''My punches are stronger than your kicks......'' 0_o (Balrog thread)

Rog players have to use their head agaisnt Gief, all you got to do is pushing him to the corner.

Hi guys. I’m learning how to play Balrog and it looks like a lot of time/work. So I was wondering where to find some good guides and - more important - all the 16 match-ups descriptions for him.


This just gave me an idea…

There should be a link on the home page or at the top of each forum page that says, “Beginners start here…” and it points you to the Wiki.

But anyway, yeah, go to the Shoryuken home page and check out the Wiki. Some of the best tourney players around have poured their knowledge into that thing. It’s full of good info. Check it out.

I cant stop chargin ma laser i mean tap

I’ll check it out, thanks.
I find some difficulties not to be too defensive with Balrog so I need some offensive strategies :smiley:

That’s alright. Turtle Balrog is what you want to learn first. Learn how to keep people out and then you’ll see how to keep them out while attacking them relentlessly. Low rush punches and whiffed rushing uppercuts into the headbutt grab for the win. Read the wiki and you’ll see.

when you cross up after the throw…your enemy can always throw you when your walking over…?? I always get thrown.

It’s character specific. For example Cammy can usually always mash out a throw if you try and walk under her after Rog’s throw ends.


umm,so who can throw me and who cant?? shotos??

meaty TAP 3+ can let u connect crouching medium punch into either of the dashing punches for a combo or mindgames or a super if anyone hasnt posted this yet, sry if this has been said already. just wanted to contribute a lil.

How do you fight against Chun Li?

Everyone can technically throw Balrog. The issue with cammy is that she falls weird and 90% (100?) of the time you can’t walk under, you stay on the same side.

The walk under throw tactic is mad good but beware of Honda (stored ochio), and Gief/Thawk since their command grabs will beat your low forward.

Everyone can technically throw your low forward, reversal it, or block the low forward then counter throw or reversal you with something like dragon punch, flash kick, etc. I personally prefer to go for the throw and have the opponent prove to me that they can reverse it. After that then you can do guessing games like low forward, block their reversal, throw them again, etc.

Derek Daniels

The low forward is meaty. It can be thrown? I thought you had to reversal throw the throw attempt?

Any attack for the most part can be ‘meaty’. Meaty is about timing - not just the attack. Pressing low forward after the throw isn’t always meaty. Meaning there is human ‘error’ and the way some characters fall (chun) making it ‘meaty’ is sometimes harder than it should be.

All that being said, it’s pretty damn easy to make balrog’s low forward hit meaty after throw. That however doesn’t mean it’s unthrowable. People can reversal (aka mash) on their own throw after being released from the headbutt and throw your low forward.

A ghetto trick I like to do is jiggle the joystick after the throw and press low forward so that it hits from the front (you don’t walk under), you lose charge but it often hits and you get to throw fools again.

Derek Daniels

I’m having a lot of trouble with good Ryu/Guile’s who keep me zoned. I’m mixing up jab/fierce headbutts, jump overs and so on but I can’t really get any offensive in after that and just get pushed back. Any ideas?

Get in and stay in. Try not to be too easy to read when you are jumping fireballs. Headbutt through them (practice jab headbutts through fireballs), neutral jump HP over them, regular jump over with like a MK is good. Trade with your standing HP. They will stop that shit once you start tagging them with that.

Anyone feel like they’re totally solid in the Boxer vs Dictator matchup. The other night I was playing quarter matches with Atonalism and Calipower and they were beating me pretty consistently to say the least. If anyone has some general tips in this matchup I’d like to see them. The thing I hate most about Dictator is his deep scissor kicks on block into a throw. If I don’t have my charge for headbutt reversal, I try my best for the grab but at best it’s still 50% or less I think.

I always start to lose when my opponent start jump tick throwing. I know the only way out is reversal , but how do i do it if I have to block the jump attack. I can reversal with SRKs ,but Balrog have a low charge reversal.

so here is the situation.

  1. I get hit by a jump attack.
  2. The opponent jumps again while I’m in low block.
  3. On reaction,I can only block high because the 2 normal AAs doesn’t come out fast enough.
  4. They end up tick throwing me this time.

They mix the steps up .

One more thing…It seems when some of my enemy is on top of my guy after a jump,all of the anti-airs whiff. The anti-airs only hit if they jump from father away.

This is more obvious when im matched up with Chun-li.

One last last tip I need. Whats the best punish for ken’s hurricane,super,and SRK after it crosses over?? If I don’t time it right,they end up throwing be right after!!!

I don’t have THE answer to your question, but I go through the same thing if I get knocked down by Blanka. Add the range of his throw, and it’s not good times for me. The best I’ve been able to do is to try d+HP (but sometimes his jump in is too deep as I’m getting up), or I eat the jump in and go for reversal head but.

I was however just about to ask about something similar. Maybe it’s whats happening to you too; the safe jump. What can you do against someone who does safe jumps perfectly each time? I do the headbutt, whiff, get knocked backed down, repeat. I block high, lose my headbutt charge then deal with potential throw spammage, repeat. I hold my headbutt charge, eat the jump in and ensuing combo, get knocked down anyway, repeat.

I try not to get in that situation, but not getting knocked down against someone who has some skills is a long shot. I’ve seen some Guile combos where he does a standing move while going from down to up in the flash kick motion. Is it possible to do this and block a move (maybe with piano inputs)?

As soon as you see this happen, let go of the stick right after the last tick of their attack hits you. You will then face the right direction. I’d just go for a standing MP for an easy no-miss hit. You can set up shenanigans here because they will be in air hit-reel for what seems like eons.