MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

If the rumors about MvcI shutting down in October are true, then I’ll probably stop supporting Capcom, Marvel, and EVO all together. Ever since the Evo announcements theres been a lot of finger pointing, people trying to cover their ass, and too many unanswered questions.

We honestly deserve better than this.


I tried that but sadly all of the other fighting games on the market that aren’t made by Capcom are not enjoyable for me at all apart from T7, even for IPs I actually like (DBZ). But hey, there’s always Soul Calibur 6!

Time to revive the thread by saying Combo Breaker top 8 was godlike.


Capcom needs to revive this damn game.


Just replace surge and with a new decent assist mechanic. Keep the storm!!

the surge made the game feel different in the core idea of building teams that change the overall consequences and priority.

You are your own assist, bro.

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Anyone short of a Major Denvers costume code just hit me up. I never used mine.

I sincerely think that this game should not be supported at all. “Is it Marvel’s fault… is it Capcoms?” why does any of that matter. We got a half made-underwhelming game. Just everything about it shows there was just no passion for the fans who followed this series (us).

As much as i love this game and thought combo breaker was godlike, I just think it is wrong to support this game unless we hear that Capcom hasn’t ditched it.

E3 is coming up. If nothing shows then it is time to just move on and let go of MVC to show them that they can’t just do stuff like this.

I totally agree. But ask yourselves this? Has marvel or capcom supported this game at all in the months after the dlc? THEY ALREADY STOPPED SUPPORTING IT. This game is pretty much a community sponsored game, and again, it’s pretty shitty that neither capcom nor marvel has said shit knowing there’s a community for this game waiting for something,anything from them. The first months I was like ok they’re gonna announce something big in the coming days, then weeks, now months. Not even a “hey we apologize but we’ll stop supporting this game now”, I mean they did that already but are too much of cowards to say it clearly. I love this game, I play it still whenever o have time, but to start this game knowing that the devs are shit then it leaves a bad taste. I don’t know man WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY WAITING FOR NOW??

If you have fun playing a game, why would you move on from it lol? Makes no sense


If I’m playing a video game I’m not doing it solely to support whoever makes it. I’m playing it because I enjoy it. Supporting companies for games solely for the sake of supporting the company rather than if you enjoy the game or not is stupid. I like SFV, I like MVCI, I like Tekken 7. I’ll play those games and therefore support them. That’s not because I’m a CapCuck or whatever the Namco equivalent is. It’s because that’s what I like playing right now.

Meanwhile I won’t support SF30th because all you get is a shitload of ROMs when I already had Fightcade for that, and they didn’t even add Trials/Demos so that anyone completely new could figure out what the optimal V-ism paths are, or Redizzy combos in HF. It just strikes me as something oldheads could brag about being good at again saying that these noobies are spoiled by accessibility even though if the Trials/Demos from SFV or even SF3SO were present in 30th Anni games, the gap would close mad quick. The best bet any newcomers have to cracking those eggs would be through the SRK wikis. Capcom can EAD for that one.

More content would be sweet, but given how countless Marvel games have been utter tripe especially since Disney took over and the horror stories I’ve heard from devs who have worked with them in the interim even apart from what Tyrant stated, I think MVCI balance wise and mechanics is in a really good spot if this is what we’ve landed on. Despite the game being crazy decadent, it’s shockingly balanced and the way they handled hit deterioration makes the game harder to break than typical games of this style.

SFxT and a lot of older games speak to how you can still play a game regardless of the drama or it dying. People played Marvel 3 long after support died (which really the support was only like one year longer than Infinite’s).

Uhm not playing it is not going to
“show them.” It just furthers the idea that well fuck
that didn’t work. Lets not do that again.

In other words the damage is done. If you like the
game you play it.

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mainly because this game is a half assed made game and it’s from a long time series with a decade old fan base. You stop playing it because they don’t care about what you’ve spent for or even the support you gave through out the years. Even if it is fun or not there are somethings that should be deemed moral and that is not allowing yourself to give time to something that never had any care about it at all.

It’s a fun game but we all have to be honest as to how much this is an insult to what we’ve been fans about for a long time. If they don’t want to care enough about their product or care enough about the fans then we should return the favor.

Life’s too short to not do what you enjoy. No reason to worry about nonsense

But this is different. You can really feel the lack of care in this game which you don’t really feel in SFxT and MVC3. UMVC3 didn’t get any support but it didn’t need it. The game was so well done that so many new things were shown every tournament. There was always new tech and new teams. UMVC3 was so fluid that it even went against the theory fighting because we saw teams that nobody would dream of being successful on paper: Iheartjustice, Kaneblueriver, ryanlv, ageojoe… none of their teams would have been even theorized of beasting top tier teams. Due to that there was no need for support… I bet UMVC3 right now could still be dissected to this day.

MVCI needs more than SFxT and UMVC3 ever did. The feel of it is so unfinished and so lazy.

Still fun, though.

Not that different. Pretty solid game overall and still beating some hollywood ass games for entrants at events. Space stone is a bit too strong but there’s definitely a good variety in tournaments and because of the tag system there’s a lot of variety to make a team your own team. People whined about Marvel 3 and SFxT also, but people kept playing them. People always gonna bitch.


Day 262

People still have hopes for updates/patches/whatever coming to MVCI

I wonder if it’ll take a full year of nothing new for them to abandon the idea?

But they key difference between MVCI and all of those games are the political bars around it. Also, SFxT isn’t a good example because it was a garbage game that only a few people played; it was easier to give Capcom a pass because their failure record wasn’t where it is now.

I am aware that people whined about UMVC3 but even you know that it had barely any negatives as obvious as this game.