''My punches are stronger than your kicks......'' 0_o (Balrog thread)

I wouldnt say its the “worst” matchup, but its high up there. I think the worst matchup for Rog is a mehodical, keep away Chun li. jp. short kick destroys most of Rog’s moves. A good chun player can keep you away and cancel everything you got.

Also, I have come to find that a good Sim player is very hard to beat.

Are there any good trades with Sim? I know if I get close to Sim, the game is over with full rushes ahead, but if I am away from him, I cant find a way to trade with him.

any suggestions folks?

I’d say Rog has a potentially horrible match to all fireball users if they are master zoners. He also has real trouble with the grapplers (Honda/Gief/Hawk).

As for Sim, the typical setup you’ll usually see is a fireball -> stretchy kick counter (or slide) if you try to jump. I find that j.MK trades or beats a lot of that junk. Even if it trades though, it should be enough to cause confusion for you to get in. I also like to j.HP into sim wakeup. If it hits, super damage, if it gets blocked, you get pushed out of throw range and can fire off cr.MP/MK and go into shenanigans from there.

Vs. E. Honda I anticipate the headbutt (98% of hondas online are the same) and counter with Buffalo Headbutt. I just let go of the TAP after that followed by another Buffalo Headbutt and that usually gets any Honda to stop their predictable cheese.

It’s those last 2% online though that are enough to give even the best rogs a really hard time though. TAP or Super followed with a headbutt will get you, uh, sumo-headbutted nearly every time against good Honda. I find a lot of Rog’s strength comes from his ability to counter just about everything. Only problem is you can’t counter an immovable object (like smart Honda players will usually imitate).

As a Honda player I view Rog as an easier match than most due to the low risk for me/super high risk for rog scenarios. As a Balrog player, I realize one fuck up against Honda equals 50% of my lifebar or more… yet I can’t be really conservative because Honda gives you nothing to counter usually.

I usually just go balls out against Honda, using block strings that keep me out of ochio zone and pray that they do stupid stuff like non-crossup sumo splash.

Yeah, that and the stored oicho shuts down your pressure game (and works to punish a lot of shit).

Thanks for the heads up Stud. I will try it out.

It’s probably been asked, but I have a quick Rog question:

Against Blanka, wtf do you do to punish electicity? I always trade when I hit him.

^^Sweep that fool with cr.HK at the right range.

Bones Edit: Add Sim in the worst matchups, plz.

I don’t see it often so I reiterate this a lot: Rog super beats electricity for free. If you see the green man juicing and you are charged for super, it is almost always GGPO if you are 3/4ths of the screen apart or less.

Also, LK low rush will beat/trade at max distance. Even with trade, you are in a good position (charge dat down-back, son!).

thx for the heads up guys.

DMAN… I PLAYED 39 GAMES TODAY WITH ROG … and the only person that gave me trouble was chun li and that damn gief …i mean…it wasn’t hard it just that everytime i try to low rush him up close he would do that spinning move with his arms lol…I forgot what’s it called but all i did was back up a little further and punish his azz with it lol… also, i don’t know if any of you guys have problems with his low punch to keep rog away but i just did a jumping rounding house xx crouching roundhouse xx to a low fierce and that worked for gief’s all shotos’ and it really messed sagat up…

also, what do you guys do against vega’s i had a pretty hard time but once i knock off his claw… i made him play for the two rounds he won with almost two perfects lol… also i have heard that you can do rogs buffalo headbutt and not lose his charge … how in the hell do you do that . … also… i have found that against alot of people rogs crouching medium punch punishes alot of shyt … have anyone use this???

Howdy to all you Balrog players out there. I’m looking for a decent balrog player to practice against with my Guile. I understand the match up well, but I really need to spend some time to make it feel natural. Rather than play 10 shotos in the hope of playing one Balrog, I’d like to have some quality matches with you guys. If anyone’s intrested, my xbl gamertag is PFW91. Just send me an invite or a message

Random note: I used a MP headbutt to go through a fireball tonight and got hit out of it. I know how to time these right, so it wasn’t bad timing…


I feel you on the weird “being hit” out of Rog’s stuff.

I usually consider my timing on his Super to be iight, but I got hit out of it on several occasions by a damn fireball :arazz:

It’s probably the invincibility disappearing after the first fist or somethin’ (aka bad timing on my part) but WTF!!! I’m BARLOG!!! I EAT suckahs!

I think only the first swing of his super has total invincibility.

It “feels” like the strong headbutt has less invuln than jab & fierce for some reason…

Only on Sagat’s fbs you can still go thru them even if your timing is wrong.
95% of the time, imo.

c.mp xx SIX!

I skimmed through some of the thread and may have missed it but anyone know the exact notation to combo into his super. I’ve can cr.lp x 3 (renda cancel third lp) into his super sometimes but I can’t get his cr.lp x 2, st. lp xx super. I would like to be able to do them consistently so does anyone know the exact inputs for this?