punishment?? The only thing i use is c. med punch. I cant rush him because he crossed over…

I read somewhere that u cant crouch jab more then 3 time ?? You end up standing up on the third jab…This is used in combos. But I tested this, it doesn’t apply?? Can some one clarify??

Can someone explain the rush punch-> super?

I only managed to do it once so far

It’s been said that the best thing to do here is work your way to just outside their poking range, crouch, and throw out a few cr.mks to stuff his pokes. If they happen to poke and whiff and you’ve been in crouch block for long enough, get in there with a jab Low Rushing Punch or whiff a short Rushing Upper and grab 'em.

They’ll probably either start spamming more projectiles to push you out or sit there and do nothing. You can headbutt through projectiles and you’ll have to do some serious baiting if they just sit there…unless you get ahead on life first.

Normal move uppercuts have always been the bane of the Hurricane Kick’s existence. Use his cr.hp to knock them out of it. Don’t do it if they’re directly overhead or you’ll stand up into it. His fist hits in front of him at about a cr.mp’s range.

Heh heh heh. C’mon now. This is the greatest fighting game of all time. The game’s not that restrictive.

Here’s the deal. When you’re crouching and mashing jab, you’re using what’s called “rapid fire weak attack chaining”. Weak attacks can chain into themselves but once you start chaining, you can’t interrupt that particular attack into a special move. So, in Boxer’s case of cr.wp (x2), st.wp XX jab Rushing Punch, the reason why the st.wp is there is because if you chain into a different weak attack, you will be able to cancel that move into a special. The game’s not making you stand up and jab at that very point. You can add another cr.wp if you want to (and on bigger characters, you can do as many as 6 cr.wps if you time it right and still be in range for his st.wp), but if you try to chain into st.wp and it whiffs, bye bye combo opportunity. On Chun Li, Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Guile, usually cr.wp (x2), st.wp XX jab Rushing Punch works. As your rapid fire timing improves, you’ll see yourself doing stuff like cr.wp (x6), st.wp XX jab Rushing Punch on Zangief, Hawk, and (maybe) Blanka.

I have a feeling this is in the SRK Wiki somewhere.

So the third stand punch will connect if the first 2 c.p hits.

the wiki is not clear enough. all it does is tell you the combo. it should really explain it.

I’ll just answer the easy questions lol:

  1. Jab headbutt is best unless you need to cover some distance, then you’d use fierce. You don’t want to use fierce though unless you know you can’t get punished at the distance you are at, or you know it will hit them. Strong works but the timing is MUCH tighter than jab or fierce.

  2. Jump strong is good, so is c. mk. Whiff dash upper is great. Know your headbutt spacing and you can use a whiffed headbutt too. It will look like you are going for a headbutt when you are really going for a throw and they will block. After a throw, the classic mixup is walk under (or walk almost under,) c. mk into throw…or c.mk into combo.

  3. I’m not trying to be a dick, but have you played much street fighter? Are you asking which of his jumping moves are overheads? All of them. I’m going to assume you wanted to know which moves are good instant overheads. That would be forward and short.

  4. Jab headbutt following a low rushing punch, or else you are going to get punished and punished hard.

  5. I’m horrible at this matchup, but headbutt is good. I’ve heard TAP works but I wouldn’t swear at it.

  6. I use my pointer and ring finger on lk and mk. Leaves my middle finger for lp and mp and my pinky for hp. Everyone will have a different opinion on this.

  7. Learn how to play turtle Balrog before you try to learn rushdown Balrog. Knowing which moves you can punish and how to be patient will get you a lot farther than just learning a few rushdown strings.

Is it possible to cancel rush punch to a super when rush is blocked?

The easiest way to explain it is to go into training mode, turn infinite super on and get a full screen away from the opponent.

Then charge back then toward+short, back, toward+punch. That will give you whiff kick rush into super. Do the motion slow and make sure to ‘piano’ the super command (tap jab, strong then fierce really quickly).

Work on doing that until you get it consistently, then switch sides and make sure you can do it from both sides.

After that you can work on some of the mixups, low fwd, low strong, whiff rush then either throw, headbutt or super.

You can actually whiff any of his 4 rushes but short kick rush is by far the easiest. In fact I wouldn’t even worry about learning it with the rest of them.

If you are having troubles - remember, slow accurate motions and piano the super.

Like super cancel? No. But by doing the above technique - you can have super come after rush - whiffed, blocked or hit.

Derek Daniels

c.mp beats HHS from a short distance

quick question about piano keys.I never thought about this…when doing piano keys is there a difference going one way or the other?? what i mean is, is it better to do jab then strong then fierce , or the other way fierce then strong then jab. Same ??

Well…by definition, isn’t a combo a series of hits that, once started, cannot be escaped? Logic should tell you that if it’s listed as a combo, then it works.

Plus, look at the ranges of the attacks that are listed. Can you see why the standing jab connects after two crouching jabs? This is something you need to experiment with. If two jabs will work, why not try three…or four…or five? Play around with it and figure out how many attacks you can do and still perform the combo.

Anyway, if you didn’t know, now you know. Knowing is half the battle. Time to practice.

You’ll need to play around with his normal moves yourself to figure out how best to use his pokes, but I would start with cr.mp, cr.mk, st.mk, and st.hp. Just practice pushing your opponent out with those moves and you’ll start to see how to use them. Oh…and per my SNES SSF2 Link FAQ…boxers live off of their jabs. Stick the jab. You have seen some of his combos, right?

From my understanding, Dictator can do Scissor Kicks from max range without being punished. That being said, I’d try to either jab Rush Punch or jab Buffalo Headbutt him if he’s at max range. If he’s not, I’d do what I’ve been doing to the Psycho Crusher and Scissor Kick since Champion Edition…THROW HIM!!! In fact, if the Scissor Kick is as safe as it appears from max range, you may want to mix in a throw attempt, too. Grabbing with the headbutt isn’t a bad thing at all.

As a beginner, you really need to learn what all of his normal moves do. Boxer can cover a good deal of the area in front of him if you know how to use his moves. Like someone said earlier, just practice sitting there and swatting people’s attacks. Find his normal anti-air attacks. Find his long distance pokes. Find his high priority attacks. Experiment. Yes, you will lose a little more, but only for so long.

It depends on your timing and what move you need at the time. When you piano, you should be paying attention to what move is coming out. That way, you’ll eventually learn the timing for the attack you want without pianoing…or you’ll be able to piano into it more accurately should you decide to continue pianoing. (Of course, if any button will produce the attack you want…why stop doing what works? You betta play that piano, son!!!)

Clueless N00b here: Didn’t see it mentioned anywhere so I’d recommend low rushes under high tiger shots. You have to start the rush a bit before it’s upon you, but it slides under cleanly and the window to perform the low rush is wide open if you’re at a distance.

Also, someone mentioned that when you charge kick TAP your (punch) super will consist of uppercuts (after the initial straight punch) because you’re holding onto a kick button. It appears that if you don’t let go of the punch button used to activate the super for the duration of the super, all the hits will be straight punches. Conversely the same is not true; if charging a punch, TAP all the hits after the initial upper are straight no matter what button you hold on to. I guess his punch buttons are stronger than his kick buttons

Lastly, for any other newbs or anyone else using a standard controller: To make the TAP charging easy I mapped my R2 button to be another FK button (along with X), and now I just hold on to R1 and R2 (short and forward) to charge TAP. Ergonimic and ere’thing.

Hope somebody finds this useful.

When do the rest of you guys charge/use TAPs?

I find myself charging TAPs all match just because I can. I realize I’m missing out on his short upper, c.mk. c.rh, etc. which are all very useful tools but I just can’t NOT charge the TAP D:

Try charging the Punch TAP while charging the Kick TAP! That’s even MORE fun! :looney:

But, remember…in HDR, you only need to hold down two buttons. You’ll still have access to the third kick button you didn’t hold down until the TAP carges to level two. I wonder if that’s going to be fixed or something later on.

Chargin 2 TAPs is cool, but both have to be in level different, imo.
I mean like, i have never seen 2 Final TAPs in a real match and i dont think its necessary. I still charge TAP with 3 kick buttons, cuz im used to it, and the best time for charging 2 TAPs is after a knockdown. I know my punch TAP will be at level 1, but hey, some chars cant reversal that, so why not?

i’d just like to add that most gief players who know the matchup will lariat in anticipation of rog to following up with a standing fierce or tap release after a low rush punch, so don’t get predictable with that shit.