Does STRONG throw till have the most range? Can I use TAP to properly tick throw? I usually try it anyway (deep TAP -> MP throw) but I don’t know if they can reverse it.
j.RK, c.JPx2, s.JP, Straight Rush (Fierce Version)
Why can’t I do this combo? I can only get 4 hits? The last hit never registers in the combo.
Because you’re supposed to do the JAB version.
The jab version has shorter range and, therefore, comes out faster because you’re hitting at it’s max range. If you do the fierce version, you’ll run all up on 'em and set yourself up to be thrown or comboed.
By the way, if your timing is really good, you may be able to get another cr.jab in there on smaller characters. Otherwise, if they’re bigger, tack on the jabs until they’re close to being out of range, stand up and jab and then BAM with the jab Rushing Straight.
Try to finish it with a jab low rush.
A knockdown is always good tho.
Bones Edit: @ 1, yes strong throw has the most range, but Rog’s throw range has been reduce, sadly. And yeah, they can reversal, but not easily. So you can still try to go for throw.
Ok…glad you posted that because I was wondering if the Low Rushing Punch could combo off of a weak attack. Since that’s the case, you can do either one you’re comfortable with since they both knock down.
Erm actually s.lp xx fierce rush works fine doesn’t it?
Try jumping in with mk.
When is a good time to charge TAP and when is good time to release? Because I find myself not charging for TAP at all versus certain characters like chun li. Because I charge with 2 kicks normally and I lose the ability to do dashing uppercut and its crucial to have that move versus Chun li. So I don’t use TAP vs her at all. But should I?
is there anyway to combo into Rog’s super except into super?
Cr.:mp:, Crazy Buffalo SC.
It’s a link, just like the one you listed.
Theoretically speaking, shouldn’t you also be able to kara cancel into it, too? Do so many cr.:lp:s that a chained st.:lp: whiffs and then Crazy Buffalo away? Also, would :db::lp:(x4-6), :r::l:, neutral+:lp: (hit) XX :r:+:lp: Crazy Buffalo work?
Kinda hard but yeah, it works. BTW u can also link the super with a meaty
You sure it has to be meaty? According to the frame data, cr.:mk: only has 5 frames of recovery! Since you can link his super from a non-meaty cr.:mp:, which has 8 frames of recovery, you can actually link into it from a non-meaty cr.:mk:.
I try it all the time and I’ve only gotten it to work off of cr.MK twice. I piano it too
You can still connect with a non-meaty and with a meaty
Bones Edit: my bad, didnt mention it.
wtf do I do against Honda?
Jimmy Bones: Corner him
On the topic of Honda,
I have come to find that after his super, he is open for a Dash Straight, or if you have super meter, he is open for a super.
Unless the Honda players that I play suck, It hits 100% of the time. Timing isnt too difficult.
A whole bunch of attacks can punish hondas super on block actually
so my gamer tag is davero88 i’ve been seeing a lot of other 'rogs out there… any of you on SRK?
Can you hit Chun with c.Mk->c.Mp->Low rush? Ive been trying but the timing seems different or impossible…And if you cant, what combo(s) should i be doing to her?
And what can Boxer do against lightning legs?
Jab and can still beat honda’s headbutt