crouch LPx2, forward, back, standing LP, forward than punch. the method i do is hold the standing LP and use my other two punch buttons when i press forward for the execution of the super so i dont cancel out the standing lp, if i press forward too fast, i get a whiff lp that cancels without landing but the super still connects after landing only 2-4 crouch jabs if your fast. if your good with light taps and know u wont edge the LP u dont have to hold the standing lp like me. youll get this in no time, your a combo fiend :).
Hey thanks for the detailed reply! I’ll work on that next time I’m practicing. Oh and don’t call me that, because that name is already taken by a well known player.
i have a crzy question does anyone find it pretty difficult to do buffalot headbutts right on deman… i find myself sometimes jumping straight into the air… i have lost like 4 matches(close matches) because i didn’t pull it off consistently…Iam SOOOOO FREAKING PISSED!!!
also, i am having a pretty hard time dizzing my opponents… like really … i will be pounding there face in and they just wont’ dizzy… also for some reason by force of habit… i use his medium punch alot i don’t know why but i think subconsciously that it wont get punished as much … man i am having a bad rog day
i have trouble reversing blanka’s jump in after knockdown. The reach of blanka’s jump in tick has alot of reach. I dont seem to have enough time to charge. I dont have trouble reversing any other chars.
Blanka and Vega have really fast jumps and Balrog is pretty easy to safejump. If they seem to be timing a safejump consistantly (rare), I’d just block and go for a MP throw (which should be equal or greater throw distance still compared to Blanka bite). If you biff it, your standing MP should hit/trade if they jump immediately after.
Slightly more risky is the “sacrifice throw”. i.e. purposely take the hit and go for a throw. Since the hitstun is shorter than the blockstun, it usually throws people off when you go for this.
I’m surprised NO one answered this yet…but they ARE different. Ken’s jab SRK recovers much faster than Ryu’s, therefore he has very little vulnerability due to the fact that he is only really vulnerable on the way down, which is an extremely small timeframe.
That’s why when you fight defensive Kens, you’ll see them spam jab SRKs trying to get you to guess when to attack.
P.S. As a Gief main, I approve of this thread. :tup:
The hit-stun is shorter than block stun unless the jumping attack is a light attack. That’s why you have to be very wary of Blanka’s jumping short kick.
Spring Valley, by way of Aztec Amusement Center (back when it actually existed), Mira Mesa Nickel City (before that closed, too), and good the ol’ Southwestern College Game Room. If I were to be found at any arcade, it’d probably be Chula Vista Tilt.
Most arcades here are like that. Except for Nickle city, which barely has 3 fighting games. thats about it. ticket machines/ddr/gun games = gay but I digress
Yes! I want to show my Rog Love? (no homo) to other peepz in real life. I seriously cannot remember the last time I’ve seen a SSF2T machine at an arcade
If I’m lucky I find a Killer Instinct 2 or Tekken 3 cab :sad: