''My punches are stronger than your kicks......'' 0_o (Balrog thread)

Do your headbutt to up/back instead of up/neutral or up/towards, and rip out a dash punch/dash upper/low dash as soon as you land. You can also use the same technique to headbutt --> super. One shenanigan that works for me is a low dash upper (with short) and double-buffer that into a super when I think Ryu will try to punish with a fireball.

I assume you are doing this from mid or 3/4 of screen away?, and used Lheadbutt ? .I’m pretty sure this wont reach fast enough for full screen,before the second fireball come out. This will work great if I’m at 3/4 screen with down charge. The problem is that to get to 3/4 , I need to jump/headbutt from full screen. Once I reach 3/4 , I cant block or it will push me back.

: Yes I have less trouble when I get Super, but that like you said is a shenanigan.

edit: I went through the old turbo balrog thread with search, From full screen ,Can I Lheadbutt a fireball ,then do a (short) low kick rush and recover before the next fireball come out?? That way I gain some distance even though I get pushed back by the second fireball?.

thanks ill try that out next time i face a gief

I’ve come to find with most gief matches I have is just to be patient with dashes. I usually do dash lows when I knock down gief.

I have a question, is there any trade for Dictator’s st. mk?

What is rogs best reversal option after being knocked down? Piano headbutts or is there a specific one that will let me survive a short tick into SPD against gief?

If you don’t have a super, piano headbutt is your only escape. Very shitty situation too against Gief. If he goes up for a tick and doesn’t (he planned to block your reversal) you get SPD’ed. If you miss your reversal, you eat a damaging sweep and stay in the same situation. If you reversal with Super and Gief blocks it and doesn’t die by chip damage, it is a free SPD.

You can also try for a reversal after you get ticked (i.e., after blocking a sweep, then reversal). I do this sometimes to throw Giefs off but the success rate seems to be lower.

Hi every1, I have been using balrog and improve a lot beacuse of the info you all put in this thread.Thanks all
But I was thinking about balrog matchups, wich are his advantages and disadvantages fights for you??

To end your post. Its a do or die matchup.

@ DonPachi: Depends on what matchup you’re talking about.

Bones Edit:

@ RoDcHaN: Use headbutt to beat Dic’s st.mk, if u want to trade, st.HP may be your best option.

@ haollo: If you’re 3/4 screen away, use lp.headbutt and then try a straight rush if he attemtps to do a fb. If you’re full screen away, hp.headbutt and then do a low rush upper. After a headbutt, try to jump with Fierce or Roundhouse when you’re close to him if he lands a fb.

If u have trouble with that, just build meter to get that Super.

I mean matchups agains all the others characters. Like fighting some1 with equal skills, and he is using Gief or shotos, what are your odds
5-5, 6-4, 4-6.?

10-0 for Gief if hes decent.

100% serious no lie no way I am not lying I am truth telling 100%

nothing worse than a good gief player

I don’t know if you are being sarcastic, but it is no way 10-0 Gief. 6-4 Gief… maaaybe 7-3 Gief if you are playing a japanese kid.

Once Rog gets his super Gief has to be really careful (no random lariats). If he wiffs a sweep, they are pretty easy to hit with super if you are already charged for it.

Agreed on 5.5-4.5 if the gief player knows what he is doing (safe jumps, punishes well). If you are going 10-0 vs gief that probably means that you are poking predictably, getting knockdown down alot and all you do is headbutt all day on wake up. Dont make it so easy for the gief to guess what you are going to do.


Its a 50/50 match up. Both players has to not fail execution, that’s all.
Its just playin smart Gief, no need to go crazy on him.

Pratice, knowledge and intelligence makes perfects.
Word up.

Bones Edit: Stud, get on that GGPO, son.

Is ken’s jab shoryuken any different then ryu’s?? This one match I had trouble rushing it after he whiffs,my low jab rush whiffs every time…I tried adjusting my timing but to no success,I end up getting hit by the second shoryuken.:xeye:

where can I find frame/damage data on Turbo??

Btw…how do you go about fighting deejay? i cant seem to punish him at all if he plays keep away /rapid poking mixed with reversal if I Jump/mixed with projectile.

I’m all about Remix (360 version mostly) right now, even with all the bugs. Dunno if I’ll be going back to GGPO.

Ken and Ryu have the same jab SRK. O.Ken/O.Ryu from original ST had better lp SRKs. I usually punish with a rush upper or rush straight. Whenever I go for punishing a wiffed SRK with a low rush I usually don’t miss. Just make sure you are using the lp version because it has the quickest recovery.

As for DeeJay, he’s a bitch until you get in his face. Remember headbutts through fireballs (don’t get predictable and try not to put yourself into a position to get sweeped) and DON’T jump at him if you know he has a charge. They usually are waiting for this. If they go for a crossup, try to stand-up block immediately. It is reaaaaly hard to cross standing rog up, so it will usually miss giving you a free throw.

LK Rush Upper into throw works wonders when you have him cornered.

So you on that 360, been wondering why u neva connect.
Holla at me if possible.

Back on the shotos topic:

lp.headbutt beats N.Ryu and N.Ken reversal SRKs when you’re close to them if he they try to do a reversal attack, i do that when i put them in the corner. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah but there’s a patch coming! Someday! Plus GGPO has been without a much needed revision for like half a year now.

I used to do that lp headbutt into their wakeup on regular ST, but now that lp headbutt got nerfed I don’t use it that often since you can get sweeped if you get blocked.

This is for vanilla ST but a lot of it still applies:


It lists how Ryu/Ken’s jab dp’s are actually different.

Derek Daniels

Is Gief the worst matchup for Rog, or there is another one?