''My punches are stronger than your kicks......'' 0_o (Balrog thread)

Yea, but its fun when you hit someone with a 7 all crazy!

For a good Zangief?
hmmm…Havent met one on HDr yet becuase i dont have it yet, but i have on GGPO.
Sounds like the same problem.
It may sound cheap, but i try to memorize their pattern of Lariat to sweeps.

You know its a 50/50 matchup.
Playing Gief is all about space and precision.
You know that:

low upper Rush beats lariat.
Your low HK beats his sweep at the right range, cr.HP beats his splash, well you get hit but its a way to get out.
The only time to throw a super, IMO, is when Gief’s bar is low. Chip Damage FTW.
You just cant do Random Supers on this matchup, auto-fail.

No i didnt know this…
in Super T too?

Can anyone tell me what is the point of TAP?

I dont know about HDR.
But in Vanilla ST, yes it does.

It hits High and medium, so they cant duck it.
Its great for disrupting people. Thas the point.
You can be walking forward and throw it out, unlike the other which have to be back charge.
It also fucks up Dragon punchers…point being that they stop wanting to use dragon punch.

Not against patient ones. If anything I find the TAP turns you into an easy target if you try to walk forward and release.

Random akumas were giving me trouble… Is there any risk-free way of getting trough their air fireballs and the knockback of their ground ones? The guys had me REALLY outzoned. :shake:

You kinda have to get a feel for how your headbutts will go through his air fireballs. I find that even if my headbutt trades with a close air fireball I come out ahead (both in life and positioning).

Well, would it be better to use a jab headbutt or fierce headbutt cause my fierce button is busted and will stay that way until canadian ebs get their te sticks in. :frowning:

What do you guys use to jump over sim LP fireballs (when not in range to use headbutt)? Neutral jumping HP works sometimes but it is kinda easy to tell if you are going for it. I typically use a MP to trade (or beat if I’m lucky) with the impending limb that will get stuck in my face. Does Rog have anything in the air that will beat the slide?

Sim is hard, my man.
Especially when it comes to the lp fbs situation, this a test of patience. Being impatient leads to a loss, but i know you got to go for it early agaisnt Sim or get trapped. What i do? I sit, charge TAP and wait for opening. Because when you’re sitted, you opponent might you’ll do headbutt, either you do a lp headbutt for building meter or j.HK or j.HP to trade some damage. If i see that my opponent whiff a normal, i launch my TAP(at a decent level, like 5 and higher) and then go for it. But its not that easy, man.

And for his slide, try J.HP or J.HK.

Hope it helps.

BTW: If you didnt know, Rog’s throw range got better after the patch. Let ya’ll know

Serious? Where did you hear that?

Go to pratice mode, you’ll see.
Its very different then last time. Do a whiff low upper into throw, for example.
Its not like the OG range, but its different than the last one, a bit better.

There’s a few things that i notice while i was in pratice mode:
Things that i can do on OG mode that i cant do on Remix mode.

On OG mode, i can do cr.mp xxx low upper Rush(Pressed by 3 buttons and hold), cr.mp xxx TAP.
That execution cant be executed on Remix mode tho, but i was able to do it before the patch.
Which is weird. Gawdammit.

Okay, I have had serious issues with getting reversal thrown and tick-thrown against certain characters over this weekend. In particular Chun-Li and Dhalsim.

With Chun Li, it seems that whenever I go for meaty attacks I get thrown, but when I try to do the same to her meaty attacks I end up getting hit (or blocking), then the resulting tick-throw because I lost the charge for my reversal. Then she proceeds to walk forward and repeated MP bullshit into tick throw. I rarely get my throw off on her, and even though I end up tech-ing her attempts it still takes off a good chunk…god damnit I hate that damn bitch so much.

Similar with Sim, but he usually ends up having to block my meaties when I pressure him. Its the ridiculous range on his HP throw that gets me, but it isn’t unbearable like Chun Li’s.

What do you guys do to knock that bitch out?!

I’ve been checking out this thread to see if there are questions on varying fireball speeds, but I don’t see anything.

I generally have a harder time headbutting through fireballs on Remix than on IV, but lately it’s been getting ridiculous. So I went into training mode and had my roommate start throwing fireballs at me with Ryu to practice with.

I started to notice that on fast and medium fireballs I’m fine; but I can never headbutt through a slow fireball. The only time I got ‘through’ it was when I headbutted early and went over it. My conclusion is that if I sense a slow fireball, I should headbutt early rather than when the fireball is just on me - I’m guessing that the invincible startup frames don’t last long enough for the fireball to pass through. Is this correct, or is it another timing issue on my part?

Do it later, not earlier.

And don’t use MP. Even though it’s supposed to let you go through fireballs now, it still fails 50% of the time.

With practice you should be able to jump through even slow fireballs with the LP headbutt.

Hey guys, I know that I’ve given a lot of advice regarding comboing into charge supers, but I hadn’t actually done it…until tonight! Here’s how I did it, though…

Charge :db:,:df:,:db:+Hold :mp:,:r:+:hp:. I didn’t think it was possible to do this, but, apparently, if you do the :l::r::l: motion juuust slow enough, you won’t get a Dashing Straight when you push :mp:. Holding :mp: also helped to avoid Negative Edging too early and messing up the Crazy Buffalo SC input.

Neat, huh? :slight_smile:

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