What part of that combo are you having trouble with? Cr.:mk:, Cr.:mp: in itself is a fairly easy link (compared to the others that are out there)…and cr.:mp: XX jab Dashing Ground Straight is only tricky because you have to end with :df:…if you’re not used to that.
It seems to push chun away too far. Im not having trouble doing it, i can pull it off flawless on others. but i think chun is too thin/small/ gets pushed too far back
I seem to pull it off just fine off of Chun J-Money. Are you trying to do this combo after a throw? Cause I usually do this combo after a throw.
To alternate the cr. mk, cr. mp, dash low, I would do 2x cr. mp and dash low, or as someone mentioned above, cr. lp, cr. mp, dash low.
I know a lot of things punish honda’s headbutt, just that super thing was new to me recently.
“It” meaning…what? Are you saying that cr.:mk: pushes her too far back for cr.:mp: to connect? If so, you’re probably not doing the cr.:mp: immediately when Boxer recovers from the cr.:mk:. Are you saying that cr.:mp: pushes her too far back for the Dashing Straight to connect? If so, what version of the Dashing Straight are you using? Know that the jab version will connect if you connect the :mp:.
Note that I’m asking a specific question because I have a specific answer! :bgrin: I can’t help you without specifics, my friend.
I dont know how to connect with the Dashing low uppercut.
Anyone can block it high and if they duck it goes right over their head.
(…I just dont understand…as a boxer myself we’re taught to uppercut duckers. :lol:
What was capcom thinking when they made it this way?)
It’s always been that way. Rushing uppercuts (especially the lk one) are great for faking into grabs though!
If anything it sucks that his rush straight punch hits high instead of mid like all the other games, making it not so useful.
My Balrog is always getting destroyed by Hondas. I usually go for a low jab rush after I block a Honda headbutt . If this is done as a reversal, I believe they have no choice but to block. If they do anything else, they’ll eat the low rush. It’s an ok way to keep them locked down for a sec.
When you get knocked down, a lot of Hondas will go for the HHS for chip damage. A reversal headbutt beats this. If you block it, I believe you’ll be pushed back to a range where your c.strong can beat his HHS cleanly. But the chip damage is brutal.
I think I need to learn to stop honda torpedoes with s.jabs more efficiently. I usually end up trading or getting beat.
Jumping HP/HK stuffs headbutts pretty cleanly and does nice damage. Easy to bait too!
Good to know actually. Never tried that.
LOL in world warrior it used to hit duckers :P, its great for fakeout throw cheeze and a some what midish range anti air
From the right distance (maybe 3 characters away), c.mp will beat the headbutt and handslaps clean. just another little thing I found messing around.
Yes thats what i do, its all attack hit box bufflo headbutt does the trick too
Question for anyone that might know: Does Rog’s jab and strong headbutt in Remix have the same number of startup frames BEFORE hitting frames as Vanilla Rog? I know his jab and strong headbutts travel further and has more recovery, but what about the latter? Thanks.
afro legends
I’m not a Balrog player, but I was fighting a guy named Jori_Rooks on PSN and he did two Turn Punches against me. The first one was a 1 count, then the second one was a 6 count. Is that even possible??
yeah. you can charge with PPP or KKK indenpendently. So he was charging one for awhile, then charged another one quickly, let the weak one go, and then let the SIX go.
i dont know specific frame counts but, from playing tons of vanilla to hdr rog, I would say that the start up is the same. Everyone still safe jumps it like a mutha but, it eats up most other moves that are thrown at it up close.
i was wondering what are rogs best options vs gief cause i was having a hard time getting in on gief after knockdown and most trades went giefs favor.
It’s a bad matchup but if you keep him away from you it’s not as bad. TAP lvl1 followed by a jab low rush works pretty well. Mix it with tap lvl 1 followed by short low rush upper in case he sees the pattern and tries to jump in on you.
dont become to predictable with TAP and s.rh because of giefs larriot, in this matchup i try to keep medium/far distance.
I’ve practiced a lot against Ryu’s fireball trap,but It is still effecting my matchup a lot.
I need some tips for the combination of : Lheadbutt,Fheadbutt,jump Mp,and maybe jump FP to use during certain situations.
Situation 1) I am full screen away from Ryu, his fireball-ing.
I learned that I can use FHeadbutt to jump over any kind of fireball to get to the 3/4 screen,but I must jump forward with Mp right after or else I get pushed back to full screen with second fireball on block. Edit: Actually If my memory is correct If I Fheadbutt,I have to block the next fireball because of high recovery.
I can use LHeadbutt,but it doesn’t really get me anywhere. I am forced to jump over the next fireball with mp but this will get me to 3/4th of the screen.
Situation 2) I got to the 3/4th of the screen finally.
I got here ether useing jump or Fheadbutt or Lheadbutt then jump ,so i can only jump mp,If I block I get send back to point A with chipped damage.
Standing FP doesn’t reach yet from here.
Basically Im asking the pros to teach me the sets or combination of the moves above that get them close to Ryu effectively. I Understand that there is more then one solution because my opponent can mix the trap up.