MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Maybe they are waiting for the Fox deal to finalize this summer. After that, they should have the green light without second thoughts.

It also coincides with almost a year since release.


here we go again

Last Record Update 	about 8 hours ago (May 12, 2018 – 03:47:55 UTC)
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I’ve said this several times already:

Nothing about the actual movie studio deals have any effect on this game. The MCU focus was an aesthetic decision, they could have had X-Men day 1.

If updates were predicated on the big integration, we wouldn’t get anything til 2020 - even Kevin Feige has to wait til then to play with XM and FF.

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This witch hunt for this game has to end. I don’t think people understand the situation. Capcom can put X-men in the game, Marvel won’ let them. Not because of licensing, since Marvel owns comics and game rights, but because Marvel’s game/comic arm are petty.

I’ve been following this mess for about 5 years (As long as I’ve been collecting Marvel comics). Marvel didn’t just get rid of X-men from games, they actively tried to destroy them in the comics. It was honestly a pain since I only collected X-books and they were dead a few months after A vs X. Did Marvel give up in this endeavour? Yes they did. Does that mean Marvel is gonna let Capcom put X-men in the game over the MCU and Captain Marvel? Nope. Would X-men have come as DLC? Maybe, despite everyone complaining, Capcom did put all the current big names from comics in the game. It’d be the bottom of the barrel if they didn’t use X-men. They would probably have been in season 3. We can only the rumbling that’s happening on Steam is a relaunch. If not, whatever 6 characters that was for season 2 is all we’re gonna get and there’s no X-men here.

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You got to let this go.

This game is scheduled to be shut down (removed from steam) around Oct 2018. When Marvel says they are shutting down something, they will shut it down. They will probably release like 3 or 4 new characters but it’s still going to be pitiful.

I was unbanned a bit too late.

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I know this is going around for several months now but is there actually a legit source for this? seems all these articles and forum threads about this are based on a supposed leak from the steam forums. which I wouldn’t be surprised is an elaborate troll attempt considering all the “this game is dead” threads there. even the term “shutting down” seems suspicious because MvCI simply uses the the infrastructure the platform is providing, in other words Steamworks, PSN and XBLive. worst thing that can happen is that the game gets delisted because their Marvel license expires but multiplayer is unaffected from this. which would actually be a good reason for Capcom to still make some money with the game before they aren’t able to sell it anymore.

The whole shutting down thing maybe skeptical but there is just too many factors that make it look true. We’ve seen tweets from people who worked as game testers to the ones involved in the character trailers, even james chen. All of the expressed the one sided and unprofessional attitude Marvel had in this collaboration. Then the whole not at Evo. These other details in regards to the treatment of the game makes me believe that it is going to get booted out by October.

Fact is, even if they release the remaining DLC characters it’s not going to do much but just give a 3 month span of happiness. The game needs a serious update in everything and has to make a big u-turn to what this series was known for.

People can say they prefer 2v2 but I think the whole 3v3 was what made Marvel more enjoyable, along with the Pantheon characters (Mags, Sentinel, Storm, Wolverine, Doom, Strider). The whole culture of Marvel is just not felt at even 50% through this game. I think for games that have a long meta-game, it is almost bad to just to leave the culture that came with it. I don’t see the changes as “trying something different” but laziness and bad decision making, honestly.

Would you think Marvel really cares to help support a huge u-turn for this game by releasing an “Ultimate” that fixes all these mistakes? Hopefully… but what reason do we have to believe?

Also, if i was unbanned earlier a lot of things could have been different… you have to remember, it was my great posts that elevated the MVC3 scene. Instead, not only did the community get trolled by a bunch of fake leakers like Ryce from NeroGaf and the other two fakes from Gfaqs and twitter, but the main FG online arena - SRK almost went out of business. Luckily I arrived to save the site, but it was too late for this game.

why does it need to make a u-turn? I just hope for some more content. that’s really it for me. I don’t think they can turn it around into a big commercial success or even a significant factor in the FGC. but there is a community for this game and the gameplay is still Mahvel unlike DBFZ or BBCTB. getting some new content and then playing the game for the next few years is fine with me. and it wasn’t much different with MvC3 where support for the game stopped with the Ultimate release. of course it was more popular to begin with but the support stop didn’t cause the community to drop the game.

btw, some new shady rumors about an announcement at E3:

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I agree with that GojiraSan guy. A graphics update in the works being the reason this version of the game isn’t at Evo makes sense to me, since no one would want to go back to this look after a superior one is shown.

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but the game is at evo. as a sidetournament which even gets stream time.

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because it is too different. Everything about it is just to distinct that barely any of the culture of MVC is recognized. Even the music is so different (and bad) just look at Strider’s theme and Spiderman’s. The hell is that?

oh that guy from gfaqs is fake.

True, but that was decided recently. I meant on the main stage back when the lineup was announced.

New update this morning, the biggest change is that loading times have been DRASTICALLY reduced and that annoying Denuvo was removed.

The lights are back on, time to get the fires going once more in the lab and resume the distribution of crack!

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I don’t even care about visuals anymore. Non-factor at this point. Give me characters, give me pair play, more colors for everyone, that’s it.


The update for Marvel just hit PS4 as well.


Behold the most recent list of most wanted crack distributors taken from the offices of the ArcSissies.

I wouldn’t be happy about this yet. The only thing that happened was Denuvo was removed which makes me think that they removed it so they can stop paying them. For all these months, this is it… a Denuvo removal and nothing else?

it seems according to p Pyschoblue that the new patch reduce the loading times. so guess it loads faster.

Here’s hoping this patch paves way for an announcement, hopefully at E3.

That could be because there were seeds of Denuvo with in the consoles. Some games had that in where Denuvo , regardless of the pc version, still affected the consoles in a manner.

When you think of it. There was just no announcement or even notes about it, and for the last couple of months when people have verbally attacked them because of no news, you’d think that maybe this latest one should be more and also point out that they are still working on the game?

There is just barely any reason to believe it’s all for a big update on the way. So to me, it’s like they removed it because they don’t want to pay for it anymore…

Also, this has been stated to be removed from steam on October.