My Most Violent Shot: The Frank West combo thread

got level 4 with dorm and chun assits using the bnb combo.
i feel like theres a better alternative to chun though =/ and i dont want to use dante as well, not really me.

anyways still thinking of new stuff, i already love frank west, once hes at least level 4 he’s gdlk

Ok guys as much as we know frank can get lvls in various ways, lets get down to the REAL stuff now. So from wat we are seeing Frank’s bnb revolves around which assist he has to lvl him up.
I know this the wrong section but Can u guys talk about Frank approaches with your assist seeing how he can’t work alone.

Mine is Spencer’s straight grapple assist, so from wat we know Frank has a safe block string with spinning zombie.
But my strat is to use slow grabbing zombie and spencer grab to pull them to the zombie, while that is going on which will be like 1.5-2 sec i will be wavedashing doing my blockstring or jumping and doing knee drop.

Ghost rider wall bounce assist for roll mix ups when i get to higher lvls…

Wat do u guys think…

Got a pretty damaging mid-screen combo for Level 4 or higher Frank:

j:m:, :d::m:, :h:, :d::h:, :s:, j:m: j:m:, j:h:, j:qcf::l:, j:s:, land, up to three wave-dashes, :qcf::h:, :s:, j:m:, j:m: (1 hit), j:h:, j:s:, land, :dp::h:, :qcb::atk::atk:

Does a little over 700k damage at level 4 and over 760k in level 5, and it worked on Rocket Raccoon so I imagine it works on anyone. Smaller characters require more strict timing on the air combo portions, and they seem to require three wave-dashes to reach after the first jS instead of two, so that can be tricky as well. If you have trouble, just omit the j qcf+L.

I think diagonal assist is better. You can us it to prevent people from jumping as your Frank is closing in the gap. It also lets you combo into the grab zombie itself and makes comboing out of the assist easier in general compared to horizontal grapple. As for appraching with him, you want to use :m:'s a lot. Any lvl, :m: is probably his best normal for starting combos. I also use GR’s wall bounce assist and it is quite effective for the mix ups/combos. The wallbounce is really useful for Frank, and has good range when Frank is still in low lvl’s.

In the corner with lvl1 or 2 frank you can launch, j.h, batter up, j.h on the way down, relaunch. The trick is to delay the cancel from the first j.h to the bat. My corner bnb for lvls 1 and 2 is l m h s, j.m j.m j.h qcf h, s, j.h, batter up, j.h, s, j.m j.m j.h j.s, and then finish it with your best method for getting in multiple snapshots. Does 472k without any finisher.

Another thing I noticed is that his s.m in lvl4+5 has very good range, but you can’t combo off of it from a certain distance. The best way to combo off of a long range s.m is to cancel it into m. roundhouse, qcf h and then the rest of your combo.

Can you slide after his M?

If you hit with the tip the slide won’t even connect, you have to use m roundhouse. If you hit with the VERY tip, even the roundhouse doesn’t combo.

Just something I made up:

Lv 4 combo on Big/Tall(er) chars:


Lv 3 Combo on Small(er) Chars:


Ignore the fuck ups on that one. lol

So apparently I have to learn Dante to be successful with Frank.

They definitely have good synergy, but I’m sure the combo is possible with other assists instead of Jam Session (perhaps unibeam? Doom rocks?).

Ahhh godlike I just got it down, excellent combos. Timing the axe as you come down from the sj is similar to doing the skrull isedelica loop, so it felt quite familiar.

Using Ghost Rider and Frank have a mid-screen combo for mid-size and large characters that builds a meter and gets you to Lvl 4 as long as you start with one, so this can be your first combo out of the gate. (haven’t learned how to type notations yet (i.e. lazy) so bear with me.
cr.l, cr.m, cr. h, S, m, h, L tools, m, L tools, H, down+H (dive kick), Ghost Rider wall-bounce chain assist, OTG H Tools, dash, cr.h, s, h, s, Team Super, snapshot does around 720,000

Maybe I am not too late to join briefly. A solo combo for Frank West. Builds one bar and gets Frank to Lv.3 status. (Hyper at the end is Optional)


This combo is in the guide lol, still a really good one, definitely useful for getting to level 3 without an assist.

I don’t think I saw notations that fit this combo, unless I just read the other posts wrong. But whatever then, it’s still something though for using him for about 45 minutes.

I did a similar combo last night using Ghost Rider’s Hellfire assist.

Here’s some Frank West combos by Desk.



Second combo= 1’286’800 Damage.

I meant the official UMVC3 strategy guide. Like I said though, it wasn’t posted here so good post! :smiley:

Hey guys, I found this combo with assist that build 1 bar and gets you to lvl 4

This combo works too with Dr. Strange’s eye of agamotto, Ryu’s and Akuma tatsumaki assist and Dante’s weasel shot and jam session. Also, with Ryu you are a like 5 pp away from lvl 5.

I hope this is useful <3

So after a bit of work I found a combo for Frank, Thor, Sentinel to get to lvl 4. I believe that this combo actual opens up thor to almost all assists getting him to lvl 4 as long as you have sentinel assist.

cr.l, cr.m, st.h, cr.h, s, j.m,m xx qcf+l ~ m, qcf+l, ~ h,d+h dash, otg camera + thor, dash, st.s, jump h s, dash back+thor xx qcf+2attack, camera (you can super here as well but pretty meh damage)

if you around midscreen you can actually not dash back and just do call sentinel, otg camera xx super and frank runs far enough ahead of the drones that you can still juggle another camera for 3 camera shots total.

Also I do jump m,m xx qcf+l because it seems to work better on smaller characters like wolverine then m,h.