My 1st fight stick mod

Hey everyone, name’s Tao.

Just got into fighting games this summer. Played them as a kid but never actually got into them. So, I guess… I’m a noob. Anyways… lurked around the forum for some time and decided to actually post something.

Made a small vid of my very first fight stick. Modded it with Sanwa and Seimitsu parts. Used a MayFlash arcade stick. Here’s the vid:


Kind of long, kind of pointless. I actually had some snags along the way. Had no idea how to wire the JLF to the PCB, but eventually figured it all out. The stick isn’t the prettiest thing in the world but it works great.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy the video. But if not… well I guess I suck then.

But you’re not a Noob Ninja. :blush:

Piece of pants.
Rubber Pete.

Man, I want the Sanwa JLF Box.
I never got Box with any of my JLF. :crybaby:

You’re cute.
And your Dad is cool.

There are two Mayflash PCBs.
One is Common Ground, the other is non-Common Ground.

2008 Mayflash is Common Ground, then the Joystick PCB does not need to be cut.
Even though there is a Ground and Signal for each Direction.
Just use one Ground wire.

But if your Mayflash is the 2009 one, then the Traces need cutting, like your Dad did.

Thanks for your kind post! I was worried I was going to get roasted here. Dang, that information about the Mayflash definitely would’ve been useful to know before we started modding. Hahaha, yeah, I didn’t think I was going to get a box at all after watching all the Sanwa vids on youtube. But, thanks much again!

That’s awesome, your dad did the mod for you!

My dad has lent me his drill and dremel + random hand tools when I modded my sticks!

Hahaha yeah, I was expecting him to just lend me some tools too. But I woke up one morning and he was already working on it.

Hopefully I’ll be able to mod my next stick myself, or at least make the case myself, either or, great learning experience.

your dad is awesome

You’re the man now dog! ^^

I definitely have to hand it to you and your dad for figuring out how to mod the stick yourself.

I used all of the resources available on the stick here on SRK and had some help from my brother who has experience in soldering when I modded my non-common ground 2009 Mayflash stick and I found it to be a very easy and rewarding experience.

Mounting the joystick took a bit of figuring out since I wanted the stick at the proper 24mm mounting height but I didn’t want to drill any new holes in the case, so I reused the plastic white square from the stock stick as a spacer between the panel and the stick base. Your dad went and made a mounting plate out of plexiglass which is pretty damn cool.

Thx, he’s loving all this praise, hahaha. <3 ytmnd.

Agreed fokkusuhaundo, I actually… did not know the proper height was 24mm, thanks for that bit of information, we basically just eyeballed everything, lol.

Wow, big props to you and your dad. Crazy how he figured everything out without any resources.

Yeah, I was incredibly worried when he started cutting the tracings on the JLF. But, he was an eletrical engineer so I guess I should’ve had more faith in him, lol. As I said before, definitely should’ve been more active here before we started modding, would’ve saved like 3 hours of unneeded wiring.

lol i commented on the vid but damn man u gotta cook somethin for ur dad or somethin he completly OWNZZZ!!

Lol good idea. I might bake him a cake in the shape of a fight stick or something.

Oh wow, you and your Dad did not use the Thread in Tech Talk?

At first I thought that would be.
But you knew much about Sanwa JLF and Seimitsu PS-14-KN.
Also about the 30mm and even the mounting thing for Joystick.
And for you even said that you used to be the lurking here on SRK.

You had to have seen this Thread if you lurked.

But good stuff.

I actually got the idea from another site (

Yeah, I wanted to make myself sound relatively clever by listing out the full name of the Sanwa and Seimitsu parts, lizardlick helped me out with that, lol.

Don’t know why I didn’t check more *indepthly *about the wiring. I think I did read that thread but since everyone said it was easy I figured we wouldn’t need any guidance so we just winged it, pretty much.

Regardless. Thanks, everyone for the awesome comments. I’ll stop bumping my own thread now, have a happy neoyear everyone!

Nice vid man.

Nice vid! I had a few laughs here and there.

Yea me too. Great stuff!!

Nice job, your dad is awesome :rofl:

Good job, enjoyed watching the vid :wink: