What can I say? I repeated what I heard and then, when I actually was bold enough to try it, I did it a way I didn’t expect. My skills are patchy, Derek. Patchy.
Don’t sleep on 'em, though. I’ll surprise ya! I’ll do it! (Probably with how quickly I lose after missing some humongous combo that I shoulda never even tried.)
I just started playing boxer a few days ago love him already imo best in hdr but I’m having a really hard time vs good dictators they jsut punish with mk scissor and cross me up making headbutt whiff and counter throwing NEVER works tough that’s probably due to lag.
Any suggestions? a really good bison just fucks me wit crossup combos and throws.
I don’t think I’ve played against good enough dictators to have any match up specific advice. Though in general, there are a few tricks I fall back on whenever I have big trouble. You’ve been on SRK longer than I have, so you might know these tricks already, but I’ll post them out anyway. I’m sure it’ll at least help someone out.
Whenever you get a knock down from a cr.hk or headbutt, I’ll wiff a rush and headbutt. Stuffs pretty much anything. (Works really well on grapplers since they’ll try to throw you).
On your opponent’s wake up, kick rush (wiff) super is a great way to push your opponent into the corner, keep them there while you think of a better strategy do chip damage. If you’re lucky you can bait out something and connect the super.
Learn to low rush while keeping a down charge and to headbutt while keeping a back charge. That way you can throw a surprise something or other when your opponent isn’t expecting it.
I just noticed I have nothing about defense. I guess my style of play is to score a knock down and use Boxer’s numerous offensive options to keep my opponent guessing.
Edit: I guess my advice would be to learn ways to capitalize on knockdowns. That doesn’t directly address your problem by any means, but if you improve that part of your game, you might be able to compensate for Boxer’s inability to deal with Dictator cross up and throws (I think I read that Dictator has a longer throw range so you can only tech at best).
i got two of them. is it possible 2 jump in with anything n go n2 cr-for,cr-strng,dash or does the opp get knocked 2 far away? the other question is, when do each of the corresponding #'s on the TAP come out upon release (bearing in mind u hold TAP from the start of the round)? i keep trying 2 link a jumpin attack b4 the cr-cr-dash so was wondering if it was possible, n i’m just being lazy with the 2nd question since i can find out myself. i’m sure there is a hardcore rog player here who knows off the top of his head. thnx, krimson
My FAQ covers the combo question. Cr.:mk:, cr.:mp: XX Jab (Ground) Dashing Straight works best from point-blank range. At best, the only way you’ll be able to get that combo to work from the front is off of a DEEP jumping attack. By DEEP, I mean you’ll probably need to hit on the frame before you land. Cr.:mk: is very short ranged, so that’s why you need to hit DEEP like that.
…cr.:mp: does have more range and it does link into itself, you know? You may be able to link two of those from the front on bigger characters. (That’s something I actually need to try.)
Still, the experts will probably tell you that you really shouldn’t bother with that because landing a jumping attack and then following with doing a whole bunch of cr.:lp:s into st.:lp: cancelled into a Jab Dashing Straight is tons easier…tons safer…and tons more hit-confirmable. I would tell you the same thing. It’s tons easier to do that and get very comparable damage. Did I mention that this also dizzies? Plus…Boxer’s jabs are great for ticking, too.
But, if you really want your question answered, you should just try it for yourself.
nope. didn’t read it because every search i did came up with sf IV info. it does answer my question about getting that jump in first. knew the jabs were there but was wondering if the cr forward-cr strong would take off more. be real intimidating if you did that in the middle of a game too.
But, if you really want your question answered, you should just try it for yourself.
you didn’t read my post did you? i did try it to no avail. was wondering if anyone here can pull it off. anyway your faq does answer my question (works on zang) but it isn’t user friendly. you should underline and bold-type each character so people can easily scroll through to find who they’re looking for.
I originally did the FAQ as a MS Word document, however, GameFAQs converts everything into a very generic text format that doesn’t allow for underlining and/or bold-typing. The best thing you can do is use the ‘Find’ function to quickly go to what you’re looking for.
Unfortunately, that’s going to become even more difficult once I update the FAQ to specifically label what crossups and combos work on specific characters.
Still…I did arrange everything according to the Table Of Contents, so if you follow that, you’ll find what you’re looking for. It is a lot of information to sort through, though, I will admit.
You’re welcome and thanks for the compliment. I’m glad it helped…'cause that’s what it’s supposed to do.
I originally did the FAQ as a MS Word document, however, GameFAQs converts everything into a very generic text format that doesn’t allow for underlining and/or bold-typing.
is there anyway that you could set stars or something around each character’s name?
for example. something like that just so you could find each character better. or even large gaps between the names of each character ie:
just so each character can be found easily. just a suggestion.
Against Honda, Hand Slaps keeps me out when I’m close and Head Butts keep me out from afar (though I just watch a video and I think standing jab might stuff headbutts). I also know I need to not get too close. I’ve been tick thrown too many times to keep track. I usually try to rush Honda until he’s in the corner. Once he can’t back up, I can keep rushing until he’s dead.
Chun Li is similar. Lightening Legs keep me out really well. I find that decent players will know spacing well enough that they can jump around and I can’t punish with Headbutt. Should I punish with dashing straight? I also fall for poking mind games a lot, but I’m guessing that’s something I’ll be able to better defend against with more experience. I use a similar strategy as the one I use for Honda. Try to pin her in the corner.
I like to Fence against Honda. He’s too fat to keep up with Rog’s in & out speed, plus range. Honda’s standing Hk is long though…and bothersome. But i’ve gotten to the point where i can feel when they are gonna use it.
…:wonder: I’ve pretty much come up with the idea of fencing Honda to death as a Fei user. So although Rog cant go in & out as fast as Fei, and has 100 jump frames, “stick and move” is an option.
So mix in the standing and crouching Fp with TAPs, to catch Honda on that Hk sweep.
Since no one of reputable Boxer skill has responded yet…
Thanks to the blue boxes on Honda’s HHS being moved forward, you should be able to jab him out of it. That being said, throwing out jabs whenever you think the Headbutt or HHS is coming out is a viable option. Other than that, I think you’re right on target with staying on him until he’s outta there.
Back when I played SNES SSF2, one thing I made sure to get good at is punishing jumps with the Dashing Uppercut. I find that this punishes Chun Li’s jumps very well if you do it early and your spacing with each version is on point. Of course, you need to do it early if you want to get a clean hit against her jumping short and jumping forward kicks. You gotta make her land on it. It’s another good option to have along with the Buffalo Headbutt.
In general, I think Boxer’s optimal range is a little inside his standing fierce range. This range gives you the option of either smacking them with standing fierce, shuffling forward a step and hitting them with crouching strong (which is both an excellent move to link other moves from and…therefore…and excellent tick starter), or jumping at your opponent and starting something there. All of the above is…of course…if you don’t have a charge. Once Boxer’s got his moves charged, well…he ain’t top tier for nothin’.
Against good players after I buffalo through fb’s they through me as soon as I land wtf I’m having a hard time against this walkup throw strat lol I think spacing is a part of it too because I notice this only works at a specific distance. Counter throwing has not worked once yet.
So i still have problems dealing with good (heck they might even be bad and I just suck that much) turtle Hondas. So, I know I can use rapid jabs to defend against head butts. But what if Honda has the life lead and his a good distance away and decides to hand slap? My difficulties now lie in getting in on Honda when he’s 1/2 to full screen away. I’m afraid to walk in and poke because I might eat a headbutt. Can I use properly spaced rushes? I’ve tried psychic buffalo headbutts, but that’s not really a good idea against people who bait those out.