''My punches are stronger than your kicks......'' 0_o (Balrog thread)

So, is it harder to strong headbutt through fireballs or do I just suck?

I’ve looked at the different headbutts in training mode with the hitboxes turned on, but they go by so fast I can’t tell. It looks to me like there’s an extra blue box around the top of Balrog’s body during the last upward frames of the strong headbutt that aren’t there on the jab or fierce one.

also, two button TAP is the best change made to ST.

MP headbutt seems to only be able to go through fireballs when they are REALLY close. Unfortunate, but still does the trick when you are trying to reversal out of a fireball on wakeup.

Agreed. I’m not looking forward to going back to the old way in SF4 :sad:

That would make sense if what I’m seeing in the hitboxes is true. It looks like Balrog gets an extra blue box on his body just as he is about to reach the apex of his jump. So If you did the strong headbutt at the last second it should go clean through.

Gonna test this in a minute.

Apparently the TAP is useless in SF4 so you don’t have to worry about it :rofl:

Goes thru FBs BTW.
I’ll use this move.

Something interesting happened while I was practicing a while ago.

While I was practicing cr.fwd link into super, I decided to experiment if kara cancelling a jab into super would make it easier. I did this by inputting charge down-back cr.fwd > back st.jab > forward back forward st.fp into super. While I did this I hit jab and fierce almost at the same time.

It worked pretty well (but it was not as effective as just linking the super from crouching forward for me), but on one occasion I happened to hit down-forward and fierce. The resulting combo was a crouching forward link into a crouching fierce which connected and then canceled into super. The frame of the crouching HP that connected was the first frame when it activates. He wasn’t holding his fist up when it cancelled. It looked similar to a super cancel out of a normal from 3rd strike. It did tremendous damage. I’ve never been able to recreate this. Has anyone else done something similar?

Hey guys, after working on this thing for at least a month, I think I may finally have a finished FAQ. But, I need your help in checking my work.

Check out these combos. I know some of them may not be all that practical, but what I really need to know is whether or not they work. Use the following key as you read.

, = Link Combo

  • = Chain Combo or Rapid-Fire Chain
    XX = 2-in-1 or Special/Super Move Cancellation
    NE = Negative Edge
    MP = Motion Partitioning
    CP = Charge Partitioning
    KC = Kara (Empty) Cancellation
    RC = Renda (Rapid-Fire Chain) Cancellation
    SC = Super Combo
    TT = Tick Throw
    @ = Dizzy Combo
    R@ = Re-dizzy Combo
    ToD = Touch of Death Combo

Basic Combos:

  1. Crouch forward, Hold and Headbutt (TT)
  2. Close forward, crouch fierce
  3. Close strong, close roundhouse
  4. Stand strong, stand strong
    Intermediate Combos:
  5. Jump fierce, crouch strong XX Jab Dashing Straight
  6. Jump roundhouse, close forward XX Jab Dashing Upper
  7. Jump fierce, crouch jab XX Jab Ground Dashing Straight
  8. Jump roundhouse, crouch jab XX Jab Ground Dashing Upper
  9. Crouch jab XX Jab Buffalo Headbutt
  10. Crouch forward, crouch strong XX Jab Ground Dashing Straight
  11. Crouch forward, crouch strong XX Jab Ground Dashing Upper (TT setup on ducking opponents)
  12. Crouch strong, Crazy Buffalo SC
  13. Level 3 Turn Around Punch, Dashing Straight
  14. Level 3 Turn Around Punch, Crazy Buffalo SC
  15. Jump fierce, crouch jab (x3-6), stand jab XX Jab Dashing Straight
    Advanced Combos:
  16. Meaty Level 1 Turn Around Punch, Dashing Straight
  17. Meaty Level 1 Turn Around Punch, Crazy Buffalo SC
  18. Jump fierce, crouch jab (x2), stand jab (CP) XX Jab Dashing Upper, stand strong
  19. Crouch forward, crouch strong (CP) XX Crazy Buffalo SC
  20. Jump fierce, crouch jab (x3-6), stand jab (CP) XX Crazy Buffalo SC

According to T.Akiba’s SF2 Frame Data, Boxer’s cr.:hp: has 6 startup frames, and then 2 initial hitting frames before he uppercuts for 4 frames. Still…actually cancelling that move…especially because it’s normally not cancellable…is well…:wow:. That’s going to be awfully hard to do again.

when is it usually a good time to use the TAP i try doing it mid screen and backing up but alot of the time it get block

taps are something that just becomes instinctive with lots of practice. when to charge, release, and when to safely “decharge” without having a tap come out to gain access to your dash upper is something you have to kind of get the feel for.

i haven’t visited this page in quite a while, but i always see posts like this asking about taps. i’m thinking of making a quick video showing various tap applications. unless someone beats me to it, i should have it up in a week or so (when i feel motivated, i’ve been super tired from work lately.)

I’ve said it before in the vanilla rog thread and I’ll say it again here: I don’t think TAPs are all “that”. They make for nice meaties and can be a game ender if you have a high charge when you dizzy someone, but other than that they are so damn slow that I usually just get SRK’ed out of on reaction when I use them. Plus you have to give up PPP or KKK… and that fuckin sucks! They’re pretty much a gamble punch and the odds are never really seem in your favor.

I seriously wish Sirlin would’ve gave back the TAP initial invincibility against fireballs like in HF. That would’ve been awesome.

-One Rog player’s opinion

TAP is too killer already…
Maybe you’re not usin it right.
I became a TAP user when my Arcade stick broke.
Holding L2 to charge was so easy on ps2 pad. Having TAP use is really nice already.
Invincibility would mean more ragequits

Whenever I feel like charging for TAP I know I could land it more than 50% of the time. I just don’t think it is worth giving up PPP or KKK for that. I make solid use of pretty much every button playing Rog.

TAP’s are better versus certain characters than others. I only charge TAP by holding down all 3 kicks. Because of this losing low forward sucks versus characters like Guile. But against Dhalsim the TAP is so important that it outweighs losing the kick buttons.

TAP is used great for pressure, building up meter after knocking someone down, transportation, etc. I don’t mind having my TAP’s blocked at all, as it lets me keep the pressure on.

Derek Daniels

I don’t count lvl1 and lvl2 TAPs really because you barely have to hold them down, so I usually incorporate those levels for those reasons you listed. But holding out half the round with the charge hoping for a hit/trade FTW is just mindboggling!

I love the TAP for going through FBs. I use the KKK version.

Wut? TAP doesn’t go through FBs in ST.

This Aint SF4 or HF, its ST.

I haaaate really good patient Giefs when I’m playing as Rog who do nothing but random sweep/lariat and then constant splash pressure when they get close. Seems like LP low rush is inconsistent against lariat and HK sweep loses to Gief sweep. Standing HP loses to lariat and far sweeps. Super is a double-edged sword in this match: if you don’t tag him with it and he doesn’t die of chip, you get SPD’d for free. I know kick start super will beat his lariat if close enough, but smart Giefs know this and will bait it with kick lariat.

Grrr! Hate hate hate. Any tips my nigs?